Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 445 The time of death has come

"I suddenly thought of a question." Rorschach frowned as he was about to step into the portal.

Kano now attaches the highest importance to this disciple: "What's wrong?"

"I learned from ancient books that the Lord of Order has sealed the spells above the ninth ring by some means. Is it true?"

"Master Feuerbach also said this." Kano nodded: "But the reaction of the super-level magic on the Tree of Truth is what I saw with my own eyes. We can only accept this reality. We can't know the Lord of Order's means. It may be that the seal is loose, or there may be super-level magic outside the seal."

Kano doesn't believe that the gods can cover the sky with one hand, and the power of the Lord of Order has declined. It is not difficult to find out from the various signs last year, and it is also clear from the current significant reduction in the scope of influence of the church.

"Are you saying that there are other gods behind the scenes?" Kano looked at Rorschach and quickly shook his head: "In any case, we will only know when we go there."

Poincare, Caroline and Snow stayed in Valuvana. Even if Kano made a decision and took the "key combat force" Rorschach to the Moncado Fortress, which was the most likely place for the spellcasting, the Republic's brain and heart could not afford to make mistakes.

When the master and apprentice appeared outside the Moncado Fortress, the ceremony had already started. The busy National Guard had not noticed anything unusual, but in the eyes of the two spellcasters, negative energy had already surged and spread from the center of the fortress, sweeping the army and the nearby capital of the Condi Region.

Those marked and locked by negative energy were all stained with purple-black light in [Arcane Vision], except Kano and Rorschach, whose spiritual light strongly resisted erosion.

There were about 30,000 people left in the capital of Condi, and at least 60,000 main National Guards in the fortress and the camp. Kano estimated and snorted coldly: "What a big deal." After confirming the location of the spellcasting, Kano sent a message to Poincare who stayed in the capital, notifying them to come as soon as possible.

The source of the ceremony was easy to find, just underground in the fortress.

"It's not smart to have protection." Kano went straight to warehouse No. 1 and violently blew up the floor tiles, revealing the barrier set by the master of necromancy.

Pascal and Paul entered by accident, or because they took advantage of the "invitation" issued by the chief of the army to Richard, the two bad guests who came now would naturally be turned away.

The quartermaster wanted to stop the intruder who destroyed the fortress without reason. The other party seemed to be a mage, but the mage had to follow the rules of the army. The quartermaster was about to say this, but fell down.

The extraction of life has begun, and even Rorschach and Kano's aura can't resist the "suction". They found themselves in a weak state. If it is concrete, it means that life is "-1s" rapidly.

The brick seams of the warehouse suddenly became soft, and the upper and lower bricks opened like eyelids, revealing human eyes: "Kano. Haha, you've been eating your fill in the social arena, but you haven't seen any decent results in more than ten years."

After mocking in the secret room, the necromancer immediately released the [Space Anchor] to prevent the enemy from teleporting in, and at the same time, he used some of his accumulated power to set up three more barriers.

"Why is the spiritual fire weaker after adding 'firewood'?" The necromancer noticed that the energy of the blood pool did not increase with the addition of Pascal and Paul. He frowned slightly and then quickly relaxed. This was a trivial matter. The ceremony had already begun and could only continue.

The "suction force" was getting stronger and stronger. After Kano discovered the space anchor, he planned to do the opposite, and cut and close the space where the core of the ceremony was located with the main material plane at the same time to isolate the influence of the spell.

But the terrifying influence of the super-level spell showed its fangs. At this time, the environmental magic power no longer even obeyed the dispatch of the great wizard Kano, and continued to "diligently" be the carrier of life, and the diffusion and transfer speed was accelerating exponentially.

The quartermaster, who lacked intrinsic magic power and was close enough to the core, was the first to be hit. His body had turned into ashes.

At the same time, the pile of flesh and blood in the secret room began to merge and deform, and the blood stains were restrained, gradually revealing a heroic man like a marble sculpture.

The master of necromancy admired the masterpiece with his burning eyes: that was the emperor's body at his peak, he was perfect and did not need the master to adjust it. Once this man is fully formed, the spread of the spell range will reach its maximum, and the speed of absorbing life will reach its peak.

In that moment, the emperor's enemies will be annihilated and become the cornerstone of the empire's eternity.

Feel honored! The master of necromancy is trembling.

At the same time, outside the secret room, Rorschach found a way to resist. He could only absorb the environmental magic that had been polluted into negative energy, endure the resentment, hatred and pain it brought, and resist his instinctive rejection. After inhaling, he called on the divine arts of Dryats to purify them before releasing them.

The mellow magic power propped up a small domain in the super-class magic, wrapping Rorschach and Kano inside, so that the great wizard finally had room to cast spells.

"Teacher, let me prepare the spell."

Kano immediately gave up the plan to divide the secret room space and chose to cooperate with Rorschach to protect the students who were preparing.

It's almost done, it's almost done.

The master of necromancy looked forward to seeing the masterpiece take shape. This was the gift he prepared for the emperor, a body that could never age or die. Now only the ankle is left

The spell in the original record can only extend the life span of the current age group. In other words, without the improvement of the master of necromancy now, even if the spell is successfully cast, the great soul of the emperor can only be trapped in the old body of illness.

Your Majesty, you don't know, and you don't need to know how much I have done for you.

Suddenly, something he couldn't understand happened. A dazzling beam of light descended from top to bottom. When the light disappeared, only the top of the head and toes of the future emperor's perfect body were left.

The beam of light even penetrated the blood pool. At the edge of the dried pool, Pascal, confused and scared, dragged Paul, with mutated blood vessels exposed all over his body.

Then, without giving the enemy a chance to breathe, another ray of light descended, dispersing the frenzied energy and calming the restless souls and flesh.

"No! No, no, no!" The necromancer fell into the remaining flesh and blood, trying in vain to pick up some limbs. The inside and outside of the secret room lost the isolation of magical significance, and a skylight was opened. From the neat incision, the necromancer looked up and saw two faces that he could hate for the rest of his life.

"What did you do?!" Soon he lost his mind and his tattoos burst out: "Die for me, I want your souls."

Kano didn't waste words and tore the clamoring necromancer into pieces from the spatial level.

However, the roar still echoed in the secret room, and a thick black gas rushed out from the bottom to the top, revealing the face of the chief of the army. He rushed towards the two people, actually to escape - the body created by [Static Clone] was waiting for him.

At this time, the young man next to Kano, who he did not notice, took action.

"No, no no. No--!" These were the chief's last words. He deprived many people of their lives in the fortress, and finally paid the price with his own life.

A new portal appeared, and Poincare and others arrived.

"Is it over?" The follow-up personnel were a little surprised. Paulina was the first to discover that Pascal was lying under the breach. His bloody and miserable appearance almost made Paulina faint.

While treating and rescuing others, Poincare looked around: "Where is Rorschach?"

"Maybe he went to confirm the situation outside." Kano replied.

Rorschach and Richard, who was about to be transformed into a zombie, disappeared near the secret room together.

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