Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 446 Back to one year ago

Outside the fortress, many soldiers were lying in all directions. They were only washed by negative energy. Although the source disappeared, their condition was still not restored.

Among them, only Rorschach stood up. He put down the stiff Richard. At this time, the old classmate seemed to have been lying in the grave for a long time. After the disappearance of the necromancer, the corpse transformation was not lifted.

If Richard adopted the policy of "shut up and don't resist" in front of his teacher, now he was pouring beans, chattering all the time, telling Rorschach everything that happened in the fortress.

Finally, he lay at the foot of the wall and said weakly: "Say sorry to Bart for me for not replying to his wedding invitation. Is the bride beautiful? Are he and his family doing well?"

"Very well, that kid is living a very happy life now." Rorschach thought Richard was seriously injured at first and tried to treat him with magic. But he didn't expect that the effect of "resurrection" would go on, and Richard immediately showed great pain.

"No way, you have become an undead creature?" Rorschach quickly stood in front of him to block the sunlight.

"It's already like this. Burn me to ashes and send me home so they won't find out." Richard stiffly took off the nameplate and armband and wanted to give them to Rorschach.

"Hey, don't give up on yourself so easily." Rorschach took out the cane from the ring and began to prepare the [Reversal Ray], and shot it at his good brother as soon as possible.

"This is the work of the Necromancer. By the way, how is the chief?" Richard was worried that the chief with the army would continue to cause trouble and find Rorschach, but judging from the driving just now, Rorschach also had strong reinforcements with the same combat power.

"Are you talking about the tattooed bald man? He shouldn't have a chance to find you again."

Richard was unbelievable at first, then squinted his eyes and re-examined Rorschach in the backlight. There was no change in his appearance. If you have to say it, it's just that his hair is longer and the lines of his facial features are clearer.


"Dead." Rorschach was very sure that the process of the Necromancer's transfer of body and rebirth was interrupted by himself, and at the same time, his soul dissipated and returned to the overflow of the Creator. If he was more ruthless, he could just use the [Reversal Ray] to stop the opponent's reincarnation spell, and then immediately use the [Enlightenment] of the necromancy system to collect the opponent's residual soul and stuff it into any container to enslave him.

Rorschach only used [Forbidden Magic Scream] because he was a kind man.

"Who killed him? He is a great wizard who is good at necromancy."

"It's not absolute, but his soul did dissipate in front of me and other wizards. Among those who did it, there was a great wizard." Rorschach didn't want to dwell on this issue. Even if the necromancer could still survive, the Arcane Senate would kill him.

Richard accepted this statement for the time being: "That's great, at least for a while, the chief can't bother you. Rorschach, you have to seek shelter as soon as possible, be careful."

Richard's voice became weaker and weaker, and the functions of other parts of his body gradually stopped. The dense negative energy attacked the last position, the residence of Richard's soul. His pupils gradually enlarged and a red light lit up in the depths.

"Kill me now"

"Okay." Rorschach raised his hand and pointed the tip of his cane at his former classmate, Richard, who was about to become a zombie. Seeing Rorschach's determination, Richard smiled with relief.

".Don't get me wrong, I mean the magic to save you is ready."

Richard couldn't understand what Rorschach was doing or what was happening to him. The blue spots on his body began to disappear, the negative energy was restored to pure magic, and the blood color gradually returned to the surface of his body. During this period, his consciousness gradually blurred and he fainted.

Although Rorschach was using the [Reversal Ray], this was the first time it was used on a human target, and it was still to reverse the magic that had been cast for an unknown period of time.

There was also an unexpected and unavoidable problem: the spell was based on the caster's state of tracing back to the caster's target, that is, the final effect of the spell was based on the influence in the caster's mind, and Rorschach hadn't seen Richard for more than a year!

It was unknown whether it would succeed or what state it could traverse to.

He saw Richard fall asleep. If he hadn't seen him come back to life, Rorschach would have really worried that he had cured Richard.

Looking at Richard's smooth and handsome face, Rorschach wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Great, even if he can't wake up, he can be buried beautifully and intact. No, how can I have such an idea?"

It must be the pollution of negative energy! Rorschach forcefully absorbed and transformed it at that time, which made him sick. Yes, it must be.

Next, he can treat the soldiers. Rorschach did not stop. He planned to directly open the field containing the power of "resurrection" to give some blood back to the unlucky guys who were staggering.

Unexpectedly, there was one more "person" standing beside him, and it was the source of Rorschach's mastery of the power of resurrection.

"Why are you here?"

Druyats appeared outside the Moncado Fortress, which surprised Rorschach. Is this the limited-time return of the old characters? Although he recognized him immediately, it was obvious that the temperament of this god was different now.

The first time he saw Him, it was still a deer head that was indistinguishable between male and female. When he first returned, he actually showed a powerful male incarnation, and the last time he left, he was a forest girl like a fawn.

Now, He is even more beautiful, even more sacred and unapproachable. Although He looks like a human woman, His temperament is closer to the deer-headed form that Rorschach first saw, and His eyes are more mature and majestic. At this time, His glowing hair seems to be infinitely long, falling and extending until it merges with the earth.

It seems that His power is much stronger than before.

"If I want to walk on the earth and survive, I need permission. If I want to get a promise, I need to do something for the promiser." Dryats not only changed his temperament back to the shape of a deer, but his tone and grammar similar to those of ancient elves also changed to the past. Get closer.

"I still think your way of saying things should keep pace with the times." Rorschach boldly suggested.

"Ahem. As you wish." Unexpectedly, God followed suit and his voice returned to that of a girl: "If you save your friend like this, his current physical condition will return to at least a year ago. Before, he should have been at the level of an intermediate mage. After taking action, my spellcasting ability may be temporarily reduced."

Rorschach was shocked: "Then his memory"

"The memory is bound to the soul, and it will not be easily erased by you. It is only the body that is traced back. Of course, he needs to practice again to restore the magic power and control in his body to the level of an intermediate mage before he can use the highest level of magic he has ever mastered. Level magic.”

Alas, my good brother will not blame me for this sequelae. Rorschach immediately thought: "Why are you here? To help soldiers and civilians affected by necromancy magic recover?"

There are probably only more powerful gods who can summon gods, and Rorschach can only think of one. The Lord of Order really loves humans and Valois deeply, and even if they are like this, they will let foreign aid help them.

"No, I have no time to consider that Condy's disaster is not over yet."

After Dryacs finished speaking, he began to release his divine power. The wilderness that had been burnt by the war returned to its original green color of spring and summer. However, soon, a more powerful force burst out from the center of the fortress and once again swept inside and outside the fortress and the city. .

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