Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 447 Threat

"Come again?" Rorschach was startled.

The area around Dryuyats was like a highland in a flood. He tried his best to protect those who were covered by his divine power and expanded the domain little by little. The performance was that grass leaves and flowers were also stimulated on the outer wall of the fortress.

But the power of the other side was more violent and faster. In an instant, it spread out a larger area than the necromancer had ever created, and continued the process of extracting life.

While resisting the emerging power, Dryuyats said: "Aleiman, an apprentice of the Arcane Tower, discovered the fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls and showed a talent for the necromancy system.

"The then chief of the Arcane Tower, Rogge, judged that Aleiman violated the ancient book management regulations in the tower and expelled him. Aleiman firmly believed that he was expelled because he was good at necromancy.

"He was not considered a threat at the time, but he found other parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls with great difficulty through clues from the fragments, which recorded some of the magic of ancient arcanists, including the only one that is still effective now, [Islem Immortality].

"The above is the information I got, and then I can tell you what I originally knew:" Dryuyats paused, strengthened his output, and a large tree covered with blue fluorescence broke out of the bricks of the fortress wall, but then the concrete filthy power took the upper hand, and black sticky pus flowed out of the cracks.

Dryyats speeded up: "As early as the era when immortality was invented, the god of death chose the arcanist Islem to "cooperate", actually using him to fight with other gods. This arcanist who stood at the top of the spellcaster received the favoritism and secret help of the god of death, so that he could develop such a magic that destroyed the balance and transcended the way of life and death.

"But the source of the power of the God of Death is also the Great Mother, the end of all things. You have seen many of His one-sided powers, including corruption, distortion, degeneration, and uncontrolled reproduction. Now you can see His death and reincarnation."

No, I don't want to see it.

The field that Dryats unfolded has the effect of recovery. Although the big trees that sprouted were shaky, at least the blue fluorescence they shook off fell on the wounded, which could make their situation better. But more people are without God's care, and their lives are still withering.

This withering is not to be annihilated immediately like the goal of [Longevity Technique], but to fall into a state between life and death. At the same time, on the battlefield, all the new and old victims "came back to life". Whether from life to death, or from death to life, they are all converging and mutating, and gradually transformed into the same existence.

"Since the war, Mother Earth has a lot of 'materials'. If it continues to develop, the entire northern Valois and the southwestern part of the empire will become the kingdom of the living dead, and continue to evolve and converge, providing a foundation for His return."

While Dryats was explaining, Rorschach took out a piece of paper and a pen to write a message to Richard, stuffed it into his underwear, and then asked: "I'm going to see the situation in the fortress. What suggestions do you have to stop Him?"

"You can try your best."

Rorschach hurried to the inside of the fortress and headed towards the secret room, but at this time the core of the fortress had melted into a pool of black water, and shapeless monsters kept emerging from it, which was quite similar to the evil spirits in the Black Forest.

The two great wizards were constantly harvesting monsters crawling out of the black melting pool, but they seemed endless.

At first, the power of Mother Earth suddenly emerged from the big pit shot by Rorschach, catching all the spellcasters off guard. Fortunately, the domain of Dryuyats temporarily supported a safe zone, preventing the spread of black water in one direction, giving the group a foothold and space to cast spells.

Now Kano has opened the temporary teleportation door, allowing Paulina and Snow to take away the two wounded, and he and Poincare are trying various methods.

"Rorschach!" Master Kano saw that Rorschach seemed to have seen hope again, and asked him to cast the spell quickly.

However, [Great Disintegration] hit the center of the molten pool, which can certainly evaporate the monsters created in it and make the "water level" drop visibly, but when the spell's rays disappeared, the black water immediately returned and tried to retaliate against Rorschach.

He chose to switch to [Forbidden Magic Scream], but it didn't work on the surging filthy divine power.

Is there no coverage band? Rorschach's spell only targets spellcasters, because it can interfere with most of the spell frequencies, but for divine spells, it obviously exceeds the spectrum of human spells, and the output power is not at the same level.

It can be said that he and the other two great wizards were fighting a death contest with the entire battlefield. If it weren't for the help of Dryuyats, the Mother Earth would have won an overwhelming victory.

So what to do? As long as the black water cannot be completely eliminated at one time, the remnants will immediately multiply and return. Kano thought that he could forcibly summon the Starlight Torch Tower to the original site of the Monkado Fortress and use the tower core to amplify Rorschach's [Great Disintegration], even if it means annihilating the entire fortress and building an expensive alchemy tower.

But this takes time and requires the cooperation of Valuvana. At present, the black water has entered a boiling state, and it is too late.

Rorschach was thinking about what happened in Istani. He was extracted by the ancient wizard from the rules of the previous world, and the order without magic and mystery was temporarily covered in this area to eliminate the possibility of further infiltration of the power of the Mother Earth.

But that was an operation completed entirely by the ancient sages. Even if he was only a remnant soul, his mastery of the arcane was beyond Rorschach's reach.

What did the old man do at that time? Rorschach was completely unable to reproduce it. Now it was like encountering a difficult question in an exam. He had clearly seen how the god of learning solved the problem, but because of his limited ability, he only remembered vague ideas, and could not remember any steps. Now he could not write at all.

Since he was in Byrne, Rorschach has always been confident in his strength. The fact that he easily cracked the super-level magic a moment ago also proved this confidence. But when he really faced the situation similar to what happened in the Black Forest and Shadow City again, Rorschach found that he could not do anything by himself.

The black water gushed out like magma in an erupting volcano, more and more. Rorschach's dissociation technique could only resist him and the two great wizards for a while, but could not change the process.

He was about to "close the paper", so he could only write the "solution" over and over again.

At this time, a shadow suddenly shrouded the fortress.

In the cabin of the flagship among the airships, the adjutant reported to the technical director: "Unit 3 has been charged. Sir, the anti-magic devices are now all ready and can be started at any time."

"Got it, I will issue an order immediately, you ask the power room and the pilot responsible for maintaining the airbag to do the final inspection." The bespectacled wizard pressed his hand on the lever of the operating table.

"Yes!" The adjutant left the command room. Now only the director was left, and the eagle that had boarded the airship at some point was said to be his new magic pet.

The director adjusted his glasses to confirm that he was not mistaken - looking down from the window of the command room, except for a corridor filled with blue-green light, other areas were all shrouded in black air, and strange surges could be vaguely seen. The fortress and the capital of Condy, which were shrouded in strange power, seemed to be dragged into the legendary underworld.

The imperial airship carrying the anti-magic device carefully sailed in the safe passage opened by Dryats and arrived above the fortress. This is also the real commission that Dryats received - to force the Empire's anti-magic device to intervene, and to ensure that the Empire's airships can reach the core area of ​​the outbreak when the Mother Earth infiltrates and breaks out.

The eagle turned into a human form, and it was Alexander von Humboldt, a mysterious lady who commissioned him. No matter "her" strength or the conditions she offered, he could not refuse. Of course, the master did not know that he had become an outsourcing of outsourcing.

Humboldt's big hand pressed on the technical director's shoulder: "Start all devices."

The technical officer among the military mages could only follow the order of the great wizard and immediately pushed the lever. The sharp sound of the flute resounded through the sky, and then five thick beams of light descended at the same time, engulfing the fortress.

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