Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 455: Recession

The apprentices of the Arcane Tower have suffered for a long time!

No apprentices from other colleges and the Mage Tower can understand the bitter tears of the apprentices of the Arcane Tower. The long school system is easy to delay graduation, and graduation is stuck from time to time.

It's simply abnormal.

Perhaps it has something to do with its extreme elitist concept and the name of "arcane" that is implemented in teaching. First of all, it assumes that all those who join the tower are little geniuses. If they are put outside, everyone with magical talent is indeed a "prodigy", but it requires all apprentices to be geniuses among spellcasters.

In the early stage, when they are six to fourteen years old, these apprentices can only be exposed to grammar, debate and speech, art and mathematics, collectively known as art, which is a practice inherited from ancient times. After completing this stage, they need to pass the assessment before they can go to school.

If a young man with magical talent has completed art education in other schools and can pass the exam, then the Arcane Tower also welcomes him to join.

So far, the teaching arrangement is not bad. Next, they get the status of formal apprentices and start to learn alchemy, magic circle geometry, mythology, history, and love wisdom. Their underdeveloped brains have been "poisoned" by some logos.

If they are possessed, they may keep saying "existence is everything, everything for existence" in the tower every day, which is probably useless.

Those who can pass the second stage of study are all proven geniuses! Only then will the professors select their favorite students and teach magic skills as unreservedly as possible. Yes, many apprentices have the opportunity to learn real spells only after they have survived the second stage, and there is also a prerequisite - being valued by the professor.

It is true that the best are selected from the best, but what about the rest? Some see the reality clearly. After failing to pass the assessment or not being selected by the professor, they simply enter the job market. After all, the apprentices who can survive the first two stages are already comparable to the college students in Munich and Wiltz. Some waste their youth.

Allowing apprentices to organize mutual aid associations and learn zero-ring tricks on their own in the second stage is the last mercy of the Arcane Tower.

If you can graduate, you are the elite among mages, and you can be promoted to the intermediate level at the minimum. If you can't, the Arcane Tower will let you stay for free until you are 28 years old. If you are over the age limit, you will be sent to society.

Rorschach doesn't understand. Can this be tolerated? Could it be that the core magic passed down from generation to generation in the Arcane Tower is called [PUA Dafa]? Such dark inside stories were only learned by various factories after they received disheartened apprentices one after another.

They are now following Andre to maintain the increasingly large-scale collectors and other magic structures.

When Rorschach interviewed the mental journey of these "losers", an apprentice said embarrassedly: "To be honest with you, coming to the factory is a helpless choice."

The magic guilds in the Kingdom of Byrne are the ones who provide a guarantee for the Arcane Tower, at least the treatment can maintain a good life. The apprentices who joined the earliest in the food factory period were "non-recyclable garbage" that the guild didn't want.

After all, those who came out of the Arcane Tower have some pride. Rorschach could understand it, too. In his previous life, when an engineering student said that he went to work in a factory after graduation, he either had tears in his eyes or laughed at himself helplessly. Manufacturing is really hard and tiring. It is difficult for the villagers to understand that a magic apprentice works in a factory. In everyone's simple professional concept, shouldn't he at least sit in an office in the city hall?

After Rorschach expressed his understanding, a straightforward boy told the truth: "In fact, the apprentices and mages of the Secret Tower have some doubts about you and Mage Bart. It's not against you, but the teaching level of the Empire's magic academy is not that high."

I don't know, so you think that all those who come out of the Royal School of Magic are fake, right? Although it is true that many students tend to choose the simplest and lowest level magic when choosing the magic for the regular examination, isn't it good to be recognized as a mage by the guild and the empire earlier? Isn't it good to graduate quickly? Now you can add one more thing, isn't it good to have a "spell cloud"?

And in terms of background, I have also been gilded from the Starry Tower, which is also one of the thirteen magic towers!

As time went by, the factories in the Special Zone expanded rapidly. Rorschach had money and planned to swing his pickaxe at the corner of the Arcane Tower. The pickaxe head was called "Magic Cloud", and the pickaxe handle was the simplest and most effective money.

It might not have worked in the past, but now the two sides have reached a point where one side is growing while the other is shrinking. It's time to put the black hand on the Arcane Tower and save the poor apprentices!

In Munich, a branch of the Magic Guild, Lucas was humming a song while looking at the newspaper.

There were a lot of "strange" contents in the newspaper, frantically testing the edge of offending the royal family, and some industrial news. Kempson Steel Plant added 12 blast furnaces, and the latest model of open-hearth furnace was introduced from the Empire. The Lanster Sugar Exchange listed a high-strength artificial fiber that can replace hemp.

He glanced casually and found a lot of good news in the country. As a member of the guild, he also knew that it was all related to a young man.

I remember that he only visited the Arcane Tower as a wizard of the Starry Tower before, and I led him on the way. I wonder if Rorschach still remembers me? It would have been better to make more friends at the beginning.

Are there any regrets? If so, Lucas just imagined the possibility, and soon he felt that the days of drinking tree root tea and reading newspapers were good.

There was another page with an advertisement, a recruitment information from the Special Zone, and it only wanted apprentices or mages from the Tower of Mysticism.

The salary was okay, but would anyone go? Lucas chuckled and put down the newspaper. He opened the necklace box, and there was a pocket-sized oil painting inside. In it, his wife smiled sweetly, and in the other one, it was a lovely daughter. The painter did some artistic processing on the hair volume of the child. In the past year, he has changed from an apprentice who sighed about dropping out of school to a reliable husband and a happy father.

The humming continued. Today was the day for payroll. He pushed down his ID card and walked towards the finance office.

"The door is unlocked. Please come in. Oh, it's Lucas." The lady in charge of finance was buried in a large number of files and bills. Even with the help of [Mage's Hand], she was still too busy. She cleverly used [Secret Seal] to classify and process different types of documents. The side effect was that different colors of fluorescence flashed everywhere.

"Yes, I'm here to collect this month's salary."

"Okay." The finance department stood up to open the safe. The accountant was also present to register, and then asked Lucas to press his fingerprint.

The hand that was about to press stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"The number is wrong." Lucas weighed the file bag. It was too light and thin. When he opened it, there were only twelve silver coins sandwiched in the brown paper bag.

He counted again in disbelief: "Only this? It's not enough to pay the salary of my servants!" Oh my God, he couldn't imagine how much anger this little money would cause his wife to roar, and then let the crying of the children fill the whole house.

"Then we should fire some servants, Mr. Lucas." The finance department said without even raising his eyelids: "As a Beta-level employee of the guild, this is all you get."

"No, no, no, we all know this is just on the surface. Where's my allowance? Look, I went on three field trips this month, and was also sent to the telegraph company and Grove Bank."

The finance department allocated another five silver coins and three copper coins: "Sorry, I forgot about the telegraph company. But other projects. Unfortunately, none of them made any money. This is the case for all employees."

Byrne's guild does not have as many subordinate companies as Valois. The main "cash cow" of the Tower of Mysticism and the guild is the banking industry. Unfortunately, due to the large-scale bankruptcy of workshops, the bank's bad debts are growing sharply, and the business is shrinking rapidly. The only positive income is the telegraph company jointly invested with Rorschach, and the investment in the Special Zone.

And that money must be used to protect the Tower of Mysticism first.

"Also, the HR department didn't find you before, so I'll let you know when I give you your salary: Mr. Lucas, due to the decline of our communication business, we won't need so many people in the guild in the future. You will enter the 'talent pool' next month, and after passing the assessment, you will be assigned to the Byrne Telegraph Company for a long time. It is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the necessary lightning magic and protective magic, as well as related knowledge."

"What if you don't pass the assessment?"

". Then you need to pay more attention to where talents are needed."

The trembling Lucas recalled the recruitment advertisement from the Special Zone, and now he can no longer laugh it off.

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