Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 456: Alchemist Returns

Lucas got into a fight at home and ended up living on the streets. He wanted to go to the beer hall, but he really didn't have any money left.

The newspaper he read during the trip before get off work became his life-saving straw. Lucas took the page with the recruitment information and found a private room in a restaurant based on the address above.

The waiter asked him to wait, and then a pot-bellied man slammed the door and came out with a red face. This made him feel even more uneasy.

When I entered again, I saw a young man in fancy and fashionable clothes sitting at the tea table. His face was handsome but somewhat feminine. Lucas was a little disappointed. He had also imagined that if the interviewer was Rorschach, then he could get close to him. How could he tell the interviewer that he had had a relationship with Rorschach now?

"I'm Valan, nice to meet you." He stretched out his hand to shake Lucas, and then motioned for him to sit down: "I think you should have seen the man just now? Don't get me wrong, he is not the interviewer. Mr. Lucas , welcome. Don’t have a resume?”

Lucas was speechless for a moment, but then he thought of a better way to say it: "As soon as I saw your recruitment advertisement, I came over immediately. Look, I can't stay in the guild for a day!"

Valen agreed with this statement. He just asked Lucas to prove that he worked in the magic guild and was an apprentice in the Tower of Mysteries.

After Lucas showed his work badge and the fading apprentice emblem, Valan immediately asked him to sign an agreement of intent, requiring Lucas to resign from the guild within five days:

"Now you will immediately receive three months' salary advance, totaling forty-two Golden Eagle coins. However, if you cannot resign from your original position within these ten days, you will need to pay double the liquidated damages."

When the heavy cowhide bag arrived, Lucas knew that he had lost the ability to refuse. His face was rosy, even the same as the last man who left the private room angrily, but that was proof of his joy and excitement: "Too You're so generous, sir, I can't believe it. Don't you want to investigate more, such as asking me to prove that I am a spell caster?"

"No." The young man showed a long-lost frivolous attitude and shrugged nonchalantly: "I don't know any magic! I am only responsible for walking through the process. If there is no problem, I hope you can come to work as soon as possible and work at the Munich Bardorum Chamber of Commerce. The detailed address of the office next door is in the contract.”

"Don't you have to move to the Special Administrative Region to work?" Lucas was ecstatic again.

"No, at least not for a while." Valang came to Munich. In addition to recovering the sad magic guild employees and apprentices who came into contact with the Tower of Secrets, he also had another task.

Valois had a long-standing annuity system as early as the Kingdom, and the Empire went a step further and established the earliest individual pension insurance and labor insurance systems in the continent of Ferolen in the form of the Imperial Parliament.

Although the original intention is good, Byrne obviously has its own special situation - developed industry associations are more humane than cold commercial insurance companies. They do not need annuities and insurance, and guild members enjoy mutual help similar to that of a brotherhood. For mutual help, the workshop owner will promise to leave a generous pension to the big workers to ensure that they can live a decent life when they grow old.

At least when the Tam River Alliance was still prosperous, the guilds were so "affectionate" within themselves.

As for this year's market, even the most powerful guild on the surface - the Magic Guild - is cutting wages. Other workshops are even more difficult. People suddenly find that the workshop owner's family has no food left!

In line with the development of the times, a financial trading company called "Bern Stable Insurance" was listed in Munich, Nulen and Würzburg at the same time, hiring many college students who wanted to make extra money to sell annuities and accident insurance.

"Uncle, I am a college student at the University of Technology in Munich and I am working on a work-study program. Can you please excuse me? Have you ever heard of 'Byrne Stable Insurance'? Our insurance."

The words are very standard and all come from a mysterious figure.

Its opening has even become a source of amusement among the market: Everyone has almost no money for food today and tomorrow. This so-called insurance company still wants to take money out of everyone's pockets?

It stands to reason that insurance companies are also in the financial industry. If they want to grab territory, even if they don't buy personal insurance now, they should ask the big brother in the industry if they agree. But they actually agreed because it presented a blockbuster product to the banks.

"You mean to insure our loans?" The managers of Grove Bank, one of the three giants of the Banking Association, had heard of such a shady operation for the first time.

Valang showed a handsome smile and was particularly confident: "This is our product. Pay us the premium. If the loan cannot be recovered, we will bear the loss and cash the insurance money to you."

It’s unbelievable that there is such a big advantage. Doesn’t it mean that all lending and investment can transfer risks? Although the premium is a bit high, it is completely acceptable at a time when banks are troubled by bad debts.

The manager of Grove Bank was still studying the terms, but the manager of another giant, Baldi Bank, laughed because he did not believe that there was such a good thing in the sky.

Valan looked innocent: "Please believe in our strength. First of all, our registered capital of 110,000 Golden Eagle coins has been certified by the city hall, and we will never run away during bankruptcy and liquidation. In addition, our trading company also holds Kempson Steel 5% of the original shares of the factory.”

Andre, who was accompanying him, took out a piece of parchment. It may be ordinary, but it has the secret mark left by Rorschach.

"The only requirement is that after the danger occurs, the debt is transferred to our company and we are allowed to put it on the market for trading. The detailed plan is in the document." Valan introduced the prepared blue book "Asset-backed Securities Market Construction and Development Initiative".

Package sale? This made the bankers' eyes light up, because the unrecoverable investments and loans in their hands have piled up like a mountain, threatening the normal operation of the bank. If they can be resold, anyone can buy it and let everyone breathe. And from the content of the parchment and the secret mark, who is the supporter behind this company is about to be revealed.

Things are too good to be true, but the managers all thought of their bosses behind the scenes and suspended the meeting without any agreement.

The telegram went in and out from Munich to the Secret Tower, and the comment from the Secret Tower was only one word: OK.

So a product that the public could not understand at all came out: mortgage-backed securities.

Almost at the same time as the product came out, the Special District suddenly received news that due to production capacity reasons, the Special District would release the military supply order of the Kingdom of Bain, and the specific situation was being negotiated with the City Hall. Even the brewing guild, which originally could not get a share of the pie, suddenly announced that it needed a large amount of old wine to be distilled into alcohol to meet military supplies.

The royal family did not know, but it seemed to be able to alleviate the depression, so under the lobbying of the Banking Association, King Albert borrowed money from the three major banks and purchased a large number of new winter clothes for the army from the Wool and Textile Guild.

For a while, the market seemed to be getting better again, but the requirements of the City Hall were very strict. In order to ensure quality and quantity, the workshops must reach a certain scale to get the transferred orders.

Some workshop owners gritted their teeth and decided to go to the bank again, and then they suddenly found that the loan managers who used to have a stern face all greeted them with a smile, and approved any loan with a wave of their hands. In the past, if you wanted to borrow some money, you had to beg for help!

When the workshop recovered, another smart person discovered that the mortgage-backed securities were rising steadily. The reason was also very simple. The securities were discounted when they packaged bad loans. Now the situation of the workshop has improved, and the securities have made considerable profits after the old debts have been paid off.

Hmm? It just so happens that everyone has spare money now. The citizens' money is earned, and the workshop's money is borrowed, but they are all money, so it doesn't matter.

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