Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 457: Severe Settlement

June is the time when the sunlight begins to show its scorching heat.

Valent, who had been in Munich for thirty years and turned stones into gold, couldn't help but want to light a cigarette and look down at the street view from the window of the insurance company.

Mortgage-backed securities are now called Golden Rooster Securities, because they will rise as long as you buy them, just like the legendary chicken that lays golden eggs. However, retail investors don't know that the initial rise was because it could really pay back the investment, and now it is rising because the leeks are stubbornly pushing it up.

Do banks know? Yes, but they are also making money, and making money has never been so easy.

On the one hand, they are open to lending, anyway, there are suckers to cover the bottom, and on the other hand, banks personally go out and invest depositors' money in Golden Rooster Securities.

In the madness, even the royal family got involved. Many people have been dizzy and don't understand why everything is bullish. They just close their eyes to loans and buy.

In fact, the few orders that Rorschach deliberately released were not enough to turn the workshop around. What really stimulated them was the banks' wanton lending. Obviously, the amount of physical currency is very limited, so there are more bills for large transactions, and a small piece of paper with Kempson Steel Works shares as collateral has appeared and quietly circulated in the market, and even the vouchers of "Golden Rooster Securities" can be used as equivalents.

After smoking a cigarette, Varan couldn't help laughing - if he dared to do this in Valuana now, he would definitely be put on the guillotine by the people who had been beaten once. Simple, the people of Byrne are really simple.

He couldn't help smoking another cigarette, but when the second one just passed the lung, a regular pain came from the chest immediately. It was the "lung" that was symbiotic with him protesting. It seemed that Varan and the symbiont reached a "gentleman's agreement" to only smoke one cigarette a day.

The city hall did not miss the opportunity. After the royal family's approval, a new round of conscription was launched to absorb the "unstable elements" who had lost their jobs in the past into the barracks, and at the same time place new orders to the workshop.

If the Kingdom of Bain had been given more time to convert the debts of the workshops and the royal family into unified war bonds, then perhaps it could really be paid off by plundering the wealth of Valois.

Valan would never give such an opportunity.

He felt as if he was bound to a financial disaster, but it didn't matter. In the past, Valan would still be frightened, but now he would only enjoy it and open his arms to the hot market-let the explosion come more violently!

The only pity is that he did not have the decision to detonate.

In mid-June, the left wing of the Empire and the Valois National Guard fought. To everyone's surprise, the National Guard won a great victory. The troops deployed by the Empire in the coastal area withdrew to the lowlands, exposing the flank of the main force of the Empire.

At the same time, many workshops in Bain suddenly found that the price of raw materials had skyrocketed, and the Special District announced that new production capacity of steel mills, food factories, etc. had been put into production, and the City Hall transferred subsequent orders to the Special District.

Under the double backlog, a large number of Bain workshops defaulted seriously, and "Golden Rooster Securities" returned to its original appearance-all packaged junk loans, now they have become worthless.

"Gentlemen, according to the terms of the contract, we should indeed take the risk, but there is another gentleman who wants to say something." Facing the aggressive bankers, Valan replied with a smile.

That's right, with the margin and the original share valuation of the steel plant, it is not impossible to ask the "Bayern Stability Insurance Company" to cover the bottom, but the unexpected situation of the Banking Association occurred, and Prince Otto arrived in the meeting room.

He had a gloomy face, and a group of people from the City Hall rushed into the meeting room, representing the Kingdom of Bayern to stop the insurance company from fulfilling its promise.

The reason is very simple. If the debt is transferred, nearly 80% of Bayern's workshops, 50% of the wineries, and a large amount of land used as collateral will be renamed, and because the securities are discounted according to the terms when packaging the debt, this transaction will allow Rorschach to harvest most of the Kingdom of Bayern at a low price.

Let the bank release the leverage, which has become an all-reaching sickle. Even if those workshops may go bankrupt in large numbers, the City Hall and the royal family are afraid that Rorschach will reorganize those "ruins" again, and then the "special zone" will not be able to be locked up.

To avoid this situation, we have to find a scapegoat to forcefully swallow this "thunderbolt", either the bank or the insurance company itself. For the royal family and the city hall, one side belongs to the Arcane Tower and the other side belongs to the Special Zone. As long as they can negotiate and digest these junk bonds, it will not cause too much loss to the kingdom and the royal family.

After waiting for a month, Rorschach received an invitation letter from the Arcane Tower.

"Hey, it's really not easy to dig into the Arcane Tower." He complained.

Lucas was in a small mountain village at the foot of the Arcane Tower. He met with the apprentices of the Mutual Aid Association in the tavern.

This is his job, generously inviting the apprentices in the Mutual Aid Association to drink beer, and it is not mixed with water. Now Lucas is a salesman of "Magic Cloud".

The apprentice couldn't believe it: "We can really learn first-level spells? Senior Lucas, I remember you were from the Magic Guild"

"Not anymore!" Lucas was calm. The guild's financial situation had improved a bit due to the bank's prosperity some time ago, but he didn't regret it at all. The reason was simple. Rorschach gave him too much!

His salary is now several times that of the guild. More importantly, Rorschach has given him hope of becoming a formal wizard.

At this moment, he wants to bring hope to other apprentices so that they will no longer be ruthlessly exploited by the Tower of Secrets. Lucas took out the scroll: "Look, this is the scroll of [Transfiguration]. It is much simpler than those obscure knowledge. I believe that some of you can definitely learn it."

"Second-ring spells!" "Is it expensive?" "What if I don't learn it?"

The voices of consultation are endless. All the apprentices of the mutual aid association are enterprising and they are the target customers. Lucas introduced the rules of "Spell Cloud" to these apprentices in detail:

"The set of the Secret Tower is outdated! The new spellcasting system can greatly reduce the difficulty of casting. Even if you are not a formal wizard, you can still learn second-ring magic. Yes, I am right. I can even provide you with scrolls of tricks for free, and other spells are also discounted. Both the difficulty of learning and the price of the scrolls are much lower than the old set."

Fighting a price war in the sense of magic is only the most superficial first step. Seeing that everyone is very interested, he continues to launch the "senior membership" service. If someone can learn to "edit the old system spells into the new system", they can exchange for more advanced magic for free, and encourage mutual learning.

"This is the bright road to becoming a wizard!" All kinds of bitterness surged into Lucas's heart, showing on his drunken face: "No need for any bullshit theory, no need to kowtow to the professor, as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded immediately!

"Think about it, let you stand out among your peers, while others are still worried about the meaningless subject exams, you can already release the second-level spells"

The wonderful picture intoxicated the members of the mutual aid association. With Lucas' efforts as both a salesperson and an after-sales person, many "apprentice mutual aid associations" in the Secret Tower have been transformed into "spell cloud research groups", among which there are really talented brothers and sisters who have mastered the technology of translating spells and uploading. Although most of the time the spells they submitted cannot create new nodes, there are still some small gains for the Tree of Law, and new branches are born.

So whether these "spell cloud research group" users can switch from underground to open use, and whether other apprentices can be pulled in, depends on what results Rorschach can discuss during this visit.

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