Mage? Spell Engineer!

Explain the first two chapters (free chapters)

The background is that Rorschach has a large amount of cash flow (previous earnings and advance payments from the Empire's orders), and the bank's liquidity is tight due to the sluggish market. A large number of workshops are bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy.

Can Rorschach acquire other industries in Byrne at a low price at this time?

Theoretically, he has to negotiate with each company and liquidate assets, and a large amount of cash entering the market will only raise asset prices, making the final acquisition difficult.

So first, insurance companies appear to cover the banks' lending behavior and make banks dare to lend.

Then some orders are released to give Byrne's other workshops a false prosperity and re-enter the expansion cycle. Since bank loans have become loose, whether the workshops make money or not, they can be crazy for a while.

But in fact, Byrne's situation has not changed, so the temporary prosperity will be punctured, and the loans will continue to become bad debts. Are those collaterals there? Indeed, they are, but the bank's cash flow has not increased, and most of Byrne's other people are in debt, which means that except for the Special Zone, it is difficult to find people with enough funds to take over those collaterals and save the enterprises and banks.

At this time, theoretically, all the debts can be collected under the account of the insurance company, and then Rorschach can take out cash and pack all the debt-unpayable industries at the cheapest price, without pushing up the transaction price of the collateral, which is a one-time harvest.

And what if the insurance company deliberately defaults? Without cash flow injection, banks and entities are all finished, see the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis.

The royal family and the city hall are now involved because they don't want the two situations to happen. They match the banking industry and the insurance company to negotiate, and let the secret tower behind them come forward to negotiate with Rorschach.

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