Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 458: Attitude towards Rorschach

Lucas led Rorschach for the second time, but at this time he was already an employee of Rorschach. Along the way, he was in an embarrassment of wanting to say something but not being sure what to say, and working too hard on small details.

You don't have to be such a big brother. Rorschach always felt that Lucas was a bit too attentive. In the past, it was still business-like, but now it's "Sir, this way".

So on the way, he took the initiative to ask Lucas about his business.

"There are now 8 mutual aid groups, large and small, all of which have used your new system of magic. I have counted 156 users here, 21 of whom have uploaded spells."

The Tower of Secrets only has a total of 800 apprentices in the tower, and the number of mages it has trained is even less than the average in other regions.

Rorschach roughly estimates that the penetration rate within a month is acceptable. He acknowledged Lucas' work. Later, Lucas also reported a problem. Many people were hesitant about the principles behind it, and some people believed that this was cheating due to apprentice bias.

Some apprentices even reported the existence of the "new system of spells" to the professor, but Rorschach didn't care. Currently, the "Spell Cloud" adopts a whitelist system for confidentiality reasons. Except for his own people, the individual's magic power cannot be promoted to apprentices in the Tower of Secrets. It is too high, and the teacher of the Tower of Secrets is at least an intermediate mage and will not be allowed to access it.

However, the current situation, as well as the status quo of Magic Cloud, must be changed. The specific changes will depend on the subsequent talks.

Rorschach breathed a long sigh of relief, and the Tower of Secret Magic on the edge of the cliff came into view again. Two gargoyles came out early to greet him, and there were also curious apprentices who came out of the tower to take a look at the young mage.

The Red Dragon Tower Spirit was still sitting in the hall, and when he saw Luo Xia, he snorted and turned his head away.

? Rorschach felt baffled.

"Mage Elizabeth has left since your last visit, so the guardian may have a little problem with you." Gargoyle explained thoughtfully.

No, my choice to stay in Würzburg has nothing to do with me. It is a personal choice. Luo Xia didn't bother to explain that the dragon's cervical vertebrae were good enough so he kept tilting his head.

When they were brought to the central hall of the tower, the gargoyles leaned down and threw themselves on the ground, as if they wanted Rorschach to fly up on them. Rorschach ignored it and took off directly into the air, flying towards Feuerbach's office.

The Banking Association is the material foundation of the Tower of Secrets and the Magic Guild in Byrne, and it pays huge sums of money to the two institutions every year. When did this practice begin? It is no longer known. In short, the Magic Guild and the Tower of Mysteries provided shelter and endorsement, allowing the bank to be independent in front of the king and the city hall, and its industry alone was enough to support the noble spellcasters in Byrne.

Until a bastard came in. If it weren't for Rorschach, the past few years since the war would have been nothing more than a few hard days for the bank, tightening belts with the secondary guilds, and first ensuring the normal operation of the Tower of Secrets. But now we have reached a three-way stalemate, and in any case it will greatly damage the foundation of the bank.

In other words, it damages the material foundation of the Tower of Secrets.

Regardless of whether the insurance company cashes in, the bank will either be overwhelmed by bad debts and be liquidated; or it will sit back and watch as most of Byrne's industries belong to the special zone, and the existence of the insurance company proves that the special zone can pull out its own financial system and put the severely damaged banks Kick away.

There is another trivial factor. Due to the "alchemy industrialization" in the special zone, Rorschach's factories have become large buyers of various alchemical materials, pushing up the prices of alchemical materials. Many sellers are more willing to give priority to supplying to the special zone. As a result, the Tower of Secrets fell into a situation completely opposite to "increasing revenue and reducing expenditure".

If the banks hadn't taken the bait, if they hadn't lent wantonly, if they hadn't used depositors' money to speculate in securities. If it was too much, but greed, no, driven by instinct, every bank has done this, and the secret method The super-intelligent mages in the tower acquiesced and enjoyed the carnival for a while.

Feuerbach, who was waiting for the visitors to arrive, let out a long sigh. He never wanted to deal with messy secular affairs, but no matter what, as the chief of the Tower of Secrets, he had an unshirkable responsibility.

The door opened and the young man stepped in. The last time he came to ask for advice, Feuerbach discussed the [Reverse Ray] spell with Rorschach on a whim. At this moment, in Feuerbach's eyes, he was coming with bad intentions.

Generally speaking, one should not cut off a person's financial path. Luo Xia even considered whether the Archmage would do anything drastic, but since he had sent out an invitation, he shouldn't be impulsive, right?

Rorschach's trip was all about one thing: Feuerbach, I'm here to negotiate terms!

Therefore, when he arrived at the office and saw the archmage looking gloomy, Luo Xia felt that he should calm down his emotions first. After the formal greetings, he immediately started therapy: "Actually, the situation we have reached today is not what we want to see."

The archmage's blood pressure rose by one percentage point.

In fact, Rorschach was talking about the interference of the royal family and the city hall. If they didn't stop the transaction, Rorschach would be happy to expand his business territory and package up the remaining garbage for reuse. He continued: “If we don’t want to be in such a stalemate, we can choose an intermediate solution acceptable to all parties.

“The bank’s predicament, to put it bluntly, is that it has no money. On the one hand, there are too many bad debts, and on the other hand, depositors are prone to runs. If the insurance companies fulfill their obligations, Byrne’s bank can survive this crisis.

"The Kingdom is not willing to accept it, so we promise to classify the claims and then package them, and relist the ones with better credit and put them into the market. If it is determined that they cannot be repaid, a multi-party jointly held company can be established to take over, liquidate and integrate the remaining assets. , the capital injection for the Tower of Secrets and the City Hall can be delayed, and the initial investment will be fully borne by us.”

The core demand of the kingdom is that Rorschach cannot fully obtain those claims. Then Rorschach can compromise with the two parties and release them, and Rorschach is also willing to use part of the insurance company's cash to save the bank.

Did you lose? If there is a loss, the resale and premiums of transactions in that month alone are a huge amount of income. Between Varang's professional long and short selling, the money loaned by many retail investors actually flows into the hands of the largest bookmakers.

If the compromise plan is not agreed to by the kingdom, then as long as the Tower of Secrets agrees, both sides can shout to the royal family: Go away and play.

Rorschach was not here for charity, and Feuerbach knew it too. After listening to Rorschach's ramble, he finally said, "I don't care about these things. Just tell us your conditions and what price you want us to pay."

"Master, don't you think the apprentices of the Tower of Secrets are too pitiful?" Luo Xia shook his head: "You are wasting your youth in the tower, and you may be delayed or stuck in graduation at any time. I think this is a reflection of the lack of teaching resources in the Tower of Secrets. Are you willing to cooperate and let my Mage Tower and the Mystic Tower jointly train apprentices?”

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