Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 459 Joint Training

Joint training is not unfamiliar to those who have experienced the postgraduate entrance examination in their previous lives. It can be a savior, meaning that the school can have more admission quotas, or it can be a big pit, meaning that the bosses on both sides do not care or come to exploit the students.

Now the apprentices of the Arcane Tower can only see the former.

"Register for the joint training program?" A new announcement appeared in the hall, and this new phrase aroused widespread interest. "Old senior" Lucas saw that almost everyone had come, and began to promote it:

"Joint training is good, everyone, now Rorschach's Mage Tower has started recruiting students, and interested students can come to learn about it. Since it has just started there, the graduation requirements are very simple, and you can start learning spells according to your level as soon as you arrive, and you will be taught until you learn.

"The requirements have been lowered, but the joint training will retain the status of the apprentices of the Arcane Tower, and you will still be recognized by the Arcane Tower after quickly becoming a formal mage. "

So good? Everyone was disdainful at first. After all, that so-called Rorschach wizard who came out of nowhere, who was not even a great wizard, dared to come to the Arcane Tower to recruit students? Moreover, in the personal resume, the halo of "Master Kano's student and research collaborator of the Starry Tower" and "Winner of the Moon-bearing Ibis Medal" could not cover up the essence of "student of the Imperial Royal School of Magic".

Alas, academic discrimination is everywhere.

Fortunately, Lucas's saliva was not wasted, and there were still many students who were stuck in the second stage who began to be tempted. When the professors of the Arcane Tower confirmed the news, the apprentices finally began to discuss it heatedly.

What really made the interested apprentices make up their minds was the subsequent additional terms:

The number of joint training places for Rorschach Mage Tower is Limited, first come first served, more places will be available for joint training with enterprises in the future, and students will enter Kempson Steel Plant, Lanster Food Plant, Basif and Jing Factory, etc. The training time is longer and they need to undertake some work in the factory.

Joint training with enterprises can also be recognized by the Tower of Mysticism, but the assessment is no longer in Rorschach's personal magic tower, but they have to go back to the headquarters for formal magic certification, which is obviously more difficult.

However, there are also apprentices who are willing to participate in joint training with enterprises. The reason is very simple: money, a lot of money, at least the same level as working in a magic guild. It's the first time I've heard of such a good thing that you can make money while studying.

In the past, it was difficult to tempt apprentices with money. Which family that can come here to study doesn't have some strength? Talking about money, Who are you looking down on? However, the past was the past, and the present is now. As Byrne's economy deteriorated, the children of big businessmen found that their families sent less money, and some even went bankrupt. Not only that, but the second sons of nobles learned that their family's investment had lost a lot of money and they had to be self-reliant in the Arcane Tower from next month.

The Arcane Tower provides food and accommodation, so you won't starve to death, but alchemical materials, scrolls and books are not cheap. Without family support, it would be the same as Rorschach's situation in the magic academy. No, it would be even worse, because the magic academy took into account the economic situation of the children of ordinary people, and in the Arcane Tower, anything that costs money is not cheap.

This damn work-study tower is in a place where only birds shit, and it is very far from the nearest city, Mu Nick's trips would take a long time, and the professors who ignored the apprentices' embarrassment asked them to come on call or do various odd jobs after class.

In other words, if there was no plan given by Rorschach, the Tower of Secret Magic would really usher in a wave of dropouts. At least those apprentices whose families went bankrupt would really not be able to stay, with no income and no hope of graduation.

Some people saw that if they hesitated, they would not even be able to go to the Mage Tower, and they had to grab the first quota quickly, while others saw the life-saving straw of "enterprise joint training".

As for the love-hate relationship between students from branch campuses and students from the main campus, and whether joint training was inferior to others, Rorschach didn't care. He just taught magic to the apprentices who came, and then praised them: "Young man, you have a good vision! "Although some of the apprentices who have extended their studies may be older than him.

There is also the issue of the spell cloud. Can the Tower of Secret Magic introduce a new spell system as teaching content?

The "Borderland" welcomes the fourth guest.

Feuerbach's spirit looked up at the lush and leafy Tree of Law. This place is really between fantasy and reality, close to the symbolic world, and the Tree of Law and the Guardian made him marvel.

However, the great wizard always has an indescribable sense of familiarity, wondering if he has been here before.

"I didn't expect you to make it this far. Is this the source of the new spell system? ”

In fact, Feuerbach was not in the tower when the banking crisis just started. He was busy with two things. One was to find a place to hold meetings with other members of the Senate, especially at the moment when the guild was torn apart.

The second was that Kano submitted a shocking report to the Senate in early June, claiming that he had successfully broken through the Transmutation Dust Layer Flow and reached the Original Layer with the joint efforts of the Starry Tower, and witnessed the "Tree of Truth" recorded in ancient books.

Using the example of the super-level necromancy incident, Kano believed that the magic guild should set up an organization to monitor the activity of the "Tree of Truth" for a long time. Low-level spells are used in large quantities all the time, and the amount of data is huge. It is just a ball of light reflected on the Tree of Truth, so there is no need to worry about monitoring. But for high-level magic, monitoring and early warning are necessary.

Kano concluded: The establishment of an observation organization for the "Tree of Truth" will become the foundation for the survival of the magic guild in the new era and new situation.

Other chiefs and members of the Senate are still in heated discussions. After all, they are the main users of advanced magic. At least for now, monitoring the "Tree of Truth" is monitoring themselves.

And Rorschach actually cultivated a second "Tree of Truth", which he called the Tree of Law. Feuerbach was speechless when he arrived at the junction, not knowing how to evaluate this pair of master and apprentice.

"I once thought that if your plot is unacceptable, then I will not let you leave the office." In Feuerbach's view, Rorschach is quite a villain. His stirring up trouble has bankrupted countless people. Fortunately, there are no high-rise buildings in Byrne, and the Tower of Secret Law will not be lent to speculators to jump off the building.

Rorschach believes that he has only accelerated the process. The main goal is to pry into the corner. Reaching out to industries in other parts of Byrne is just a side job. Whether there is a June banking crisis or not, those workshops are only the difference between slow death and sudden death.

Feuerbach continued, "But now I find that I was wrong. I may not be able to keep you, Master Rorschach. On the contrary, if I don't agree and have seen this 'Tree of Law', will it be difficult for you to let me go easily?"

Master, don't judge others by yourself. Although Rorschach dared to let Feuerbach come up, he had enough confidence that the spirit of this great wizard would not pose a threat.

He wanted the spell cloud to enter the teaching system of the Secret Tower and wanted more people to upload magic. In this way, the Tree of Law will usher in huge growth, and Rorschach, who is deeply bound to it, will also receive feedback. For now, with the efforts of the apprentices of the Mutual Aid Association, and other attempts such as Caroline and Richard, Rorschach opened the panel, and the spell list needed to be scrolled for a long time before it could be seen.

Although the spell cloud is shared, the Tree of Law will only be fully opened to Rorschach alone.

But he felt that he had not yet made any essential improvement. The so-called "great wizard" at the moment was just a floating cloud. What really impressed Rorschach was the power demonstrated by the ancient sages.

Similarly, the Tree of Law also needs to be upgraded iteratively. It is foreseeable that the number of users will explode in the future, so Rorschach needs to make some restrictions to avoid overloading the tower spirit in the Tree of Law. Another thing is to improve its response and processing methods to give users a better experience, and even try to resist the Empire's magic-banning technology.

If Feuerbach agrees, the Spell Cloud will join the Grand Mage Collaborator and participate in the iterative construction of the Spell Cloud; if he cannot accept and agree, Rorschach can only modify the other party's memory in the spirit state and then let him go back.

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