Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 460 Iteration of the Tree of Law

Both the Tree of Law and the Tower Spirit grow stronger as the number of users increases. For the Tree of Law itself, the more nodes it creates, the higher its level in the symbolic world.

The Tower Spirit relies on the computing core, and there is no real computing machine in the "intersection". Either the Tower Spirit is connected to the real machine running in the material world, or as the Tree of Law grows, it produces a fictitious computing unit under the root system according to the "perfect blueprint".

In other words, the more prosperous the Tree of Law is, the higher the performance of the Tower Spirit will be. This is natural. However, the growth gain of the Tree of Law from the increase of "Spell Cloud" users is limited, and the improvement of the Tower Spirit's performance is also limited. The relationship between users and performance is both mutually reinforcing and mutually restrictive.

The best way to reduce the pressure on the "Tower Spirit" is to limit the number of times the user casts spells. At present, the standard set by Rorschach for the Tower Spirit is that there is no limit on zero-ring spells, and high-level spells provide the number of uses of each ring level according to the level of the mage.

The Tree of Law can sense the energy level of the caster, which is from the primary level to the advanced level. This is consistent with the magic power level that the "Magic Guild Emblem" can sense, indicating that the caster's endogenous magic has three stages, which is a universal rule.

Referring to the guild system, the three major levels of the mage are divided into three minor levels to form a complete mage level. Each upgrade can get a higher number of spellcasting and unlock a higher ring level. The promotion of minor levels is also similar to the guild system. Submitting your own magic to the spell cloud or making other contributions can accumulate points for promotion.

In other words, the opening of permissions depends on the two dimensions of personal strength and contribution. The intention is the same as that of the guild, but compared to the guild's treatment of mages of different levels, it is only a division of treatment and honor. The spell cloud gives the promoted person a real improvement.

The use of spells is restricted. According to the mysterious convention of Rorschach's previous life, the statistics of the number of spellcastings are refreshed once at 4 pm in the Bain Kempson area.

"Level 3 mages are allowed to use 1 fourth-ring spell and 3 third-ring spells. The number of castings is quite generous." Feuerbach helped Rorschach evaluate the current system. For ordinary low-level spellcasters, it is not easy to release spells of 3rd ring and above. They usually need complicated spells or gestures. At this level of spells, they generally need the assistance of casting materials.

The system provided by Rorschach is consistent from low to high levels. It only needs to use the endogenous magic power to construct and stimulate the magic frequency according to the rules. How to induce environmental magic is actually replaced by the tower spirit for most of the operations.

After the two discussed, the preliminary rules were set. Since Feuerbach himself is a member of the Arcane Senate, he can provide Rorschach with a lot of references in evaluating the contribution of mages and designing promotion conditions, that is, borrowing from the system of the magic guild.

For Andre, Hannah and others who have experienced free casting, the limit on the number of castings is a reverse upgrade, but Rorschach also plans to launch a very useful function, "spell chain".

When the spell cloud was first created, the first magic uploaded, "Major Accident Reversal Spell", was a spell string composed of multiple magics. However, at that time, he constructed it entirely based on his own casting habits, and there was no clear regulation on whether the spells should be activated in parallel or in sequence.

Now the "spell string" function will be refined and standardized, allowing users to package multiple spells and give them a timeline - they can be activated in parallel, or in sequence according to the arrangement of the timeline, or circulate within the timeline. The timing of casting is not the time scale of the material world, but is divided according to the timing components in the fictional computing unit.

The current time scale is 128 grids, named "spell ticks" by Rorschach. Most "entries", that is, the activation of nodes to the induction of environmental magic to produce effects, require 4-8 spell ticks, and complex descriptors also take up more spell ticks.

In simple terms, it is stipulated that [Light] emits blue light, which only requires 1 spell tick. However, using the transformation magic of "mapping", it takes about 2 spell ticks to retrieve the image of the "cup" in your mind; it takes 7 spell ticks to construct a person's face from the caster's memory; to transform into an elemental creature or astral creature, and the premise is that the caster has enough knowledge of the target, the tower spirit still needs to collect relevant information in the mind and ask the real original layer for the essence of the target creature for matching. The time axis occupied in the end may be 10 ticks, 20 ticks or even fail.

The construction of "spell strings" is also restricted according to the level of the mage. For low-level mages of level 3 and below, all the magic in the spell cloud can be called, and the double-layer time axis can be opened, that is, at most two magics can be used in parallel, but even if the time axis is not occupied, the cumulative number of spells called cannot exceed three. The spell string can only be used once a day.

Intermediate mages are allowed to build three layers of time axes, and a spell string can call up to five spells, and the highest level of the called magic does not exceed the fourth ring. There are two opportunities to use it every day.

As for the Archmage, the Archmage who still relies on the Spell Cloud to cast spells can be buried! The Spell String cannot accommodate high-level magic. The Archmage of normal level can naturally achieve the functions provided by the "Tower Spirit" with his spellcasting skills, so it is not necessary.

Every time a spell string is fixed, the Tower Spirit will generate a new string of frequencies, that is, a simplified casting system, trying to make the time required to release the spell string and the casting difficulty close to that of a single spell.

According to Rorschach's idea, the construction of the "Spell String" should also be shared with each other. For example, the builder can publish his own spell string on the "Spell Cloud" or record it as a scroll so that others can also "copy homework".

If it can be published and obtained on the "Spell Cloud", should it be called "Creative Workshop" or "Spell Chain Warehouse"? No, no, no, in that case, we have to find a way to develop a visual communication interface for each Spell Cloud user. Wouldn't that mean giving everyone a panel?

Will the Tower Spirit let the Pi Dan Jing beat me up? After all, every time a function is added, its workload will increase dramatically.

When Rorschach told Feuerbach about the idea of ​​spell chain, the master was a little conflicted. It can be foreseen that "spell chain" can greatly enhance the changes and combat power of low-level mages, but at the same time, it can be imagined that with such a convenient aid, they may not study difficult spellcasting techniques anymore.

The thirteen magic towers all deeply understand the nature of those apprentices and most low-level mages - lazy dogs.

In the words of Rorschach's previous life: Just use it, what's the point of a bicycle?

The master was still a little bit out of place. After helping Rorschach build and debug the new system that the Tree of Law is about to change, he raised his doubts: ".Mage Rorschach, don't you think this new system is not very "magical"?"

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