Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 462 Design Competition Opens

When Rorschach was an engineering dog in his previous life, the most common way to promote industrial software was to sponsor and sponsor various competitions. I hope that the engineering dogs will remember the "familiar taste" when they are still in the developmental stage, form user habits, and then everyone will happily use pirated versions!

There is no way, the engineering dog is a real dog, Rorschach can prove it, because he was once one of them.

But in any case, this method is worth learning from. The essence is to pay those apprentices to read the technical manuals, get started, and then build an ecosystem. Especially now that there is a serious shortage of teachers, except for Rorschach himself who occasionally appears on the podium, Caroline is responsible for teaching, and there is also the Valois mage who entered Bain for refuge in the same group as Andre.

Fortunately, today's spellcasters still have the tenacious self-learning spirit that has been fostered by the long-term monopoly of knowledge. As long as they have a book to read, they can start learning hard.

In short, after the Byrne Kingdom had just recovered from the little "alchemy magic", the "Bern Stable Insurance Cup·The First National Magic Apprentice Spell String Design Competition" officially started under overwhelming publicity.

This game successfully washed away Bayern's newspaper pages for three reasons:

First, the organizer gave too much; second, it can be said that almost all property owners, big and small, sponsored the competition, although it was involuntary and even though it was named after the insurance company that harvested their steel bungees. ; Third, contestants must be in groups of three to five, and non-spellcasters must participate.

Pure mage teams will be directly disqualified.

The main participants are the apprentices who have recently joined the Mage Tower. Rorschach's mage tower is in bulk, and the apprentices recruited from the Tower of Secrets are just placed together with students from other schools. The only good things about the apprentices are the study rooms and brand-new alchemy equipment.

In addition to the study rooms, the accommodation area also has a common room, which is specially designed in a classical style. According to Rorschach's strange instructions, a fireplace with constant flame magic was lit in the summer. Rorschach cast the spell himself in front of other apprentices, and said: "If you feel hot, try to extinguish it."

In the lounge, except for those who were summoning ice, water, etc. to compete with the "Eternal Fireplace", everyone else was discussing the competition and studying the technical manual: "The standard frequency band of the signature and the four connection methods of the descriptor are as follows."

"In the timeline, the essence of the magic moment is the calibration point of the timing."

An apprentice angrily threw down his precious manual: "What are you talking about? I give up!" The apprentice who came out of the Tower of Secrets found himself immersed in the mysterious and mysterious techniques and metaphysical magic theories that he used to talk about. Entered another pit, and there was a "strange smell" everywhere in this pit.

This strange smell comes from a different world, and Rorschach coerces and coaxes everyone to taste it, telling them that it is "very fresh and very delicious."

His teammates immediately reminded: "The first place team in the group will get 8,000 Golden Eagle Coins, and the second place team will get 5,000 Golden Eagle Coins. Even if they participate, everyone can choose a three-ring spell scroll and get points."

The apprentice who was so angry at the strange smell that he threw the book immediately changed his face and carefully smoothed out the wrinkles on the manual: "Oh, I just want to vent, keep going, keep going." Of course, not everyone can get the real-time information like Richard. In the updated "Ink Screen Scroll", all apprentices receive ordinary printed materials.

Forming a team to participate in the competition is another insidious aspect of Rorschach. If one person participates, it is easy to give up when encountering difficulties. But after forming a team, the team will support each other. When someone shows signs of giving up, others will appear. In order to ensure that his efforts are not in vain, his teammates give him a little support. As for the situation of collective ruin, Luo Xia can only rely on "Jin Yuan Magic" to prevent it.

Of course, there is also a situation where the "mainstay" among teammates is forced to complete tasks that do not belong to them.

"Back then, I had to help change the drawings after finishing the process. Calling it a change was almost the same as drawing it again! That damn teammate just patted his ass and gave himself a holiday." In the dead of night, Luo Xia thought of this in front of the workbench. Just to get angry, hit the "Spider Assault Structure Magic Circuit Layout (First Draft)" with a hammer.

At the same time, Feuerbach was also having a meeting with other professors from the Tower of Mysteries. Senran's conference room was cool, but most of the attendees were a little angry.

An older, intermediate-level bald mage who took mountain climbing as a hobby was the first to speak up: "It's outrageous, it's outrageous!"

There are many things that are outrageous. First of all, what the professor of the Secret Tower of Secrets did not expect was that there were far more apprentices willing to go to the Rorschach Tower than they expected. Although they cannot say it out loud, many mages in the tower have an underlying common thought: I can stop teaching those apprentices who are not talented, but you can't take away my source of students.

If it were not at the current time point, Rorschach might not be able to poach so many people. However, the general environment is declining, and family pressure has been transmitted to these off-the-job students. Coupled with Valan's disturbance in the financial market, this process has been greatly accelerated.

The mages of the Tower of Secrets enjoy the best treatment and squander spell-casting materials. They will only "do their studies and delve into advanced magic skills with peace of mind", and they don't even know that the magic guild has cut their salaries.

Rorschach "broke a hole" in the Tower of Secrets, not only letting out the apprentices who were trapped inside and unable to be promoted, but also allowing these mages in the tower who were Bairn and the world has not changed to glimpse the truth of the outside world through the gap, allowing them to A shameful reality.

What's also "unbelievable" is that in order to work together to achieve the goal, the apprentices of each team began to exchange spells with each other, including their students who had begun to learn first-, second-level and even higher-level magic.

The mutual assistance in the past was limited by the learning cost and difficulty of spell casting. The magic exchanged was limited to zero-ring and a small number of first-ring spells, so the teachers of the Arcane Tower could turn a blind eye. Now, under the banner of competition, the magic taught by the teachers is even directly spread to the freshmen.

For the sharers, this is not a loss. Everyone has a spell they are good at. Now they can exchange it, and they can get a third-ring spell as a prize after completing the competition. It is profitable no matter how you look at it. The most important thing is that anyone who is not a fool can realize that the emergence of the "Spell Cloud" will lower the learning threshold, and low-level spells are no longer so "precious".

The most outrageous thing is that Rorschach stipulates that ordinary people must participate in the group, and also gives intimate suggestions for team formation, such as those involving deformation magic and energy-shaping can find students from Mugong University. Through this opportunity, many apprentices and secular college students learned what each other was learning and what they could do for the first time.

In Rorschach's magician tower, it is very easy for students on both sides to communicate, but it is difficult for the participating teams of the Arcane Tower to find ordinary teammates. Fortunately, the difficulties are temporary. Apprentices of the Arcane Tower only need to go to the taverns in big cities to recruit. Many college students, out of curiosity and yearning for magic, will take the initiative to travel through mountains and rivers to the small mountain village at the foot of the Arcane Tower.

For ordinary people, if they win a place in the competition, they will receive a high prize. If they are shortlisted, they can also get a two-ring scroll (one ring lower than the wizard's prize and cannot choose to learn the scroll), which is guaranteed to make money, provided that they are invited by apprentices.

Merchants smelled the opportunity, and soon there were public carriages coming and going, new hotels were built in the small mountain village, and even a lively trading market appeared. Various divination gadgets, amulets, and potions with questionable effects all appeared on the stalls, as well as other small business groups.

Although the protection of the Arcane Tower is still open and ordinary people cannot see it, apprentices come in and out, and everyone knows the existence and location of the tower. The Arcane Tower has finally evolved from "small hidden in the forest" to "big hidden in the city". Even if the Magic Guild was commissioned to drive out outsiders, the booming temporary accommodation and gatherings were only symbolically moved a little further away.

The outsiders were very bold, and the Magic Guild staff responsible for the execution were very lazy.

"Now that things have come to this, please give an order, Master! The apprentices in the tower must be prohibited from participating in that competition!"

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