This is not the first time that Rorschach has faced "me".

When the ancient sage separated the two "Rorschachs", he initially only had a wonderful sense of tacit understanding, and they could sense and communicate with each other. After the fusion of souls, the two memories intersected, and in his opinion, it was completely a unified self.

Now there is a mirror image, a seemingly completely independent existence, a more perfect existence.

Red Robe Rorschach claims that he has been promoted to a great wizard. He seems to have absolute control over the Tree of Law and this space. He is simply an individual named "Rorschach", a perfect prototype engraved at the junction.

And the ego Rorschach is just an intermediate wizard. Naturally, he felt a little fear when he heard "You are the challenger". This fear is not cowardice, but can be traced back to infancy. It can be seen that it is human instinct:

When the baby becomes conscious, he will recognize the corresponding relationship between the image in the mirror and the self. When he raises his hand and sees himself in the mirror raising his hand, he will experience a sense of control. Rorschach had such a feeling when he ordered the tower spirit in the past.

And when the self suddenly realizes one day that the mirror image is out of touch with the cognition of "I", it will doubt: "Is this me?" It's like turning on the front camera without beauty. And "Red Robe Rorschach" crawled out of the fear in this gap and declared grimly "I am me" and "You are the mirror image".

At this time, Red Robe Rorschach raised his hand, and the Tree of Law separated golden threads and merged into him. In an instant, the magic power of the border area changed its direction, and for the spirit Rorschach, it was like being in a storm.

In opposition, the ego Rorschach absorbed the violent magic power and then output it to form a stable field.

One side mastered the rules of the border area, and the other side tried to maintain its own rules. In this way, the advantages and disadvantages have been divided. Red Robe Rorschach exerted pressure little by little, gradually compressing the area supported by the ego Rorschach, and gradually eroding it.

Rorschach had previously confirmed that the nodes of the Tree of Law reached up to nine layers, and the corresponding link was the mini black hole that Rorschach had released in the air element plane. It is the interweaving of shaping and change, which depends on Rorschach's knowledge of energy control and his understanding of time and space. Although Rorschach himself is not good at casting spells related to time and space, he can make the "mini black hole" effective based on his understanding of time and space itself.

Now, Red Robe Xia spread his arms, and the golden tree bloomed with golden light. Multiple branches began to extend and interweave on their own, and more nodes of the ninth layer appeared, followed by the tenth layer.

He was deducing and quickly extracting the magic skills belonging to the ancient sages, and then obtained the nine-ring spell to prove to his self Rorschach that his red robe was worthy of the name.

The entire border was caught in lightning and thunder. It was not ordinary lightning, but an interweaving of gold and lightless darkness. They are the gaps between reality and symbolism. The light represents the energy gushing out of the gap, and the lightlessness is the devouring crack. The transmutation dust was absorbed by the lightless cracks and erupted from the lighted gaps.

When the thunderbolt hit the domain of the ego Rorschach, Rorschach could feel the tremor and loss of control of the magic power. Every time it hit, his domain was forced to shrink a bit.

When the domain completely controlled by Red Robe Xia won and reached Rorschach's spirit, all kinds of pain began to act directly on him. These pains were taken from many enchantment spells uploaded to the spell cloud. At this time, they were at the border and did not need to rely on the nerves of the real body to work, directly torturing Rorschach's soul.


Red Robe Xia paced easily and said, "I am torturing you, so do you think I dare not kill you?"

He gently lifted Rorschach's twisted face with the [Mage's Hand] and chuckled, "In fact, I don't rely on you to exist, so I only need to think about it, and I can easily erase you and replace your spirit to return to the material world.

"But the material world is not good. There are only ants and monkeys crawling on it. Only a few of them can uncover the truth of the world and partially understand the ideas brought by 'Rorschach'. In my opinion, finding an avatar is enough.

"And the Tree of Law is my throne, the border is my royal court, I can control Byrne and hundreds of spellcasters from a high position. Compared to the so-called 'Great Mage' crawling in the material world, I prefer to be a transcendent."

Imperial Xia spat: "Then you erase me and split yourself! For the Great Mage, isn't this easy?"

"Yes, but even if you split a clone, there will be no more agents as active as you. I want to thank you, without you, there would be no me, and there would be no Tree of Law today." He proudly Proudly looking up at the golden tree, watching the light paths flickering: "How lush, how beautiful."

Red Robe Xia turned around: "So, I'm here to express my gratitude. From now on, as long as you don't step into this place again and don't bother about my existence, you can continue to do what you want in the material world - deal with those monkeys, save them, give them alms, and enlighten them. Aren't you enjoying the process?

"And you can still become a great wizard. Yes, I promise here that you will gain power no less than that of the ancient sages."

Rorschach didn't agree with or believe a word of his: "What about you? If it's simple, then just continue to pretend to be a 'Tower Spirit'. Why do this?"

"Me? I will continue on this path, always one step faster than you, and be an enterprising Rorschach, not a Tower Spirit.

"When you become a great wizard, I will naturally become a higher-level existence. Becoming a god is an idea that has definitely appeared in Rorschach's mind more than once, but you always want to stay away from it out of some ridiculous and insignificant obsession, and the difference between you and me is that I will go on unswervingly."

"Isn't what Dryuyats said clear enough? Now there is no concrete god-level existence in the original layer, and the fragments of the kingdom of God are flying all over the sky. Don't you know that there is a huge danger behind becoming a god?"

"So what? Can you avoid danger by being an ant? Can a mere mortal fight against the Mother Earth? Your worry is just an excuse for cowardice."

Red Robe Rorschach put pressure again. Although Rorschach's spirit body did not have a real brain structure, he seemed to be able to imagine the sharp weapon piercing and piercing between the grooves of the brain.

"There is a spell that cannot be uploaded and cannot be included in the original."

"Of course I know it as well as you do, [Reversal Ray], right? It is a spell that cancels spells, but it also means that it cannot be cast in the borderland because it does not have a perfect prototype." Red Robe Rorschach's face remained unchanged. He is now seriously considering whether to completely erase the other party.

For Red Robe Rorschach, the "self" in front of him is more like a backup image of the old version of the system. It is best to have him. Without him, he still exists, but things will change in a way that he does not want to see. This is what Red Robe Rorschach extracted from the memory of an ancient sage.

He will never tell the "self" what the change is.

"I feel more and more that you may also be 'Rorschach', but definitely not me." The main body smiled miserably: "Our views diverge again on this point."

If [Reversal Ray] is still classified as a spell, it is indeed impossible to cast and record it in this special space, but tracing its principle, as an existence similar to the original layer, it is not difficult to cast it in the borderland.

Especially when it comes to oneself.

Rorschach used the [Reversal Ray] on himself for the first time. His appearance was changing, and his magic circuit was fading. Until the effect was complete, he also happened to completely lose the ability to cast spells.

At this time, he had black hair and black eyes, and glared at the red-robed Rorschach. The "Fissure Lightning" was still roaring, and this time it fell between the two, and the scattered traces were like cracks.

The mirror was broken.

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