Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 495 School starts, war starts!

The space-time crack behind Rorschach seemed to have low temperature and low pressure. He was startled by the chill and quickly pulled out the hand held by Ella.

The person who was called just wanted to turn around, but the crack did not expand into a temporary portal, but closed with a snap. This posture clearly meant that he had to find a way to get through by himself.

Looking back, the apprentice and Ella clearly had a "joyful" expression.

"Well, you all saw it, right? I have other things to do, so I have to go first. Please make a copy of the results of the measurement and analysis and give it to me. I'm not here, so give it to the young man who is responsible for entertaining you recently."

"Master Andre?"

"Yes. If you are leaving and returning to the Forest Tower tomorrow, we will prepare a farewell party tonight. If you want to visit other cities, you can also ask Andre and he will arrange it for you."

"Don't bother so much, we will set off as soon as possible. We have been stranded here for longer than expected."

"Thank you for your hard work." After saying that, Rorschach levitated quickly and then used the air cannon to sprint to school. This is currently the second fastest way to travel after teleportation. For ordinary people, it may not be clear what Rorschach is running, but for a spellcaster.

The apprentice looked at Rorschach as he was going away: "Master, why don't you use the teleportation spell?"

"I wonder if it's to exercise your body and spellcasting skills? The investigation team that I, Master Rorschach and Master Humboldt participated in also stepped into the Black Forest step by step."

"Will this work?"

That day was September 10th, the day when the Engineering College of the Special Zone opened and the Rorschach Mage Tower accepted a new batch of joint training apprentices. In order to save time and energy, a pot-mixed ceremony was held for both sides. As the tower master and the nominal principal of the Engineering College, Rorschach naturally had to attend and give a speech.

For those sleepy students, the good news is that the leaders who came on stage did not prepare any ten-thousand-word speeches, well, not a single word.

"Master Rorschach, next I invite you to the stage and make a good appearance." The actual principal Caroline arranged Rorschach's red robe.

Rorschach himself was wearing a tie: "Just call me Rorschach, it's weird for you to call me that."

"Then you should call me Senior Sister."

"No, no, no, a teacher is a teacher, once a teacher, always a teacher" Uh, facing Caroline is a mother for life? Rorschach cleared his throat: "Anyway, it has a very important meaning."

"What" Caroline hadn't finished speaking when she was pulled up to the stage by Rorschach.

The two stood on the podium together, and the apprentices and some teachers in the audience were all refreshed and straightened their backs when they saw the red and purple robes appear together. Especially the apprentices of the Secret Tower who participated in the joint training now have a sense of relief after being suppressed first and then rising - Oh, I really didn't expect that Master Rorschach could be promoted to a great master so quickly? How did I join someone else's Mage Tower?

The students entering the Institute of Engineering are still confused. They have just left the most elementary education in the literacy stage. After screening, especially after examining mathematics, they are allowed to enter the Institute of Engineering to continue their studies. Most of them are children of workers and urban residents, and a few have "climbed up" from the countryside with difficulty.

Most of the children here cannot understand the weight of their principals. They just superficially think that the people on the stage are younger than their parents, the men are handsome and the women are beautiful, and the robes are so impressive that they have to cover themselves with a bed sheet when they go home.

The second batch of enrollment in the Institute of Technology, which is also the first formal opening ceremony, was prepared very grandly. Rorschach swept through the arranged venue and arranged thousands of teachers and students in a sparse manner.

This scale is not small, but it is far from enough for the entire special zone. Even if a large number of graduated college students are found to serve as teachers, the existing teachers and school scale can neither keep up with the current number of eligible people nor meet the future demand for high-quality cattle and horses for expanded production.

"Although many people know me, please allow me to introduce myself: Rorschach, male, 20 years old, born in the Empire."

That's it? Everyone was still waiting for Rorschach to say the next word, but he just paused. After a moment, Rorschach's expression became serious: "Isn't it very short? An imperial soldier named Joseph Mueller died on the battlefield. On his tombstone, there are only his name, age, the legion he belonged to, and the last battle he participated in.

"More people, whether they are young people from Bavaria, the Empire or Valois, don't even have individual tombstones. In the end, there are only nameless graves of mass burials. And you are sitting here, about to start a new stage of study, and there is still plenty of time and opportunity to give yourself a long self-introduction.

"So I just hope that everyone: cherish life, respect knowledge, and seize opportunities. My speech ends here, thank you."

Rorschach wanted to step down, but just took a step and turned back: "I forgot to say that I am very busy, so whether it is the tower master or the principal, I am just a figurehead for you. For the apprentices or teachers in the audience, if I find you, it is mostly to assign work.

"You are going to deal with this teacher Caroline, or more accurately, the respected executive principal Caroline. "

Rorschach saw that some apprentices could not control their disappointment. After all, Caroline was only a purple robe. If a book was thrown down from the upper level of the Arcane Tower, the probability of hitting a purple robe wizard was also quite high. Judging from the standards of the Arcane Tower, the level of the female wizards on the stage was really mediocre (although they were only apprentices with difficulty in promotion).

The speaker finally said: "Don't underestimate Mage Caroline, she taught a great wizard. Although it is a bit shameless to say this, that great wizard is me.

"Teacher Caroline's other students are also shining in their respective fields. Please work hard, too." Anyway, according to Rorschach's information as of today, Richard has been awarded the rank of brigadier general. As for Bart, he will soon Going down in history as the man behind the world's first female senator, all three have a bright future ahead of them, so congratulations!

Only now did Caroline understand the "importance" of what Rorschach said before taking the stage. She didn't have a speech script, so she still said a few simple sentences. The attitude of the students who had been inspired by Rorschach also changed, and they enthusiastically applauded Caroline.

On one side is the opening ceremony, which is cheerful, full of vitality and hope. On the other side, on the southern line of the imperial occupation zone in the north of Valois, the National Guard is wiping cannons and barrels in preparation for war against the enemies in the motherland.

Artillery General Drouot will take command of the reorganized heavy infantry division in his first battle after promotion. The military general of the National Guard should be brigadier general corresponding to the imperial military rank. His promotion was due to the credit of his subordinates, but his military qualities were also recognized by the headquarters.

Drouot picked up the telescope and put it down again. He saw that the wheat fields had been harvested, and the imperial army had made several ugly wounds on the fields with trenches. The general couldn't help cursing:

"The National Salvation Committee and the National Assembly have been at odds with each other for so long and have been held back for so long! I'm afraid that now the imperialists are eating the food grown by our compatriots and waiting comfortably for our attack."

After the "Second Battle of Moncado Fortress", a large number of troops needed to rest and recuperate. However, after the rest, the fluctuations in Valouana affected all aspects of the army, from personnel transfer to logistical support, which delayed the military operation to regain the entire territory. A whole month.

But no matter what, you have to do your best. As troops on the Eastern Front battlefield, Drouot and other troops not only wanted to regain lost ground, but also made the imperialists think that the main force of the National Guard was heading towards the strongest defense line in history.

His former subordinates, now Artillery General Paul and his equals after special promotion, will use the shortest path from west to east and south to north to approach the imperial capital via the lowland principalities from the west.

Drouot looked at the "Giant Mechanical Breaker" lying on his side covered by felt cloth, and secretly prayed that it would be most effective.

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