Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 515: The Rat Whisperer Performs a Great Service

Maxim frowned as he persisted until December. He was a little worried about this time. The situation at this time may be more dangerous than last year.

The biggest problem is that on one side, the threat from the Imperial Army is imminent, and on the other side, the main force of the National Guard on the Western Front has successfully penetrated deep into the Empire. This result has given many people the possibility of being paralyzed and careless.

When it came time to finally put pen to paper, Maxim's mood was extremely disturbed. After signing the agreement, he couldn't help but confide his doubts to Rorschach: "I may be able to guess your intentions, but your methods are not like the style of a mage."

Rorschach didn't understand Maxim's words at first. He thought for a while and then smiled: "What is the style of a mage? Does it have to be an individual victory over an individual? Yes, I might as well tell you about the long-lasting magic ban device. You can no longer restrict me from casting spells, which means that I alone can kill that person."

After he finished speaking, he shook his head: "But neither I nor we will do this. Master Kano has tried to prove to you that spell casters are still members of society. Perhaps there was a historical period when we were opposed to the church and because of It is wrong to keep a distance between the noble and the secular, but now, spellcasters and ordinary people should no longer continue the binary confrontation.

"So, if we use the violence of myself or other archmages to destroy an emperor, what can we gain? Surrender to the rule of absolute violence? No, we need to establish a new order not out of terror. To put it bluntly, maybe you are Lessons from the past. Violence will only be a last resort. Even if we want to destroy the empire, we will not do it ourselves."

Rather than charging forward in front of the stage, Rorschach prefers to push the wheel of history from behind and crush those who stand in front of him.

"But in my eyes, you and the Arcane Senate are still trying to manipulate the process of history." Just like the current secret agreement, it is the script that the mages are trying to write for the war.

There was a time when the Alfa Senate seemed to be particularly slow to respond to the world situation, and the guilds of various countries also had different positions. But after a certain point in time, they suddenly united and intervened in this war in unison. .

Maxim smelled a danger signal, and his intuition told him that this change was related to this young veteran, who was unusually old, radical, and beyond common sense.

"Manipulation? This is a frivolous accusation. Every group and everyone acts in history out of their own ideals, beliefs, and self-interests, and we are no exception. Including the act of signing the agreement with you today. We are still acting according to your 'rules'. We are willing to play according to the rules of the game, which is the greatest goodwill."

Otherwise, more unscrupulous methods can be used, and it will be easy to use magic for forgery and assassination. However, in Rorschach's view, such behavior can only break the rules at best, but cannot build a better order.

Just like the changes he brought to Byrne, Rorschach certainly played an irreplaceable key role, but in the end it was created by the Byrne people themselves, and the final results can be shared by everyone. If it was just to dominate a kingdom, Rorschach could omit too many steps, but on the other hand, without the construction of Byrne and the existence of the spell cloud, he would not be able to become a special archmage, allowing other elders to deal with He compromises or supports.

"If you are really worried about the day when mages will become the masters of this world, you might as well work hard to allow everyone to cast spells or gain power comparable to magic." Rorschach recognized that the ultimate way to eliminate privileges is to achieve equal rights.

"How can this be"

"It's getting late, let's end the meeting here." Rorschach was unwilling to continue this topic, after all, it was beyond Maxim's knowledge of magic. He stood up and shook hands with Maxim: "Finally, I would like to give you a piece of advice:

"I hope you will pay attention to your own safety and prevent yourself from falling into an isolated and helpless situation. Not everyone is as 'untouchable' as you." In his eyes, Maxim taking the initiative to stay away from the center of power is a disaster, and the lion putting away its claws is giving people Chance to kill it.

"Is it a prophecy?"

"I don't have the talent for prophecy magic, but the danger you face is so clear that I don't need to be able to make a judgment."

".I will seriously consider it, thank you."

Rorschach stared at this idealist and unshakable man, thinking to himself: I hope this is not the last time we meet.

All the information from the National Guard's Western Front flooded Paul's mind.

Two hundred and thirty thousand people, sixteen corps and large corps, more than a thousand artillery pieces, 300 heavy artillery pieces, cavalry infantry casters, and eleven giant machines that retain their combat power.

He has become the de facto frontline commander, and his orders and ideas have been respected by the entire army. Of course, this also means that Paul has unprecedented pressure on his shoulders.

After penetrating deep into the empire, every step of the army must be careful. They must maintain the fastest marching speed. They have no time to promote the ideals of the Republic or any affection towards the occupied villages and cities, but treat them roughly. Collect all the supplies that the troops can use.

Imperial airships often flew over the heads of the Western Front, dropping heavy bombs.

After the supply line was destroyed in this way several times, they had to consider organizing mages to fight for air supremacy, at least to ensure that there would no longer be surprises overhead at any time.

At this time, the Istani coalition played a major role. Some short guys of unknown races could actually drive animals. They were called rat whisperers by the Istani people.

These magical little guys can call flocks of birds to hover over the army during the day, and bats to be on duty at night. With these flying creatures occupying the airspace, the airship dare not descend to the bombing distance, because the engine may be hit by the flying small animals at any time. Once it hits, it will lose power and become a living target for the wizard.

The only annoying shortcoming is that the heroes of the National Guard have to endure the excrement falling from the sky, which is of course much better than tons of bombs.

The train of thought was interrupted here, and the march was also suspended. The troops began to build a field camp. Paul asked Pascal: "Have we reached Sasan?"

Sasan is an imperial state adjacent to the Kingdom of Marin. The terrain is not complicated. If the National Guard can pass through quickly, the imperial capital seems to be within reach.

"Yes, the imperial army positions have been detected in the north and northeast. The specific situation. Wait a minute."

Pascal brought a new generation of communication system: the Rat Whisperer and a radio station that is almost as big as him.

This was not the first time that the Rat Whisperer had operated, but he was very excited every time. He picked up the microphone with his little hand, and heard a messy sound like the squeaking of a mouse from the other side. He listened carefully and nodded and followed the babbling.

After the two little men at both ends finished communicating, a gray elf translator relayed it to Paul and others: "According to the intelligence of the front-line reconnaissance, the enemy has assembled a large number of troops and has already deployed around the main city of Sassan. There are enemy troops from the north to the east. It is estimated that they are the main garrison force of the empire."

The language of the Rat Whisperer is said to be a variant of the common language, but Paul and Pascal could not guess the correspondence between half a syllable and the common language on the continent, and they could not figure out how the gray elves understood it.

But this is a good thing, which means that even if the enemy intercepted the call, they would not be able to understand the content of the communication.

After Paul summarized all the information, he took a deep breath: "The whole army will pass on my order and prepare for battle."

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