Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 528 Generals and Think Tanks

The commander of the Kingdom of Sardinia spent the most terrifying three days.

Their troops were inexplicably gathered in the center of the valley. Until now, no officer dared to stand up and admit that he had given this stupid order, including Sardin's general. Even asking soldiers and junior officers could not recall how the army fell into the valley and was caught by the National Guard.

The Southern Front of the National Guard of Valois was singing songs in a truck. When they came up, they saw the confused and disorderly coalition soldiers. While they were amused, they seriously put up a posture and used at least eight points of force to fight these bulk invaders. Had a game.

The National Guard's maneuvering speed greatly exceeded their expectations. Originally, both the coalition forces and the church estimated that the other side would need to march for at least five days, and this gap should be used for them to attack Anion.

If they capture the city, they will defend the city, and raising the banner of restoring the church will surely attract a mass response from the believers in southern Valois; if they cannot capture it, they will run away, hoping that the National Guard will always be able to slow them down.

The above are all valuable experiences accumulated by the church and the southern countries in many holy expeditions.

Then he was quickly hit by an infantry regiment of at least three stars that came down from the Republic-Empire battlefield. The incomprehensible tactics, weapons, maneuvering speed, and communication efficiency are not only eye-opening for the coalition forces, but also open-minded and open-minded.

Are you and the empire so powerful?

The coalition forces were greatly shocked. The National Guard was equally shocked. These invaders had no intention of fighting a war of aggression. After being defeated, the imperialists were able to retreat in an orderly manner and pick up engineering shovels to build trenches that would disgust people to death. However, the coalition forces here said they would surrender. Surrender, I was still stunned when I surrendered.

The reason why the fight lasted for three days was because the National Guard's mobile strength was too small, and the absolute number of soldiers who rushed to the Anion area was too small.

As for the coalition forces on the other side, there were so many organized soldiers with their hands raised that the Valois didn't even have time to place them. Just when the National Guard hesitated to "harmless" these people, the monks of the "New Holy See" of Anion came forward and were willing to give the captured soldiers a way to survive.

As long as they identify with the church in Anion and attend Mass celebrated by the new pope, they can survive.

General Galicia watched the "Peace Mass" held in the valley where the Allied forces were defeated, and all prisoners of war were given labor tools. In the name of preparing a mass venue, the Anion Church asked the captives to level the site and build tents.

Then the church built a "sacrament altar" and a "temporary bell tower" on the high ground. Singing rang out for the third time in the valley, this time from a pure choir. The light singing voice made all the prisoners of war cry:

It feels so good to be alive, thank the Lord and praise the Lord!

The two people observing the prisoners of war from a height were very satisfied with such a harmonious, orderly and vibrant scene.

"General Garisha, the prisoner of war camp you want can be repaired before dark. The whole process is voluntary, and no one will resist and cause trouble."

Du Plessis rarely came out from the Bishop's Palace in Anion for a public event. When he went to the "sacrament altar", he was on crutches and lame. However, Galicia almost couldn't catch up with this man who said he was "waiting with his broken body" Returning to the Arms of the Lord” former bishop.

"Thank you very much. I will report to the committee members to convince them that religion still has merit for the country."

Du Plessis frowned slightly at the general's words, but he didn't know whether it was okay or not. He gently started the conversation: "Your Excellency, general, there is still food. It is said that we have nearly 30,000 extra mouths."

"Oh yes, so it turns out that we want to disarm them and repatriate them all, or simply all" The Republic itself is short of food, and it is impossible to feed these prisoners of war.

"There is another way." Du Plessis squinted his eyes and looked south: "I suggest you jointly write a stern letter with the new Holy See."

The letter was successfully delivered to the Confederate Army headquarters.

"Since the Southern Allied Forces brazenly invaded the Republic, seriously violated our sovereignty and territory, and caused huge losses, your army has captured a total of more than 28,000 people as of the time of writing. Out of humanitarian concern and the teachings of the Lord of Light and Order, Our army has taken appropriate arrangements, but we do not bear the burden of food rations. We require your army and the participating countries to provide food per person per day according to the following standards.

".If we can provide them with ten days of rations immediately, our army will suspend the pursuit of your army. If we cannot provide them before sunset tomorrow, we will bear the consequences!"

The military attache of Vinaya was responsible for reading aloud, and commented after reading: "Prisoners of war will not be released before the end of the war, unless we exchange the prisoners of war we captured, well, it is reasonable.

"Each person should consume no less than 800g of fine flour per day, which can be converted into coarse flour, wheat or other grains for delivery on a proportional basis."

The Weinaya military attache slapped the letter on the table: "Is this raising pigs? They can eat so much!"

However, some commanders from other city-states or countries figured it out first: "This requires us to sign an informal agreement, requiring us to continue to provide food for the Valois people during the war."

"What if we give it but they turn around and continue to attack?"

"Is there a shortage of food in Valois? I have a way to get wheat from the Kingdom of Sand."

"Are you stupid in the army? They haven't been able to give you cash for more than a year."

"It doesn't matter whether we can afford it now. If they can win, we can make money."

The command post got into a quarrel over the "blackmail letter", and everyone's mouths and hands were frantically outputting and exchanging opinions, and somehow they got involved in the food trade.

"Gentlemen, we are fighting." The general of Sardinia spoke. The army of the Kingdom of Sardinia suffered the greatest loss in the past three days, but it was still the strongest in the coalition. So when he spoke, everyone else shut up and put away their hands to give him the corresponding respect.

He looked around at all the commanders: "Since they want food, we can hand over part of the baggage with the army. First, it shows our attitude of cooperation, second, it prevents our captured compatriots from starving to death, and third, it can speed up the evacuation of the army.

"But it is not that everything will be fine if we hand over the food. There are still 50,000 troops left. We cannot flee, but must move in an orderly and organized manner. Otherwise, if we are captured by the Valois again, are we left to return home and ask the church and your homeland for another 50,000 pig feeds?"

"It's easy to say, do we still want to defeat such a powerful enemy? "

The person who interrupted was a military officer from a commercial city-state, who was also the one who loudly discussed the grain trade before. He was within three steps of the Sardinian general, and after judging the distance, he drew his sword from his waist and stabbed the noisy guy through.

He simply drew out his rapier and stepped on the wailing mouth: "And the most important thing is to unify the command of the coalition forces and implement strict discipline. Act like a soldier, gentlemen! "

The blood of the stabbed man spurted out from the wound, splashing all over the general of the Kingdom of Sardinia, like an evil spirit, making everyone in the command post afraid to speak.

The general truly gained the power to command the coalition forces. After making the best arrangements for the retreat, he returned to his tent, where a handsome bard was playing the strings.

The poet unexpectedly appeared in the battle three days ago and blocked a stray bullet for the general. In order to repay his lifesaver, the general asked him to go with him, let the military doctor treat his wounds, ride the general's own car and rest in his own tent.

The poet claimed to have traveled everywhere and was willing to go to the Kingdom of Sardinia with the general. During the conversation, the general was secretly impressed by the knowledge and insight shown by this handsome young man in the conversation.

He introduced the changes in Valois, the Empire and Bain to the general, and introduced the current situation, so that the general believed that if Sardinia and even the entire southern coast of the continent wanted to be as strong as the above countries, they must integrate and unify and promote reforms.

The general with such ambitions said the first sentence: "I don't know what happened today. I did something impulsive. "He couldn't help but reveal his heart to his savior.

"But you don't regret it." The troubadour's bright eyes could still see through the warrior: "You think you did the right thing."

"Yes, I am right. Everything is necessary, Sardin. No, all the southern countries will be unified by me."

"Very good, very good, I must witness this feat and make an epic for you that is worth remembering and singing!" Balan exclaimed.

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