Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 533: Evil Monk Gregory

The second-to-last person the emperor met fled out of the palace in a hurry. William II even wanted to grab the shotgun from the guard and shoot him.

"Your Majesty, you are excited again. According to the Queen's order, you need some tranquilizing salt." The maid next to him brought out a dish of gray powder. According to the doctor's instructions, pinch one nostril and then bring the other one closer to inhale carefully.

The maid was scolded by William II: "Do you think I am a patient?"

The maid holding the salt was frightened and stood at the side of the throne in a daze, not daring to move. William calmed down and said gently: "I know it was the Queen's idea. It's not your fault. Go down quickly."

After that, he muttered: "Feodora is a woman from the North after all. She is superstitious and easily believes in slander."

After muttering, the emperor yawned: "Okay, who's next?"

The courtier answered tremblingly: "The wandering monk Gregory was ordered by the Queen to be seen with your own eyes."

"." William forced a smile: "Then ask him to come up. Look, I'm not angry, I'm very restrained, and I don't need any tranquilizers at all."

"The tranquilizer salt was presented by Gregory."

William II was particularly calm in the face of the so-called monks. Because he believed that the equipment in the palace would expose these people. The emperor firmly believed that all spellcasters and divine graces would be worse than ordinary people once they lost their magic and divine arts. At least they would show funny and ugly appearances, such as making random gestures and chanting spells, but nothing would happen.

And he liked to enjoy such farces: "Quickly check whether the power of my anti-magic device is turned to the maximum, and then invite the next actor to come on stage."

Gregory did pass the test at least in terms of appearance. He was the first to enter the palace with greasy curly long hair, unshaven beard, ragged clothes, and even barefoot.

Four guards pointed their guns at him, and the tips of their bayonets were about to touch his dirty monk's robes. But the wandering monk Gregory was unmoved, and walked on his own, approaching the emperor little by little.

"Stop!" William noticed that the newcomer was very tall, and he raised his hand to ask the strange monk to stop at a distance that could maintain a downward view.

"It's an honor to meet you, the most honorable master of the empire."

"Don't be polite, just tell me what you want to do by approaching me?"

"I'm here to solve your regrets and troubles. Just like the honorable Queen, in order to solve her troubles, I boldly offered her the tranquilizing salt."

"My regrets can't be solved by a small ointment."

"Of course. The first thing to solve is the regret you have had since childhood." Gregory turned his wrist, and in an instant, a delicate small medicine bottle appeared in his palm. The dark green liquid inside was flowing with brilliance, as if it had vitality.

His action made the guards nervous instantly. It was William who signaled the wandering monk to continue.

At this time, he was wondering how this man did it. The guards should have searched him when he came in, and it couldn't be an alchemical container for storage. William's confident sense of security was slightly shaken, and the childhood regrets mentioned by the other party

He couldn't help but put down the scepter, and his right hand wanted to reach the defect of his left arm. This was William's habitual action, but he had been trying his best to restrain himself since he ascended the throne. Now he stopped again and was angered: "Feodora dared to leak this!"

Gregory made an innocent gesture, but his face under the greasy hair did not change much: "I am very terrified that Her Royal Highness the Queen has been wronged. It is the conclusion drawn by me based on my observation, and I happen to be able to mix a magical potion to eliminate your regrets."

He began to speak faster, as if he was worried that the emperor's patience would run out: "The second regret is in the future. Your army will suffer a great defeat."

"You are spreading rumors to confuse the people. Come on, drag this evil monk to the stable and shoot him!" The emperor did not hesitate any more and issued a direct verdict.

"And I will save your army! Save your empire! I just beg you to witness it!"

After the evil monk shouted loudly, a huge smoke erupted from him, covering him and the surrounding guards. First, a guard in the palace fired a shot at the smoke. The huge noise made all the soldiers on guard outside and in other rooms rush in, blocking the palace.

But the smoke cleared, leaving only the dirty monk's robe and the delicate little medicine bottle.

"Gone?" William II was shaken to the extreme: "Is the device still running?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"No, no." He felt dizzy.

A guard said: "There may be a tunnel in the palace!"

If it were normal, William would find it absurd, who could dig a tunnel under his nose, but now this possibility has become the last straw, he hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! Quickly pry open the floor tiles!"

So some guards went out to get tools, and some started to smash with the butt of the gun.

However, after breaking several pieces of marble and uncovering them, there was a complete foundation underneath.

So the evil monk really disappeared, theoretically there was no magic, no divine art. William II felt dizzy and almost collapsed on the throne.

One "guard" did not go to get tools, but ran all the way to the stable. He took off his winter hat and revealed his greasy hair. Then turn the special guard uniform over, and the lining becomes a rough cloth surface full of patches.

Before, he was a demon monk in a robe, and when he took off the robe to reveal his uniform and put on a hat, he became a guard. Now Gregory has become an ordinary coachman.

"Hey, are you just leaving like that?" Another guard stopped him. Judging from the brim of his hat, he was a captain. It was this captain who cooperated with Gregory. At the beginning, he led other guards into the smoke, misled the emperor, and sent people to get tools. He was the first to search the evil monk. After searching, he and the other three guards surrounded the evil monk with guns, making the last guard think that there was no need for a second search.

". I won't treat you badly." Gregory threw out a bag of gold coins and a bag of powder. The captain was more interested in the powder than the gold.

After testing the purity, he said, "What's the point of us risking our lives to perform such a show?"

"His Majesty will accept the potion. Of course, he is suspicious and cautious, so he won't use it immediately. But he will be shaken after I prove myself."

"How to prove it?"

"Everything I said is true, no lies. Hoho. Goodbye, palace, goodbye, lovely Feodora!"

The demon monk has already climbed onto the horse and pulled the coal cart out. At the same time, he took out a tattered felt hat from the cart. After putting it on, he really became an extremely ordinary coachman. Originally, there would be no carts covered with charcoal ash entering and leaving the palace, but the new emperor banned magic, so naturally he had to return to the traditional way of heating.

Seeing the black-covered people and carts rushing to the gate, the guards gestured to him to leave with disdain, so as not to dirty his uniform.

Gregory left the palace like this and headed south towards the battlefield.

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