Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 532: Hold the Scepter Tightly

Rorschach ended his [Arcane Vision] and turned to ask Andre beside him: "Is the casting state okay?"

Andre tried to start with the simplest trick and succeeded at once: "It's a little unfamiliar and needs to be adapted, but it's okay."

Rorschach was very satisfied with the result and breathed a sigh of relief: "In this way, our safe zone is planned."

Andre was also very happy: "In this way, the factory will not be subject to any fatal threats!"

"Who said that?" Rorschach frowned: "What if I put high explosives in the coal truck? In addition, the simplest way is to bribe people in the factory and screw the valve of any boiler or loosen the bolts that fix the ladle."

The most powerful hacker behavior is always social engineering. Rorschach reminded Andre: "Remember to remind the security personnel, don't be careless because there are new protections here. There are always unexpected means and accidents."

"I will convey it." Andre After Andrei wrote it down, he couldn't help asking again: "Are you really not optimistic about the National Salvation Alliance?"

"Before I say that, can you please tell me why you are so concerned about Mr. Pavel and his allies?"

Andrei thought carefully and answered: "Because... they are of noble birth, and they can still consider the country and the people. They are willing to take risks when they can enjoy everything they are born with. I can't help but wonder, if there were such a group of conscious nobles when Valois was still a kingdom, would the fate of my family change?"

He suddenly thought of something: "Ah, I don't mean to say that Byrne is bad, thank you."

"I know, I just miss my hometown a little bit." Rorschach waved his hand and said to the only real student: "First of all, don't forget the cause and effect. It is the great changes in Valois that have given these young nobles a new awareness.

"In addition, I don't think highly of them because these people are neither secretive nor public enough.

"Like Pavel, he came to me rashly, a person I had never met before, and his judgment of me was only based on hearsay and indirect understanding. If the so-called alliance is full of people like him, then the alliance's actions should be no different from ostentatious.

"They are not ostentatious enough because they only operate in small groups of nobles. Their ideas are not known to enough people, nor are they widely recognized and accepted. Most people still fantasize about the path of military promotion, and the old power of the empire is still strong."

"So they are bound to fail, right?"

"These people think they have learned the lessons of the previous imperial army officers, but there is no difference in essence. They are all floating in the sky. Back then, it was the Valuana Club, and they knew how to publish magazines and tabloids, and help the poor to sue and contact soldiers."

Rorschach recalled the days in the Starry Tower, and Andrei realized that his hometown was so undercurrent. At that time, he only knew how to study and help his parents with chores.

"If we wait and see, I dare say that the alliance will most likely be extinguished.

"Now the military nobles who are suppressed by William II will definitely make great efforts. Now these people are holding back their anger. Do you think they will help the alliance rebuild the empire and abolish their own manors, or use the heads of these noble descendants to prove their loyalty to His Majesty?"

Andre felt that the teacher's face was particularly cunning at this time, and his words were also sinister, but it was not difficult to think that the positions of the dynamic groups in the two empires were contradictory.

Finally, Rorschach put away his staff. For some reason, Andre felt that the perverse and gloomy atmosphere shrouded the great wizard disappeared instantly. He looked at the steel plant and said, "So, there must be support from foreign forces!"

The agreement he secretly signed with the Republic of Valois on behalf of Byrne was almost to be fulfilled. The National Guard was indeed powerful and met two conditions. Now that there is the facade of the National Salvation Alliance, it can pull out a better-looking banner.

"Next, we have two important things.

"One is to make final preparations and mobilization, ready to participate in the war at any time; the second is to prepare for the construction of the second starship. ”

The first task is to prepare the four Byrne Corps, which have been completely refitted, for battle;

The second task is that the launch of the prototype starship went very smoothly, and Rorschach conveyed Hercules' warning to the Senate, so the construction of the next formal starship is on the agenda, and it is natural that it will be built by the Special Zone with the most concentrated industry and the most spellcasters in a broad sense. Just like the first one launched by the Star Tower, there will be mages from other places to support it.

Andre felt overwhelmed when he heard these matters. He only had to be responsible for overall coordination, supervision and implementation, tracking and follow-up, and staying up late to work overtime. Rorschach, who was responsible for talking and thinking, had to consider more.

Foreseeing that the future would be another day of relying on energy potions to make a full 20 hours a day, Andre's voice was trembling: "So you still want to support the National Salvation Alliance?"

"Although I am not optimistic rationally, my intuition tells me that the son of a certain nobleman must be involved. So even if it is impossible, I will help them do it. "

Rorschach had never learned or heard of the National Salvation Alliance from anyone other than Pavel, but he was 99% sure that the good Richard would agree with its ideas and participate in it.

Inside the palace, there was no magic to make it as warm as spring in previous years, but William II was still very satisfied. His aversion to magic was now almost paranoid.

In the eyes of the emperor, magic, this thing, did not save the life of the previous emperor, and almost took his life.

Yes, the previous emperor has passed away. Because the situation of the empire is not optimistic, the empire has covered the mouths of all mouthpieces at the suggestion of the new chancellor. Although the upper echelons of society have known it and the market is speculating and spreading rumors, there is absolutely no relevant report in the newspaper.

The "lonely man" is wrapped in a thick velvet robe, which covers the defects of his uneven body and makes the young emperor look more majestic and imposing. His right hand tightly grasps the scepter, and his defective left hand rests steadily on the armrest of the throne.

Today's reception has come to an end. He has discussed the next strategic deployment with the marshal in depth, and sent away the prime minister and the finance minister who came to cry poor. Now it is the second to last.

The person who came in is responsible for intelligence. It is said that when the previous emperor was alive, there were two departments to check and balance each other, one with a spellcaster and the other specifically used to deal with spellcasters. William II thinks this is a good idea and he wants to carry forward the good tradition.

The current intelligence chief handed over a list: "Your Majesty, we have noticed that there are many illegal groups active in the country, one of which is..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"This is a partial list, please read it yourself."

The emperor took it from the servant, his eyes widened, and he locked onto the name of Major General Richard at a glance. Not only him, but also many descendants of prominent families appeared on the list.

"What do you think this group wants to do?"

"Plotting rebellion."

"Rebellion, idiot!" The emperor wanted to smash the head of the person who handed over the list with his scepter:

"Can't you see their surnames? To put it bluntly, the empire is shared by this emperor and them, how can anyone plot rebellion against himself? Stupid, don't you know how to distinguish true and false intelligence? Or, when I want to reuse them, someone will jump out to hinder it?"

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