Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 531 Spell Whitelist

Rorschach couldn't help but remind the visionary: "You don't have any titles or fiefs, but your surname tells me that you are a noble. And I want to remind you that Valois's changes consumed the heads of many nobles. The king is not immune."

"You are right." Pavel said optimistically: "But there is another possibility, isn't there? The Kingdom of Bain is a good template. The royal family of your country is willing to release its power and share it with capable people. People, regardless of their high or low birth status.

"The empire can also be like this, just like Istani and Bain. The power of the monarch is determined through the consultation of the whole people, and then restricted and stipulated in the form of law."

Rorschach thought that Pavel was just a naive person, but he didn't expect that he would also narrate the current problems of the empire:

The top management of the empire is still controlled by nobles, who are more concerned with family background than ability;

Notwithstanding the existence of a Parliament and a General Staff, His Imperial Majesty's dictatorship still exerts great influence, and it is said that his command produced extremely bad consequences in a recent campaign;

Slavery was not abolished, and much of the conquered population was tethered to the farms of petty military nobles whose output was inferior to that of factories and whose labor force was tethered;

The collapse of the military merit system, changes in the form of war, and civilians going to the battlefield and either dying insignificantly or surviving in the trenches have made it very difficult to get promoted.

He said that the empire had a progressive side in the past, but it is not outstanding today, and the remaining negative factors of decay and compromise are dragging down the whole.

Each of them hit the mark, which actually made Rorschach change his view of this nobleman: "You are very right, but it is easy to discover and always extremely difficult to solve. How do you plan to change it?

"With all due respect, you are now just a major in the Imperial Army and have no actual influence in Bomia."

Pavel was not frustrated: "Indeed, if it was just my fantasy, I would not dare to disturb the master, but there are more than one young man who has had similar experiences to me and been influenced by Valois.

"In the past, some pioneers in the Imperial Army have made attempts, but they did not have a clear blueprint, nor thorough preparations, nor did they obtain the necessary support. They just launched blindly out of passion, blindly advanced, and blindly Trust the emperor.

“Their failure is a lesson for us.

"It is said that Master Rorschach can control many of Byrne's properties. Today I come to see you to ask for your support on behalf of all the young nobles who have the same ambition as me.

"Through our careful investigation and repeated discussions, Byrne's path is the most suitable for the entire empire. As nobles, we have the responsibility to choose the path for the country in times of crisis."

You haven't seen the crazy His Highness Otto. Rorschach's expression also became serious: "I only saw an innocent and enthusiastic young man lobbying, but I haven't seen the possibility of action."

"Are you interested?" Pavel excitedly pulled out the silk scarf from his arms. It had many signatures and bloody fingerprints on it.

Rorschach looked at it for a while and shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know him."

"This is the second son of the Grand Duke of Württemberg. This is the eldest son of the Privy Councilor's family. This is" Different from the previous rebellion of low-level officers, the people gathered together this time are all of the noble blood of the empire and the glory of their families. It has been flying on the continent together with the imperial flag since ancient times.

In comparison, a "Grand Duke Reserve" is really mediocre inside. Even Luo Xia was slightly surprised: "Your organization is..."

"We thought of a concise and powerful name: Save the country and the alliance!"

Well, very good, I counted on my fingers and found that it is indeed December now.

Rorschach nodded repeatedly, making Pavel look hopeful. However, Rorschach's next words shocked this ideal young man:

"I am just a spell caster and will not interfere in the politics of the empire. Whether you continue your journey or return to the army or Bomia, allow me to take my leave."

Rorschach left the reception room and found Andre.

Andrei was very interested in Pavel: "How did you talk with the guests from Bomia?"

"I shouldn't be the one to contact him. All subsequent matters regarding Pavel and the National Salvation Alliance will be handed over to Valan for follow-up and give him enough resources.

"Let's just do our job." According to plan, today is the day when the "Large Magic Weaver" goes online.

As the intensity of the war gradually heats up, several factories are attacked more and more often. Young nobles like Pavel can notice Rorschach's achievements, and others will also pay attention, as well as people with malicious intentions. to disrupt production.

In order to eliminate potential sabotage from spellcasters, Rorschach plans to cover important factory areas with "magic weavers."

After the weaver is activated, first of all, the magic power of the environment will be polarized and transformed into the form of intertwined magic strings. For ordinary mages, it is the same as in the "forbidden magic field", but for mages who join the magic cloud system and in factories, The transformed magic circuit will be converted to use magic strings to cast spells with the assistance of the Law Tree.

This is a disguised spellcasting whitelist system.

At the same time, the weaver transforms the entire magical environment to prevent the intrusion of the power of the Mother Earth. Although there is no sign of His activity in Bain now, Hercule's warning rings true, and this is the main measure Rorschach can take.

Of course, such measures will definitely cause dissatisfaction. Rorschach is only deployed within the factory and will not affect other areas. At least for now.

"Three, two, start polarization." Andre stared at the indicator instrument. Martin, the designated "human starter" closest to the machine, pressed the button. The large machine under the foundation of the central tower began to roar, and the field covering the steel plant slowly expanded.

The process of weaving magic strings will make the casters present feel uncomfortable until the discomfort disappears and the magic can no longer be directly felt. "Polarization" is considered complete.

The mages and apprentices in the steel plant follow the instructions and operate the magic in their bodies in a new way, trying to contact the environmental magic that has changed its form and distribution, and communicate with the upper tree of law.

In Rorschach's hand, a replica of the "Double Snake Staff" and the terminal of the Tree of Law condensed. He held up an ordinary staff, and all the magic strings suddenly became clearly visible in his [Arcane Vision].

They are everywhere. At first glance, they look like a net shrouded in space, but if you look closely, each grid begins to overlap, as if it is an infinite fractal.

He waved his staff again, and the tree of law between the virtual and the real stretched out its roots, using the entity in Rorschach's hand as an intermediary to connect to the magic strings here, and made them vibrate regularly, restarting all the magic circles in the factory under the control of the staff holder.

The soul-destroying "innocent" Pavel rode past the factory. He felt dizzy at first, and saw that the lights and noises of the steel plant all stopped, and then resumed at the same time in an instant.

Pavel just shook his head at the strange feeling and movement, tightened the reins again and walked forward. His mind was not on the road, and he almost hit a car.

"Sorry. Hmm? Sir, you shouldn't park your car in the middle of the road." Pavel reminded in a good voice.

Unexpectedly, a young man came out of the car. He had an excellent appearance, but his demeanor gave people a sense of treacherous atmosphere.

The young man walked to the horse and saluted: "Allow me to introduce myself: I am Valan, a person who may be able to help you and your companions. If you can do me the honor, please move to a secret and safe place to talk in detail."

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