Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 543 Can't I go?

Different types of mutations occurred, but by and large they were not intense.

The monster Rorschach encountered may be regarded as a small elite monster. If it is attacked with regular energy-shaping magic, it can be imagined that it will repeatedly reorganize and regenerate, and use the sticky peat environment to deal with it. It's a pity that Rorschach just packed it up and took it away.

Other situations can generally be classified into the following categories: resurrection of the dead, mutations of animals and plants, and abnormal geological movements.

The most serious ones are undoubtedly three. One is the large-scale resurrection of the undead at the junction of the Empire and the Republic. They are calculated in units of tens of thousands. The earliest discoverers are wandering gray elves who touch corpses.

With the firepower of the two countries and the help of spellcasters, it is not difficult to deal with these living corpses. The troublesome part is that the rotting remains of these activities may cause large-scale disease spread.

We are not afraid of them gathering in groups, but we are afraid that the goddess will scatter flowers and bring diseases to the settlement.

The second thing worth noting is that on the southernmost peninsula of the mainland, abnormal geological activities have resurrected an extinct volcano, and it is erupting violently. A large city in the Kingdom of Sardinia is at the foot of the mountain. Theoretically, rescue is being prepared, but people It has been buried for a long time and is probably going to become a world cultural heritage.

The last person who seems to be saved is O'Ward.

Now it is blocked by white fog, and the fog barrier merges with the pure white sky, almost as if a piece of the ground has been chewed off by the sky. People outside will lose contact after entering. Occasionally, monsters with multiplied flesh and tenacious vitality will come out of the white mist.

It was originally a battlefield between the two countries, and now there is still a confrontation between the National Guard and the Imperial Army in the Oder River Basin on both sides of it.

"Can we use an airship to look down from a high altitude to see what's going on inside?"

The Tower of Source Water is located along the Ord River, and its chief knows the most about the situation: "The engine will fail. The dwarf engineer said that the air composition near the fog barrier has been changing, exceeding the working range of the power furnace. In addition, other vehicles, The caster has not come back yet to deliver the message.”

The only ones who could report back on the local situation in Oward were the soldiers who witnessed the ashes burning the city. When the sporadic results were compiled, the Senate was able to basically determine that this was a man-made cult ritual because the timing of the incident was very special.

What disturbed the senators most was that it seemed to be the first to see the "pale sky." And now abnormal daylight has enveloped the entire continent.

"Shall we go to the scene?"

"I don't know if there will be other problems in the future. It is not convenient for me to leave the tower." Most of the elders had this attitude, and finally their eyes fell on Master Luo.

What are you looking at me for? As a junior, is it appropriate for me to run errands?

"There are Master Feuerbach and other high-level spellcasters in the Bain area. Master Rorschach, it's just right for you to investigate the situation." Someone gave an impeccable reason.

The last one to come online was Cobber. He was no longer as lively as before, and now he looked like an old man.

"Sorry, many natural spells have problems. Oh, what a disaster..."

The old man's tone was still relaxed, but his words were a bit serious: "You have to check all magic items and potions with therapeutic effects recently. They may have unexpected and confusing effects."

Kano thought about the reason behind the vision: "Can we conclude that it is the activation of the power of the Mother Earth?"

"Yes, this is probably the first large-scale activity since the Silent Era. It is not yet clear whether the will of the gods has recovered. It is also unclear whether the so-called doomsday recorded in religious texts will really follow." Feuerbach hates religion the most. Eschatology, but we have to admit that at least a big crisis is approaching.

The more conclusive those doctrines were, the more disdainful the Master's attitude became, treating them as nonsense to intimidate ignorant believers. But now all the signs seem to be consistent with the doomsday preached by the underground cult.

Some elders felt that it was not possible to draw a conclusion: "What's going on with the early dawn? Isn't it about the Mother Earth?"

The chief of the Tower of Light made a guess that no one else would think about: "Could there be other gods fighting with the Earth Mother Goddess?

"The symbol of the sky, the light that envelopes the world...the god who has similar authority, is hostile to the Mother Goddess and is still active, should be Him."

"His symbol should also be the sun instead of the strange sky now... Forget it, you are right, all we can do is deal with emergencies on the ground.

"And find out O'Ward's situation as soon as possible."

Okay, okay, can’t I go? Stop staring at me... Rorschach was still thinking of selling a new batch of "figures" after the meeting, but now he could only make one more trip: "I'll leave as soon as possible."

He will arrive at the junction first, and Rorschach plans to go there in the body of [Axiom Creation] this time.

As the centerpiece of the disaster and the focal point of the battlefield, O'Ward's surroundings were bustling with activity.

The National Guard Army Group East remained stranded nearby. They had a decision-making dispute during their retreat. Paul was not present, and whether to carry out his order to "withdraw the troops" became a very tangled issue.

Staying away from the ghost town of Orward is undisputed, but stopping the war and withdrawing from the empire is absolutely unacceptable. Even just shrinking the front line has many generals unwilling to implement it.

It’s not necessarily because they are greedy for credit, but whoever withdraws the troops will be responsible for it and be prepared to be spurned by the fanatical people, and those politicians are not reliable. Maybe today the members of the military committee can still support the withdrawal, but tomorrow the committee members will be replaced. A wave of people were mobilized to liquidate the "national sinners who gave up their word".

When the crisis was basically resolved, the state of emergency in the Republic began to turn into spasms. Now the political arena of Valuana is a super chaotic system without negative feedback regulation:

Anything on the front line can involve and cause violent shocks. As long as someone dares to make a decision, he will be coerced by the political enemy to launch an attack with the ultimate goal of sending the opponent to the guillotine. Such decision-making layers in turn act on the front line, affecting the war order, appointment and dismissal, and the future of the generals.

Paul was able to quickly gain command, in addition to being a "victorious general", because this bachelor was a wizard and didn't need to pay attention to that.

Paul was gone, and the only ones left on the front line were the extremely tired soldiers and the generals who dared not make decisions, "waiting for good news" in the trenches.

On the side of the imperial army, except for Richard's unit, other legions also moved to the Oder River defense line one after another.

The two main forces faced each other again, and for a while there was a sense of a decisive battle, and its future was like Oward shrouded in fog.

Inside the city, the Mage Corps was completely unaware that they had been cut off from the outside world, but they were also unable to take care of themselves.

The Blood Knights kept chasing them, and they were unable to defend themselves. Many flesh and blood creatures completely lost their human form and rushed towards them from all directions.

"We can only go to the Guild Station. At least there are protective devices there for everyone to rest." Richard's spirit had reached the limit, and Paul and others were in a similar situation.

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