Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 549: In front of the bed

Richard was unable to understand and record what happened in the end.

The filthy scarlet slurry suddenly changed from concentrated flow to outward flow, even setting off a huge wave of more than ten meters high in front of him.

But something was spreading faster. Before the huge wave could swallow up Richard, he was hit by a wave, vaporized, and disappeared without a trace.

This was the last scene he saw and remembered. The last frame ended with infinite white, engulfing him.

The rest is a dream.

Richard once thought that he had arrived in the underworld or the kingdom of the gods, and he couldn't help but drift to the foot of a very big tree. The tree crown was sparkling, and there were magnificent buildings not far away.

His first reaction was that there really is an afterlife, and the second was a question: How strange, he is obviously an unbeliever, what god is free enough to take care of him?

But now he has woken up from bed, so what he saw before must be a dream.

He is now in an unknown ward, and Rorschach is sitting beside the bed.

"We met again. And it was when I was dying again." Richard squeezed out a smile and said to his friend: "It's strange, it's you who rushes here every time, Rorschach, why can't you see Bart?"

Because Bart is innocent, he is now content (but unwilling) to be the man behind the Senator.

Rorschach also smiled, but what he said was a bit catchy: "Wrong, it's not the ongoing tense, it's the perfect tense."


"To put it bluntly, in both medical and mystical terms, you have died once and cannot be considered near death." Faced with his friend, Rorschach decided to confess: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in Owo at that time. virtue

"You were affected by the explosion, and your body was completely annihilated like other things. Fortunately, I found your soul, and then used special spells to help you rebuild your body.

"I'm sorry, now regardless of your own wishes, you are already a magical creature. As compensation, the magic of the ninth level and below of the Tree of Law will be open to you."

Now Richard's body is already a product of [Axiom Creation]. The physical strength and magic circuit configuration are comparable to or even stronger than those of other archmages, but the original ones no longer exist.

"No, no, no, what are you apologizing for?" Richard realized that he was not in any pain at this time, and the magic power in his body was extremely full: "My Rorschach! God! Look what you are saying in an understatement:

"Resurrect me from the ashes, and turn me into a magical creature comparable to the Archmage! How did you do that?"

"That's a long story."

Rorschach was still frightened after returning to the junction, and then something even more terrifying happened: the "soul return program" originally set by Talling sent another light ball, also from O'Ward.

Rorschach almost killed him as a "virus" that had sneaked in, but luckily he took a closer look and it was Rick!

He explored O'Ward again and found that although his actions had many twists and turns, in the end it was very efficient - all the pollution was concentrated into the core of the explosion, leaving only a clean pit.

Very good, it is estimated that not a single piece of DNA from Richard’s original body was left.

"There are many coincidence factors that can resurrect you." Feeling guilty, Rorschach confessed and analyzed to Richard:

"When I was at Fortress Moncato, I used [Reverse Ray] on you once, and reconstructed it based on my own memory. This process should have been recorded by the Tree of Law.

"And you have used the Tree of Law very deeply. Perhaps your soul has established enough connections to allow your spirit body to be pulled under the tree when it loses its container.

"The program for pulling souls is pre-set by me, for myself."

Rorschach couldn't imagine what would happen if any one condition was missing. The final result is good, but can it be reproduced and is it feasible? Rorschach is difficult to study further.

There are only a few people who are close to Richard's conditions. Counting Rorschach himself, only Caroline and Andre can catch up with Richard in their use of the Tree of Law and can establish contact with the borderland. With just this little experimental material, or a destructive experiment, how do you control the variables?

Richard chatted some more and mentioned Paul and Pascal.

Rorschach was also sweating profusely when talking about this.

When the black hole began to absorb and control the flesh and blood carpet, the influence of the Mother Goddess began to weaken. Now the review made Rorschach think that perhaps the Mother Goddess began to focus its power on dealing with Rorschach and the mini black holes he created.

This gave Paul and others the possibility of escaping, eventually establishing a safe transmission channel and leaving O'Ward before the explosion.

If they hadn't escaped, they wouldn't have been treated like Richard. If that were the case, Rorschach would have become the biggest enemy of his fellow killers, Kano and his team for the rest of their lives.

What a risk, what a risk. It’s a real escape in every sense of the word.

Finally, Richard asked about the whereabouts of Hench, who had the same name as him. Iltsov mentioned that he was taken away by a priest of the Earth Mother Goddess after he was in a coma.

"I did meet a crazy monk. Not only did he not avoid the black hole, but he also actively threw himself into it. He did bring a sack with him. Well, it was bulging. He was probably the person you mentioned.

"They were at the very center of the explosion, and their chances of survival were extremely small. I also confirmed that there were no living things left in that dead land."

Rorschach looked guilty again as he spoke. Although Richard was sad, he still stopped him and said:

"No need to apologize anymore, I'm just asking, and I have indeed guessed a similar ending in my heart.

"Hench is a good friend of mine, but Rorschach, you don't have to apologize for a stranger."

Richard survived and solved a big problem:

He was almost the only person who survived until the last moment of the Oward disaster, and he was the only eyewitness of the whole process. Richard was the only one who had the most complete understanding of the incident and could tell the truth to the Magic Guild and the Empire.

For the Guild, he could help Rorschach prove that the last resort he took was a necessary and unavoidable measure.

Of course, this testimony to the Guild was not particularly important.

Firstly, Rorschach really did go too far, and he had already planned to review it to the Senate, which was also a wake-up call for himself;

Secondly, the chief of the thirteen magic towers took the time to rush to the vicinity of Oward and witnessed the final "grand occasion". If it was confirmed that the black hole and the subsequent super explosion were caused by Rorschach, then no one would dare to pursue this gentleman.

And it was more important for Richard to survive and explain to the Empire, especially to the Emperor, what happened in his territory.

From the perspective of the Empire, Oward was abnormal when the two armies were fighting, and spellcasters were active in it.

Then, the obviously abnormal fog blocked the whole city. Later, the wizards of the guild came from all directions and added another layer of blockade on the periphery.

William II turned a blind eye to the efforts made by the guild, such as blocking the Oder River to prevent pollution from spreading downstream and eliminating escaped monsters. He only knew that a prosperous city with a long imperial history and a large population was left with nothing after the blockade was lifted.

It can be predicted that the relationship between the palace and the guild will continue to deteriorate.

"I will try my best to explain. Whether Your Majesty can believe it is something I cannot guarantee."

"Thank you, Rick."

After saying this, the ward became quiet for a while. The atmosphere was declining before, and now it has reached the extreme. Rorschach was a little depressed.

Richard saw this and pretended to sigh casually: "Alas, I have to cut off contact with Libus."

Sure enough, Rorschach cheered up: "Huh? Who is Libus? Why do you want to cut off contact?"

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