Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 551: Those who survive a disaster will surely become stronger

The demon monk did not die, on the contrary, he got what he wanted. Although the Mother Goddess is still blind and not fully awakened, the power seeping out of her is also aware of Rorschach's intentions.

In the end, it accepted Gregory, who jumped into the mutated black ball. This brave child deserves to be loved by his mother. All the power contaminated by the Mother Goddess was injected into the acolyte as much as possible, and the remaining energy was contracted to protect Hengqi who was forced to be thrown in.

When Gregory came out of the "Alchemy Furnace", he was completely enlarged. His body was reshaped, and his internal body was in a violent balance. If Rorschach's medical evaluation in his previous life was used, he would be found to be in a severe state of cancer. , but these aberrations at the genetic and cellular levels did not affect him.

This is the aftermath of the Big Bang, and it is also a wonderful state of being able to approach Mother Earth and gain power and attention. In short, it is clearly a positive buff for Gregory. Now this demon monk has become the most powerful benefactor in the world.

Gregory survived and immediately left with Hench.

Due to the explosion of Rorschach's clone, the return of his soul to the junction, and the handling of Richard's affairs, when Rorschach's body and the surrounding archmages entered the explosion area, Gregory had already escaped, but conversely, the demon monk did not realize it. Such an earth-shattering explosion was not a self-destruction of the main body. He also thought it was Rorschach.

Seeing the demon monk again, the emperor still had a bad expression and looked at the visitor coldly.



The first one came from William, and the second one came from the guard who was speaking. In this way, Gregory was stopped and stopped outside the main hall.

The monk didn't take it seriously. He bowed to the young man on the throne very seriously: "Your Majesty, you are really a monarch with a mind as broad as the sea. Can you forgive me for my last rudeness."

The Second Emperor snorted coldly: "You dare to show up again." As soon as the emperor said this, the guards surrounding Gregory immediately moved their bayonets closer to the monk.

"I'm just here as promised to answer the questions you want to ask. As for the truth or falsehood, I believe that a wise king like you has his own discretion."

This sentence reached William's heart, and his expression softened: "Is the final destruction related to the mage?"

Gregory grinned: "No. It's all the power of the Mother Goddess."

".Did you destroy the entire city?"

"No, it's General Iltsov. He is from the North, and there are barbarian guards. In recent years, the Mother Goddess will return, and they have discovered that the ancient beliefs passed down by their ancestors really point to the gods.

“In order to defend the city, the general chose to pray to the Great Mother, but he did not know how to exercise restraint and asked for too much.

"If you just want to save Orward from the Valois, perhaps none of your people will die. Unfortunately, he wants too much, power, status, and eternal life."

He performed his duties as a monk and boasted outside the hall door, which could be heard by the entire palace. Fortunately, William II had already driven away all the distrustful people.

Finally, he said that he could make up for William II's physical regret. At this point, the arrogant emperor stopped Gregory's behavior for the second time: "That's enough, I hate these fallacies."

The emperor waved his hand: "I just want to know if such a wrong ritual can be used again for the enemies of the empire?"

Gregory did not expect that the other party would have this idea: "It's hard to say. The power of the Great Mother is all-encompassing, and the results of the wrong ritual will be unpredictable. But it is possible, Your Majesty."

The emperor's ministers were horrified: "Your Majesty, we have learned the truth of the incident from many parties, and it is time to stop here." He said in front of Gregory: "The Mother Goddess and her followers are enemies of the empire and civilization. Enemies, look at the disaster they bring! I beg your Majesty not to have contact with such people again.”

"Allow me to speak boldly to your courtiers." Gregory bowed to the emperor again: "In the past, the gods disappeared, the Lord of Order was silent, and the old empire fell into pieces.

“Your Majesty’s new empire is extremely correct and great in being able to get rid of superstition, recognize the changes in the times and expel the church, but the premise is that the gods are indeed far away from the world.

"Now that the Mother Goddess is back, why can't the empire change again in line with the times? Being hostile blindly is not a wise choice. On the contrary, saying that the Mother Goddess is evil is just propaganda from enemy countries and magic guilds. They are afraid that another country will get it. God’s protection, I am afraid that your country will be like the old empire, supported by powerful gods, sweeping across the entire continent.”

The emperor's ministers immediately scolded: "You fart! You killed tens of thousands of people. Isn't this evil enough?"

"Your Majesty, why do you still have such stupid people around you, who judge gods by the morality of mortals?" Gregory showed a look of doubt and surprise, and then shouted to the people in the main hall:

“God’s wrath and the destruction of a city are nothing more than the insignificance of His power.

“The God who claims to be the Lord of light and order has in the past sent down fire from heaven to destroy cities and turned guilty and innocent people into pillars of salt. This is known to everyone, but the people He protected have achieved a Victory after victory, His believers regard these things as miracles to be proud of, record them, praise Him, and worship Him;

"The god of sky and thunder in ancient times was licentious and impermanent. His followers and those who spread myths argued that this is how gods come out of nature! Gods are just like the sky, with rain and dew, storms, sunny days and thunder. These singers, poets, and playwrights who longed for ancient times could forgive Him and beautify Him;

"Now, a real god who is about to come to the world has begun to show his power, but you, a fool, believed the enemies, the casters, and the people who hate God, and dared to slander and belittle Him!"

Gregory was furious when he accused, his greasy black curly hair was fluffy, and his righteous words showed his extraordinary momentum, which weakened the courtiers who had been admonishing William II and had to leave.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, forgive my failure." Gregory also stopped his beard and hair, and apologized to the emperor hypocritically.

The emperor stared at the monk for a long time, and suddenly said: "Come in first."

The empire was going through the most difficult winter in recent years.

The mages of the Forest Tower received reports from Rorschach and others, including themselves, and found traces of cult activities in various parts of the empire, especially using methods similar to pollution to help increase the yield of fields.

Due to the imperial army's grain collection, these contaminated grains were concentrated on a large scale by them. The mages quickly took screening and purification measures, trying to reduce the risk through various methods.

During this period, some grain was inevitably "decontaminated", and the Empire's solution was to collect another tax from the production areas where no pollution was detected.

Suddenly, complaints arose in the countryside, and the life of urban residents was not easy. The disappearance of Oward made them panic, and the stock market and other markets were hit hard in panic.

Some media dug up the sporadic truth of the Oward disaster. The Mother Earth Goddess and her faith group received unprecedented attention in the Empire for the first time, and linked it to the attacks on the Imperial Parliament Building and the Imperial Palace a few years ago. The news from Byrne revealed to the people of the Empire that this evil god and his believers had been active in Valois and Istani, and all of them had been harmed.

There were many calls between the Empire to stop the war with the Republic and to use their energy on post-war reconstruction and solving the threat of evil god worship as soon as possible.

However, the relevant motions submitted by the Parliament were rejected by the Palace.

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