Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 552: Localists and Spaceshipists

In addition to attracting widespread attention from ordinary people, the Ovod destruction incident also caused the Offa Senate to hold countless special meetings for this matter.

Earth-Air Communication System Senate Hotline:

The white light ball representing the Tower of Light flickered, and grew larger and smaller:

"The Church has confirmed that the abnormal daylight is indeed the result of the interference of the God of Light and Order. The power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth entered an active period in late winter, especially on the day of the disaster, when the God of Order suppressed the Mother Goddess with his own power."

Feuerbach always hated God, especially the Lord of Order: "Could it be that those charlatans are taking credit?"

The light ball replied: "It is basically certain that what the Order Church said is true. It is said that the power of God descended through the Eternal City, which directly caused the Pope to bear too much divine power and die early."

This is really explosive news, but there is more explosive: "Now the College of Cardinals is fighting openly and secretly before the election of a new Pope. In addition to the competition between the local factions of the Peninsula and other local factions, the biggest problem is the Valois Church, which is competing with the Eternal City.

"Some cardinals hope that the former Bishop Duplessis in Vignon can participate in the election of the College of Cardinals to end the division of the church. "

The light of the light ball focused on Kano's shadow, and then swept over the chief Christian of the Storm Tower: "Can the gentleman in Valois help the priests of the Eternal City to convey the invitation to Mr. Duplessi? At least six cardinals promised to support him. "

What's this? The church is splitting up, and we are asked to pass on the message from the arcane elders? Tell Duplessi like this - if you return to the Eternal City, you will not lose the position of Pope? Rorschach felt that the current gap was very large.

After talking about the church, it was Rorschach's turn to review. He should first confirm the disaster situation and whether there were any survivors. "I deeply realize that my behavior was reckless and aggressive, and I did not correctly recognize the danger and complexity of the situation."

The only one who listened carefully was Kano. He found that his two good apprentices were almost blown to ashes by the super explosion of another super good apprentice, and he was inevitably a little angry.

But other mages were more concerned about "Mage Rorschach, the Senate will accept your review, but can you make a detailed report on the last explosion? ”

So you are all eyeing the spell.

Rorschach nodded: "I will, this is a chain spell, the core is my own creation of [Microscopic Decomposition]. Anyway, this spell has been made public to you by uploading it to the spell cloud."

The other mages were shocked. But they have not yet gone online, otherwise they will find that this spell must be exchanged for a very high amount of 100,000 points, and to get six-digit points, the only possibility at present is to upload nine-ring and above spells that have not been recorded in the Tree of Law, and to upload more than one.

It is roughly equivalent to "Do you want my spell? Go and earn points! I have uploaded all the spells in the world!"

It is a pity that Rorschach did not start the era of cloud disk VIP and speed limit with the death of his mother.

After drooling over the spell, these elders returned to the serious: "In addition to Oward being the focus that day, various disasters occurred all over the world. We have to face a common problem and make preparations for the worst - to welcome the end of the world. "

"Is it too late to prepare now? "Kano held back his spit.

When Valois was in trouble, no one else reacted. The Storm City of Istani was turned upside down, but they still didn't take it seriously enough. It wasn't until the whole world showed signs of crumbling that everyone finally gathered their energy to hold a meeting here to discuss.

While the elders were discussing countermeasures, a voice suddenly popped up: "Why not migrate to another plane for refuge?"

This was the chief of the Dark Tower. The black ball zoomed in and out like the white ball when he spoke: "The main plane is the plane surrounded by the gods, blessed and cursed. It is the center of the world and the hub of all realms, but it is also the center of disasters, right?

"Especially when interpreting the articles and doctrines of the underground cult, it is clear that the power of the Mother Earth is reflected in the main material plane and resurrected on the land under our feet. So why can't we just leave?"

The chief of the Storm Tower really considered the feasibility: "We are already carrying out the starship plan. It is not impossible to go to the star world on a large scale now."

After breaking through the transmutation dust layer flow, the ability to leave the main material plane is no longer from 0 to 1, but directly to at least 100.

For the mages, as long as they can face the harsh environment of laminar flow and ensure that the spells do not fail, they can carry a lot of loads into the sky, and can also expand and compress space. In addition, with shield and force field magic, long-term and large-scale astral navigation is completely feasible.

"In the past, the gods were active in the astral and symbolic planes. For us, leaving the main material plane is to feed them fish. Now the biggest threat comes from under our feet. There is only a pile of dead things above our heads to imprison us, but now we have successfully broken through.

"Think about it carefully. Without the constraints of the gods, we can now conquer other planes and even break through this universe to the outer world, completely away from the threat of the mother goddess."

Some mages cannot accept this idea at all, such as the Forest Tower. Cobb emphasized that even if there are space spells, it is impossible to replicate and move the ecosystem with current technology. Their home is always the main material plane.

What are the local faction and the spaceship faction? Rorschach suddenly felt that he had walked into the wrong set.

The chief of the Dark Tower warned: "Perhaps it's not just the Mother Earth, there are more gods awakening. If we don't seize the current window of opportunity, if there are powerful enemies under the earth and above the sky, we will be caught in the middle, just like the sauce in Rorschach's bread."

I don't know where you are from, how come this thing and this name have spread to other wizard towers? Rorschach wanted to complain but couldn't do it in such a serious topic, and he felt uncomfortable.

In the end, the Senate chose a compromise - to suppress the activities of the Mother Earth believers with all its strength and speed up the advancement of the starship plan.

"One more thing." The chief of the Dark Tower added before the meeting ended. I don't know why he was so talkative today: "Remember to check the members of your tower and the members of the guild. If the gods become active again, there may be spellcasters who bow to the gods, even among us."

Rorschach, who has helped two laid-off gods find new jobs, didn't feel that he was being targeted at all. He applied to communicate with Kano alone: ​​"What did the master of the Dark Tower mean in the end?"

"Oh, it's okay, he just wanted to disgust someone." Although Kano's expression on the other end of the communicator could not be seen at this time, it can be imagined that he must be full of jokes at this time: "Don't you think one of us knows a lot of inside information about the church? The Tower of Light, the Tower of Light, where is it most likely?"

Dang-dang-dang The big bell of the Eternal City rang three times. It was past noon today, so it should be three o'clock in the afternoon.

In Saint Sistine, there are many rooms in this church where the cardinals often hold meetings. Some are worship rooms exclusively occupied by big figures, and some rooms no one knows what they are used for.

An old man came out of an unknown room and paced in the maze-like corridor of the Sistine Chapel.

"Finally found you! The other cardinals are waiting for you." The young priest was responsible for notifying the archbishops of the meeting and had to run wildly on the expensive carpet to catch up with the old man.

"Please tell me that my opinion will not change: only when Duplessis is present, the election of the College of Cardinals will be meaningful. Vignon is still illuminated by the glory of the Lord of Order. They have not betrayed God, and God has not betrayed them. So who is wrong?"

After saying this, the old man continued to walk down. The priest wanted to catch up with him and persuade him, but found that he could not catch up with him. The old man's pace was not fast, but he disappeared at the corner of the corridor in a blink of an eye.

The red robes worn by the cardinals are quite similar to the robes of the archmage.

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