Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 553 Deceiving the King


The cannons from the Valois National Guard made a muffled sound. They no longer fired solid or explosive-filled shells, but special hollow shells.

After flying to a certain height, the two tin shells disintegrated, and colorful leaflets floated out from inside.

The main content of the leaflets was to persuade surrender, retreat, and republicanism, anti-imperialism, anti-war, and anti-evil gods. The National Guard put forward an attitude: It’s not that our army will not retreat, but your emperor is unwilling to negotiate.

On the one hand, the National Guard was under pressure from the supply line, and on the other hand, it wanted to show its sincerity, so it gradually retreated and basically returned to the front line at the beginning of the autumn offensive. It only stationed in the northwest of the Black Forest and dug trenches to confront the imperial army.

Of course, the confrontation process was still painful. Both sides temporarily lost the power to break through the other side’s defense line, and they froze and rotted in the trenches in the dampness, injuries and severe cold.

By January, there was no war between the three great powers on the continent. It was just two hypoglycemic patients holding on, and a schizophrenic patient lent a fist to each side.

During the stalemate, I don’t know who came up with the bad idea, the National Guard began to attack the imperial army. In fact, the Republic has always regarded itself as an advanced system and madly promoted its own slogans. It can’t be said that the effect was minimal. After it conquered the Lowland Principality and became a sister republic, the whole world snorted in disdain: That’s it?

Recently, the propaganda mouthpiece of Valois seemed to have suddenly opened its mind. The banner it raised became urging peace and jointly facing the evil god, and there was also the most ruthless trick:

The damn southerners didn’t know where they got the gossip from the Imperial Palace and found that the beautiful and innocent Empress of the Empire actually maintained a good friendship with a demon monk, and the demon monk was actually allowed to enter and leave the palace by the emperor.

They immediately used the talents of the Valois people and made up stories. Some evil monks were gifted with extraordinary talents and could pass through the barrel of a cannon with their flesh bodies. Some evil monks had the ability to change. Whenever the queen was in a bad mood, they could turn into a stallion to comfort her. In short, they were making more and more false claims for William II.

There was no need to talk about other slogans. The soldiers on the front line loved to watch this. They didn't care whether it was wild or not, but only whether it was powerful or not.

It was very powerful, so powerful that the unscrupulous Istani people printed pirated copies and sold them all over the world.

When these imperial soldiers entered the sage time, they began to wonder if this thing was real? If it was true, then I could only talk about love with girls in the rotten ditch, while the dignified emperor of the empire was playing special play in the rear?

How could this be tolerated?

The mood of unrest and dissatisfaction was growing, and even crudely printed super-vulgar novels could become fuel.

After realizing that something was wrong, the Imperial Army issued a temporary decree: Anyone who still possessed leaflets distributed by the enemy or publications from Valois would be guilty of a felony, and would be sentenced to death by shooting. The superimposed charges included cowardice, treason, and leaking secrets.

As for the top officials of the Empire, it is absolutely wrong to say that they did a good job. At this moment, with internal and external troubles, if the former Chancellor Otto had not retired, he would have been so angry that he would have a heart attack, and before he died, he would have to hold a gun in his left hand and a knife in his right hand to clear the court from the Imperial Parliament Building to the Imperial Army General Staff before he could close his eyes;

But can you say that they did a bad job? These people cannot be wronged. They joined forces to build a nearly perfect information building for the new emperor, who was still inexperienced. Never mind that the series of masterpieces such as "Secrets of the Imperial Palace" and "Under the Skirts of the Emperor and the Empress" would be on the international bestseller list, and this wise and intelligent emperor did not hear any rumors.

Perhaps there were loyal and patriotic ministers around him, but that gentleman could not stand what the emperor was doing at this time and resigned in anger:

The machine roared, and the emperor and the queen were in the basement of the palace at this time, where the long-term anti-magic device was running.

They were watching Gregory's "witchcraft performance".

Gregory wanted to prepare a secret potion for His Majesty in front of him to make up for His Majesty's regret.

For safety reasons, he could only verbally describe what materials he needed, which were collected by the palace and sent by the guards, and then mixed on the spot in front of the anti-magic device and the emperor and queen. In addition to the two lords of the empire, there were also many guards and imperial spellcasters who could not cast spells.

This was a secret, closed underground place. Fortunately, the operation of the machine provided heat, so that the space was not as cold as the outside world.

With the interference of the machine, even ordinary magic potions were unlikely to succeed. The disordered environmental magic meant that the entire alchemy process was out of control.

But the evil monk was at ease, and he waited patiently for the materials to be ready - nothing more than various plants, some blood and rare mineral powders.

The queen held the emperor's right hand tightly - William never let anyone touch his left arm. Maybe not in the future, the queen looked at her husband expectantly, and then looked at Gregory who was carefully preparing the potion with the same eyes.

The monk was calm and calm, grinding the herbs slowly and slowly, and began to boil.

The brass spoon stirred a vortex in the crucible, and the spiral of the medicine soup made the audience feel a little tired. Especially when Gregory poured the ground crystal powder into the pot, the glittering traces on the surface of the solution made the emperor's eyelids start to fight.

Gregory's slender fingers stirred and stirred, and it was unknown when he finally stopped.

At this time, except for him, everyone had fallen into a coma, and the queen and the emperor fell on the soft chairs behind them.

The monk smiled with satisfaction, took out a small bottle of smelling salts, and put it under the captain's nostrils. A closer look revealed that the man was the believer of the Mother Goddess who had met Gregory before.

"He really fell asleep."

"There are many hypnotic drugs, not all of which require extraordinary power to achieve. Many people will forget this."

"Then why can't you be hypnotized?"

"I should ask why you are still hypnotized?" Gregory stared at the captain with his bright eyes in his deep black eye sockets, making him feel unprecedented pressure. The monk's shallow, bloodless lips opened and closed: "It means you are not pious enough and have not accepted enough grace from your mother."

Fortunately, he did not continue to pursue: "Okay, hurry up."

"Is it really necessary? But only those technical officers can start the machine. The most I can do is to stop it."

"Go ahead and do it. Hurry up. We don't have enough time."

In the space filled with dreams, all the watches of the magic-forbidden device began to stop, and the core rotated slower and slower. Before it completely stopped, Gregory could actually start to exert his power.

He began to perform the ceremony, not with the materials prepared in advance, but by opening the thin monk's robe and stabbing his abdomen with a knife. Over and over again, he vomited a thick, dark liquid and dripped it into the crucible.

After doing all this, he slowly walked to the device. He didn't study any structure, but just put his hand on it, and the core slowly began to resume its rotation speed.

After doing all this, his slender pale hand reached out to the queen again.

"Am I asleep?" William felt that he had completely closed his eyes for a moment. But now he stood, his posture did not change, and the same was true for others.

The inquiring eyes moved to the faces of the people around him, and the queen smiled sweetly: "No, Your Majesty. You must be a little tired, but you are always standing here firmly."

"That's good." William was a little happy to find that he did not lose his composure.

"Your Majesty, the medicine has been prepared."

"Isn't it just mixing a lot of messy materials? Is it really useful?" The emperor waved his hand doubtfully, and the guards took out two cages, one for the rabbit and the other for the dog.

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