Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 554: Father's Worry Alliance

"That's all?" Gregory pretended to be surprised at the animals being served.


"Your Majesty, what I mean is that to be on the safe side it is best to let people do the experiment." Gregory was very confident. He first asked the guards to stir the mixture carefully with a silver spoon for a few times, showing them the shiny and new surface: "It has not changed. black."

Then, the monk instructed the guards to fill up three cups and feed them to rabbits and dogs respectively.

The rabbit looked dazed and drank very little. The dog was forced to drink a whole cup and started barking.

One more glass.

Grigory smiled and walked up to the guard, who suddenly grabbed his arm.


Screams filled everyone's eardrums. Unexpectedly, the thin, drunk guy could explode with such huge strength, breaking the poor guard's bones in an instant with just his bare hands.

The ground was cleared, and all guns were pointed at the monk.

"It's your right arm that I pinched off. If you don't want to be a waste in the rest of your life, just drink it." Gregory offered the third cup of potion.

It is green and indistinguishable from the first presentation. The guard's reason was at war. On the one hand, he was afraid that if he refused this potion, he would become disabled. On the other hand, he instinctively resisted this dangerous and gloomy man. He was a devil!

"Drink." came the emperor's order.

The guard had no choice but to open his trembling lips and approach the cup. Gregory showed joy and slowly poured the medicine into the guard's mouth. At this time, he actually seemed a bit "kind".

As soon as the medicinal liquid enters the throat, it is like the strongest and strongest distilled wine. Strangely, there is obviously no alcohol.

The burning pain then spreads from the esophagus throughout the body, especially to the injured area. The drinker feels that his crushed right arm is burning, and the stomach pouch and the parts that have been injured and have hidden diseases are also in severe torment.

From the perspective of a bystander, large beads of sweat quickly appeared on the guard's forehead. He collapsed on the ground with an extremely twisted and painful expression, curled up and began to roll.

The emperor's brow furrowed.

Gregor stepped on the guard with his own feet, and his big eagle-claw-like hands accurately grasped the right wrist of the man on the ground and pulled: "That's enough. You are already extremely healthy. Please return to the manner in which you perform your duties."

The bones of the guard's body creaked as he was lifted up, and then he was surprised to find that all his pain had disappeared, including the right arm that had been shattered just now.

"This is amazing!" The soldier couldn't believe it and waved a few more times.

The emperor was also a little stunned. He immediately turned around - the magic-forbidden device was still running, making annoying noises and uncomfortable arcs of light.

"Your Majesty, just like last time, the decision of whether to drink or not is completely in your hands." Gregory once again expressed his position humbly: "But this time the potion is more than enough. You still only need to drink one cup, which is the cup just now. Or accurately weigh seventy-seven grams.

"The rest is at your disposal. My suggestion is" he lowered his body to prevent others from seeing his eyes: "You can reward your loyal ministers."

"." The emperor's voice also had a slight tremor. His right hand had broken away from the queen's embrace, but he couldn't help but hold his incomplete left arm: "My symptoms. Even the wizards in the Forest Tower can't do anything about it. They said a lot. Noun, what sequelae, nerves."

“And I can, just as they mages, servants of false gods, cannot play tricks on your devices, I can.

"It's not that I am great, it's because of the god I believe in. His love is so great and can heal everything. Unfortunately, not everyone can understand and bear this love."

"Let's not discuss this now. You are very good. You can complete it under the device, which is beyond my expectation." He suddenly thought of something and waved to someone in the onlookers.

William II was signaling to the imperial spellcaster: You can leave.

"It's an honor, Your Majesty, but I dare to make some suggestions to you so that I can better serve you and the empire."

Later, the scope of the anti-magic device in the palace was expanded to a large circle, but rumors said that the device in the core area was moved away, and the emperor often locked the palace door, which was said to be practicing some witchcraft.

For such rumors, the empire's senior officials thought it was nonsense at first, because they knew that what the young emperor hated most was extraordinary power.

It wasn't until more and more side evidence came out that the Imperial Speaker, the new Prime Minister, the Emperor's friends, Marshal Helmut, whose friendship had rapidly depreciated with the defeat of the war, and others felt the need to investigate and make insidious questions about His Majesty.

However, these people were soon involved in another major event that almost all their energy was involved:

Something far more terrifying than the Valois troops approaching the imperial capital happened again, a rebellion!

At first, there was a sporadic rebellion of frontline soldiers. Unlike the rebellion of middle- and lower-level officers, they took the rise and fall of the empire as their own responsibility. The demands of these soldiers are simple: a ceasefire.

If this is the case, even if the scale gradually expands, the empire will still be confident to suppress it.

Because the General Staff judged that the Valois were not just kind-hearted people who were trying to stay afloat, but that they themselves had a big problem. In addition to material shortages, the turmoil in Valuauna has reached a new climax. There are even rumors that the "first citizen" of the Republic, His Excellency Maxim, has disappeared.

In other words, the Republic is also in a shutdown stage. They are not a threat for the time being and can allow the Imperial Army to take care of the mutinous guys.

Unfortunately, the gentlemen in the imperial capital made a mistake, and it was not just the soldiers who were accumulating strong dissatisfaction. Farmers who were forced to requisition grain, small citizens who were burdened with special war taxes and whose lives became turbulent, and big businessmen who went bankrupt due to the collapse of war bonds and the collapse of the financial market. These people were having a hard time and were angry.

In the capital of Bomia, beer halls can be seen everywhere.

"Soldiers, citizens, citizens of all empires, look at our country. Is it something we can be proud of? Can it still fulfill the promises it made to us?

"The Valois have reached the Oder River, and now they are withdrawing on their own initiative. The pot-bellied general thinks it is his own credit, but have we achieved even one victory since the beginning of winter?

"The evil god destroyed a large city with hundreds of thousands of people. The tragedy attracted the attention of the whole world, but the empire's mouthpieces were all silent, and the whole country was indifferent. Do we have to wait until a similar disaster happens in our homeland?

"The empire is at its most critical moment. Please stop saying anything. I am a Bomian, a Württemberg, and a Bain. Please unite and save it! The Valois can save themselves in this way. Country, we can do better!”

The speaker, Pavel Crocker, waved his speech, arousing recognition from many people. His face turned red, his chest heaved violently, and he said in his heart: Well done, Crocker, you did it!

Similar speeches suddenly broke out all over the empire, in frontline military camps, cities, and ports. Many propaganda materials were spread quickly through the same channels as "Palace Secrets", and these rebellions can even be seen on the last page of the pirated book. Molecule appeal.

For a time, the "National Salvation Alliance" became famous.

And its initiators are all from the "emperor generation", rich and well-connected. Not only can they recruit frontline soldiers, but also many middle-level and grassroots officers can be influenced. No media has announced this fact yet.

As for the people who were separated by the young men, mysterious people provided some technical support. The introduction route was from Valouana to Byrne. Some young men who were not in the army received professional training and supporting publicity services, which made up for this. deficiencies.

The Big BOSS behind the mysterious man Valan put down the newspaper, recalled the bloody fingerprint list, and complained to Andre:

"The National Salvation Alliance is clearly the 'Father Worried Alliance'. The fathers of these young men are still holding important positions around His Majesty William.

"Are there any reports of high-ranking officials or nobles in the imperial capital suffering from heart disease?"

Andre shook his head: "No."

Luo Xia knocked on the table: "If you don't have it, increase your efforts and send more money and supplies to those who are worried about their fathers."

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