Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 555: Ominous Dream

The weapon of criticism cannot replace the weapon of criticism.

The basis of peace is violence.

Popular support is key to success.

These three "mental laws" are the concepts that Valang tried to instill into the head of the aristocratic young master. In fact, their family education, the empire's military education, and political and economic education all expounded similar views. However, sometimes what they heard was one thing, and how to do it was another.

What the operator Valan has to do is to tell the participants of the National Salvation Alliance how to implement it, especially to get rid of their naive parts.

Valan complained in a letter to Rorschach:

"Most of the people I have come into contact with are excessively naive. It doesn't mean that the descendants of the imperial nobles are trash. After thinking about the reasons carefully, I found that it is precisely because only people who are full of wishful thinking about the country, history and future will Join this whimsical alliance.

"It is like a wooden frame, and we have to replace the steel bars and pour concrete for them, otherwise the 'wise and mighty' Wilhelm II might blow a blow and this fragile organization will burst."

In recent times, Valencia's most proud achievements occurred in Bomia.

Time goes back to the early morning of the day when Valen wrote the letter, Bomea, the palace of the Grand Duke Croc.

Libus woke up pale and rang the bell by the window.

"Miss." The maid on duty came in hurriedly.

"what time is it now?"

"Five o'clock. Five o'clock and three."

Libus hurriedly sat up from the bed and stepped directly on the carpet with her bare feet: "Hurry up and get dressed. I want to see my father."

"Miss, it's five o'clock now." The maid wanted to remind Libusi. Not only did she tell the time again, but she also opened the curtains - of course it was dark outside at five o'clock in Bomea in winter.

At this time, Libus walked to the closet and chose her regular clothes amidst the panic of the maid: "No need to remind me anymore, since the beginning of the war, my father has gotten up as early as the rooster every day."

Sure enough, when she opened the door of the Archduke's study, old Crocker was indeed holding a pipe in his mouth and frowning. Libus got right to the point: "Father, I had a bad dream."

"You are already talking about marriage, so don't look for your father when you have nightmares. Why don't you write it down and write it to your lover?" For some reason, the Grand Duke spoke sourly.

However, he quickly put down his pipe, opened the window, let in the cold wind, and put the fur coat on Libsi at the door of the study.

"You were afraid that the smell of smoke would choke me, so you opened the window; you were also afraid that I would be cold, so you put on a coat full of smoke for me. Thank you very much, father."

The grand duke was always embarrassed when his daughter said this, but fortunately she immediately ignored it and rubbed her temples: "Oh my god, I shouldn't have said yes or no, father. Something terrible happened in my dream, and I doubt it." will happen in reality.

"When I dreamed of black and white, there was a series of gunshots in our home, and there was blood. I saw our family, and my cousin. Pavel's expression was very scary."

"Do you think the prophecy has been activated again?" The Grand Duke thought about Libusi's words. In the past, when my daughter claimed to show the gift of prophecy, she was always vague, but this was the first time that she described a scene so clearly.

Is it a prophecy in the form of a dream?

There is no saying in Bomia that "Thinking day and dreaming night", but of course the Grand Duke had a similar experience. The first thing he thought of was that he had recently been letting Libus sit in on his office and listen to battle reports with him. , did you bring the fear of war into your sleep?

And Pavel has been alienating her recently. Is this a conflict between the two because of the heir matter?

Archduke Crocker comforted his daughter: "Is it just a simple nightmare? Don't be too afraid."

Whether it was out of belief in Libusi’s prophecy or part of his comfort, the Grand Duke said seriously: “Wake up the housekeeper and the lady and ask them to go to the secret passage.

"Notify the guards inside and outside the castle to be alert, check the status of the guns, and get them to cheer up and patrol."

After giving instructions, he hugged Libus: "Okay, we are ready, should we feel at ease? Don't be afraid, can you recall more details?"

"I couldn't see clearly. Later, there were many people standing behind Pavel, but I couldn't see their faces clearly." This was what frightened her the most, and one of the blurry human figures looked particularly familiar. She was afraid that she was really guessing. Like that, I am afraid that there is "him" standing behind Pavel.

"It's not too late, it's too late." The girl who could still use words to tease her father suddenly fell into a great panic. She took her father's hand and ran out of the study room, but Libusi fell at the door without warning.

The Grand Duke's expression suddenly changed, and he helped his fallen daughter up. At this time, she was forced to close her eyes due to pain, and tears of blood flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"Libus! Libus! Stop, stop looking at whatever you see."

Before the Grand Duke finished speaking, a series of gunshots pierced the dawn sky.

Fighting took place inside and outside the palace, with blood and bullet holes stretching from the garden entrance to the castle gates.

It was Pavel Crocker who launched the attack with his supporters. Earlier, at dawn, they took down the key institutions of the Bomian capital. Just like watching a guide to pass the level, following the instructions of the mysterious supporters, they knocked down the city hall, post office and city security corps station in order, and finally He personally led the crowd to take over his good uncle's home.

As the first shot fired by the alliance, Varang gave Pavel's stormtroopers many good things - new muskets, ammunition and valuable scrolls.

These insurgents wore the same uniforms as the Grand Duke's guards - they were originally Bohemian soldiers, but when they got close, they suddenly took out their weapons despite the guards' scolding.

The new muskets had thick barrels, and they did not need a cleaning rod when loading the gun. They only needed to pull the long handle under the trigger back and forth, and then they could immediately fire the next round.

The caliber matched the shotgun, and the bullets pushed out by the smokeless gunpowder broke in the air, bursting out like a cloud of small steel balls, and rushed into the guards' bodies under the kinetic energy given by the high-pressure gas.

Fire-pry the long handle-fire again, there were twenty-three attackers, each of whom could make this demonic weapon spit seven times. Because the guards did not warn the attackers wearing the same uniforms in time, their combat distance was pitifully small, which was the time for the shotgun to show its prowess.

Soon, Pavel would be able to step on the blood on the marble floor and walk briskly into the Grand Duke's mansion.

The Grand Duke's study was on the third floor, and the entrance to the secret passage was in the basement. Due to Libus's condition, the Grand Duke escorted her down the path, but they were intercepted by the stormtroopers of the "National Salvation League" on the road within a few minutes.

The lady got on the carriage after the gunshot, but she did not wait for the Grand Duke and his daughter. Even though the gunshots crackled for a while, she still stayed at the entrance of the secret passage and did not set off. In the end, she was found by Pavel.

Now the family is in good order. Mrs. Crocker scolded her nephew with the dirty words of the North, then her face turned pale and she fainted.

"Palva Crocker, are you going to usurp the throne?" Libus calmed down after being tied up. Even if she couldn't see, she dared to be sure of who was in front of her.

Pavel stammered: "No, I'm not doing it for a name or title, but for Bomiya and the empire."

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