Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 556: First Show of Fangs

Pavel Crocker started his speech again, but this time it was much worse than the passion after drinking "horse urine" in the beer hall.

He stumbled through his speech, thinking that the other party would understand what he was doing.

Libus said disdainfully: " guys think that the previous generation did a terrible job, and you can't wait to replace them, thinking that you can do better?"

"That's not what the 'National Salvation Alliance' means. I am an exception. For other participants, as long as they wait quietly for more than ten years or decades, they can still take over.

"But my sister, if you care about what is happening in the world now, you should know that the empire cannot afford to wait. What it needs is not a steady and unchanged replacement, but a vigorous, top-down change. Big change!

"This is what the members of our alliance hope for, and what the majority of the citizens of the empire hope for." He should have been full of energy, but now he felt a little guilty when he said this.

"I don't care about current affairs? Big changes? All citizens of the empire?" Libus seemed to have heard something funny and angry. She chewed three phrases and then spat:

"If it is true what you said, then you should not try to snatch the title of Grand Duke from my father today.

"Let's do it vigorously and thoroughly - turn Bomia into a republic! Give power to all citizens.

If, like Istani and Byrne, the king is a statue, if you are willing to be a statue, you will be considered a good man if you are willing to do so;

"If Bomea and the entire empire can be turned into Valois, then I will have to take the good words of your alliance seriously!"

Pavel had no idea that Libus knew this, nor did he expect that she would dare to say such words. He was at a loss for a moment, while the Alliance stormtroopers who were inspired by him were all watching.

"Libusi, shut up!" Unexpectedly, it was the Grand Duke who became anxious first. He had not reacted before because he was afraid that the rebels would get excited and fire. Unexpectedly, his daughter suddenly stabbed Pavel's nerves.

Moreover, one wanted the Grand Duke's own life, and the other simply wanted to revolutionize the lives of the Crocker family. Now Old Crocker actually said:

"Don't listen to that girl. Pavel, you are still young and impulsiveness is normal. Don't be anxious, don't be anxious.

"As you said yourself, both the empire and Bomia are in turmoil now, and you will cause big problems.

"You can do it step by step. Pavel, become my son! Tomorrow, no, no, no, today we will adopt you and declare you the heir of the Grand Duke of Bomia! Stop it quickly, the gunfire is merciless, if there is a misfire between us It’s all doomed.”

Libusi still had her eyes closed, but she really wanted to open them to see what kind of expression and posture her father used to beg for mercy.

It is true that he was her father, a fairly qualified father who loved his children, but at the same time he was also the Grand Duke of Bomia and the patriarch of the Crocker family.

Pavel was actually a little moved. He felt that if he could inherit the principality, he would be able to contribute more to the alliance. No, perhaps he would be able to realize his ambitions without the need for an alliance.

He wanted to accept the prayer of the current Grand Duke, but he couldn't open his mouth and didn't know how to answer. At this moment, his brain was buzzing, as if all the body fluids and thoughts were swirling inside at high speed, trying to make his brain burst open.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Pavel suddenly thought of a trick - he stretched out his hand and took out a handkerchief, trying to wipe away the terrible blood stains on his sister's beautiful face.

Unfortunately, Libus seemed to be able to see his movements and tilted her head to the side resolutely.

A slow, annoying round of single applause filled the hall.

“Wonderful! Wonderful”

With a playful look on his face, Valen approached this family and wanted to intervene in the household affairs of the "First Family of Bomia".

He stopped and patted Pavel on the shoulder, encouraging him as if he were a subordinate: "You did a good job."

But he was more interested in Libus: "And this...I remember it was Miss Libus? Your speech just now was really wonderful, so please allow me to give you a round of applause."

"If you are from Bain, with your background and experience, you are very likely to become the second female senator." The corners of Valan's mouth couldn't help but curl up as he thought of something funny.

Although Libbs wanted to ask who the first female senator was and why Byrne allowed women to run, she was now more concerned about the situation: "Who are you? Why do you sound like you know me?"

Valan pretended to be surprised: "Oh, Miss Crocker, when distinguished guests like you enter Byrne, we will take special care of you!

"Although we understand that you did not want to be disturbed when you disguised yourself and paid private visits in the past, and we respected your wishes and did not receive you openly, how dare we not protect you? If something happens on our territory, wouldn't it be serious? event?

"And I am responsible for these annoying chores. It's very hard, but that adult doesn't care about these little things at all, and it doesn't count as any merit in his mind."

Valan shook his head with a frown, and when he stopped, he showed a cheerful and business smile: "Fortunately, my lord has given me an interesting errand, and your appearance and your speech make it twice as interesting."

He clapped his hands, and all the stormtroopers in the palace immediately stood at attention and loaded their guns.

Pavel was shocked. When did the soldiers of the alliance impose restrictions on this guy? No, are those people soldiers of the alliance? From the beginning, this young man never paid attention to the soldiers at the grassroots level, even though he personally led the team to charge into battle.

"Mr. Pavel, I think what Miss Libus said is very good.

"Since we need a major reform to save the nation, why can't it be done thoroughly? Why do we still need a monarch under the old system?

"The first shot of the National Salvation Alliance came from Bomia. I think it not only wants to beat people, but also smash old buildings. Please start the change with Mr. Pavel."


"You want to give up the position of Grand Duke and declare that from now on there will be no Grand Duke in Bomia, and there will no longer be hereditary rule by nobles.

"You have to express your ambition and determination to the members of the alliance and the supporters of the alliance. Our engineers have repaired the telegraph line of the post office. If necessary, we also have spellcasters who can use [radio wave communication]."

He took out a piece of paper, just as he gave Pavel the speech: "I would also like to trouble you to make a handwritten copy as a historical document. Your name will be with it and with the future Bomian Free State. Just as great.”

"No, no" Archduke Crocker and Pavel wailed together.

The uprisings of the "National Salvation Alliance" were frustrated in various places, especially in the imperial capital. A group of noble officers gathered in the square in front of the palace and tried to have a "military remonstrance". However, only artillery was waiting for them.

Some young men thought it was just the emperor's salute to scare them before they were blown into two pieces by lead bullets.

William II did not express his position and simply asked each family to claim and collect the bodies on their own. It seemed that the emperor had some sense, and his silence silenced the nobles.

Just as the Confederate movement was at its lowest ebb, two exciting pieces of news were transmitted to the world via telegraph:

Bomia, the first state-based member, joined the National Salvation Alliance;

A second state-level member soon appeared, and Bomia's neighbor Byrne also joined the alliance.

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