Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 557: Winter in Bomya

Although electricity has been supplied to the entire empire, it does not mean that a great country can change its gates instantly.

Many people hate Pavel. They think that the young man of the Crocker family is using republicanism to cover himself up, and he will definitely return to power when the situation stabilizes.

There are also the loyal subordinates of the old Archduke Crocker, who stood up from their drunken dreams and opposed the traitor and the inexplicable "National Salvation Alliance".

They hurriedly gathered to express their protest against Pavel's appalling rebellion and demanded that he immediately restore the freedom of Archduke Crocker and withdraw all orders and announcements.

On the third day after the power was turned on, when the opponents had gathered and the wave of resistance was at its strongest, Byrne, Bomia's neighbor to the south and the second to join the "National Salvation Alliance," took action.

In the dead of night, a batch of propaganda posters suddenly appeared on the streets. The large posters posted crookedly showed Pavel's uglified face. He was covered in blood in the painting, and the words "Patricide" and "Murderer" were painted on the red paint. "Usurper conspirator" and other words.

Although it was done by nobles who supported the empire and the Grand Duke, it was obvious that they were also learning advanced postures and how the Valois mobilized the masses.

"They are talking nonsense! The uncle's family is fine now. They are just being protected and limited in their activities. Where is the security team?" Pavel didn't know why it was like this.

He firmly believed that he and the participants in the alliance were upholding ideals and justice, but for some reason, his hands were covered in blood in a daze.

And the devil who instigated him all the way, the perverted, dirty former Valois aristocrat and the vicious dog raised by Rorschach, Valente, walked into the office of the "Acting Consul" with a smile on his face: "Security team? They did not obey. you.

"The enemy is ready to move, and all your strength has been dispersed. If you want to keep the fruits of victory, you have only one choice."

At four o'clock in the morning, the "acting consul" Pavel Kroc "actively and voluntarily" invited two new regiments from the Kingdom of Byrne to enter the country for exercises to deter "threats from domestic and foreign resistance forces and cult groups."

At a quarter past four, the new regiment, ready to go, crossed the border between the two countries.

In the early morning, when it was still dark outside, the first batch of airships arrived from Bain in Prague, the capital of Bomia. The sky was blocked and the sun was blocked. The sharp whistle woke up all the residents. These big-bellied aircraft flew over the city at low altitude, like a pod of whales swimming unbridled in their own sea, and emitted a majestic cry.

Then the hatch opened, and groups of armed sky knights jumped out from the belly of the whale. They flew across the streets with the rapid advancement of their mobile devices. As soon as they found barricades or other strongholds or obstacles built by the rebels, they immediately marked and reported them. Or simply pull the trigger/activate the reel directly from the air.

For a moment, gunshots rang out across Plagg, and there were flashes of fire.

At 6:31, the construct troops arrived. They were beasts without flesh and blood, and their iron-gray metal surfaces did not reflect the fearful faces of the people. Their slender but powerful four-legged legs move swiftly and swiftly, with no conventional obstacles stopping them.

Even fire and bombs cannot stop these monsters. When one is successfully destroyed, only sticky liquid flows out of these steel bodies, without any driver inside, and the machine cannot cry or beg for mercy.

The knights of Bomia charged at these four-legged structures on the main road of Prague, the widest Queen's Avenue. They fired first, and after a messy ricochet, the monsters continued to advance, their muzzles It has been aimed at these people of noble blood, emitting a dangerous and charming arcane glow.

These knights who were loyal to the Empire and the Grand Duke chose to hold their swords and flags high, and then fell down without any honor.

At eight o'clock sharp, it was all over for Plagg.

When people were told that they could take to the streets and return to normal life, they found that every street and entrance was occupied by four-legged structures. Their observation windows reflected the light of crystal crystals, and the emission ports were constantly rotating.

The soldiers loyal to Pavel did not change their uniforms, except for a piece of blue cloth wrapped around their arms, and the flagpoles in sight were all replaced with the flags of the "National Salvation Alliance", with airships and aerial knights often flying above the flags. Above it, across the sky, casting a shadow that is hard to ignore.

The "surgical operation" successfully removed the city hall filled with old aristocrats and the three Guards battalions responsible for city defense, helping the usurper Pavel Crocker to gain a firm foothold and establish a provisional governorate until the end of the war and the beginning of a new round. The status quo will be maintained until the election.

The neighboring country to the north was in turmoil, and its citizens and the entire empire were extremely surprised by the sudden change. In comparison, everything comes from the source, and the Bayern area is particularly peaceful. The goose-feather-like snow falls, absorbing the noise between heaven and earth, bringing down the coldness and tranquility.

Everyone who should go out has left, and those who should stay are focusing wholeheartedly on projects that point to the sky. Rorschach wanted to give Starship No. 2 a domineering name, but he resisted and still refers to the entire project by a numerical code name.

Andre walked into the workroom and saw Rorschach leaning on the chair with his eyes closed. He thought Rorschach's spirit body had risen to the junction again, but Rorschach's eyelashes twitched and then he opened his eyes.

Andre was slightly surprised and then quickly calmed down, and put the documents he brought on the desk in the studio: "Teacher, these are the reports collected about Bomia, and the ones submitted by Mr. Valan, about 'Faust' ''s new report, do you want to see it?"

Pavel was given a strange code name by Rorschach. In this world, Faust is the ancient wizard who invented the [Reversal Ray]. Only Rorschach himself knows the true meaning of the code name.

"No need. What is the reaction of the Empire?"

"Well, it is a verbal condemnation at present, no military mobilization, and their remaining troops are still on guard against the Valois. Oh, by the way, the Imperial Capital announced the detention of King Byrne and his entourage."

Thank you very much. Rorschach finally asked, "What did Caroline say?"

Andre looked embarrassed, as if he was choosing his words: "Principal she" Finally, Andre gave up any embellishment and directly relayed: "She said that Valan is an ambitious and crazy person, and you should put him in prison or exile him to the gaseous plane."

Andre paused for a while and recalled Caroline's curse in full: "That guy should play house with the little blue man."

Rorschach actually laughed out loud: "Yes, he is. But everything he did was under my instruction. The goal of Valan's action was set by me, and the power he could mobilize was created and approved by me."

"Teacher, you are not" To Andre, this was simply Rorschach admitting that he was the madman.

"But I want to praise Valan for doing a good job, because we don't have much time left." Rorschach's face was not good. As the threat of the Mother Goddess became more and more prominent, things that could be done slowly before must be accelerated.

When the car runs faster, someone will always be chased under the wheels. In the past, he might have been able to change lanes and detour, slow down and step on the brakes, but now the accelerator is frozen.

Rorschach hesitated for a moment, but decided to play the villain to the end: "Let all minors in Prager take a test for their magic talent."

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