Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 558 Census and large-scale enrollment expansion

Under Rorschach's instruction, Prager launched a vigorous census.

It was not only a census of the population, but also focused on testing magical talents.

After the news of the census spread, there was a widespread panic in the market. The remaining, unwilling opposition saw Pavel's "stupid move" as a treasure, and quickly compiled rumors of all sizes and spread them out.

In summary, it was probably that the Bainian, the traitorous Pavel wanted to rob everyone's next generation, and the uses included but were not limited to food, medicine, sacrifice, and research; the users included Pavel and the secret society that supported his national salvation alliance, the great wizard who supported Pavel, and the famous non-public cult organization.

They made up a good story, but in fact, there was no need for these people to add fuel to the fire. Many people thought so.

So a great panic spread like wildfire in the wilderness.

In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, the male lecturer who was proficient in human nature, the male devil Valon, took a multi-pronged approach, while striking hard at the remnants of the rumor-mongering party, and at the same time executing Rorschach's orders with a headache.

First of all, the census is not to randomly ask people to go to the streets and create opportunities for the masses to gather and make trouble. In order to control the situation, he asked Pavel to declare martial law in the city.

Under the threat of four-legged steel monsters and armed soldiers, factories were closed and shops were closed. If you want to continue to operate, you have to organize the families of bosses and employees and let their children take tests one by one.

That is to threaten them with their livelihoods.

The winter in Prager is very cold. Many families have no livelihoods, which means no food and fuel. Correspondingly, Varan asked Pavel to promise that families participating in the test can receive relief food and coal, and the amount will be distributed according to the number of family members-the more children who come to participate in the test, the more they will receive.

Finally, until the day before the census was to begin, the governor's office suddenly released the details. The census is mandatory. Minors with magical talents will have the opportunity to become spellcasters, but whether to use the opportunity is entirely voluntary. Adults can also voluntarily take the test.

This made the citizens' tense nerves relax a little, and they didn't seem to be so resistant.

Although Varan didn't know what PUA and Stockholm syndrome were, it didn't stop him from having fun. In his eyes, the general public was full of weaknesses, wasn't that enough to be controlled?

On the fourth day of the new army's arrival in Byrne, the census began without any danger. The first to start was the industrial zone, which was organized by factory. When the census was completed, they were allowed to start work.

The standardized test has been iterated, and now it is based on the Tree of Law for "completeness granting" - the person being tested needs to touch the crystal ball, and the test terminal will display the spell models corresponding to the zero-level tricks of evocation, change, spell, illusion and protection, and expand the circuit to a limited extent.

If there is a reaction to any of them and the circuit can be connected by intuition, it proves that the person being tested can learn magic.

For the untalented testee, he can only see the crystal ball changing colorfully, and then there is nothing else.

Casting a spell for the first time is like crossing a gap of unknown distance. This device is like a bridge, but it is only visible to those who hope to reach the other side. For those who have no talent, it is still difficult to reach the dimension of imagination from material reality.

When everyone finally believed that the test was not to eat up the children, they had a little expectation. What if their own family really opened a magician?

The direction of public opinion changed so quickly that the rumors were replaced overnight by fraudulent products such as "potential development agents", and parents who wanted their children to become magicians flocked to them.

"Is it over?" The kid who was testing retracted his hand after seeing that the crystal ball did not move. The originally cold surface was touched and felt a little warm in the palm of his hand.

"It's over. What are you expecting?" The apprentice in charge of watching the scene and registering waved his hand impatiently: "Next. Ah, wait."

This "wait" gave the kid a new hope, but unfortunately the apprentice saw the snot bubble in his left nostril and remembered a friendly policy: "Go out the back door, you can get a cup of hot sugar water at the door."

"Oh——" The kid's last dragged out sound could not hide his disappointment.

The apprentice put a cross behind the name of the registered kid and muttered quietly: "Tsk, don't even say thank you."

After complaining, he picked up the megaphone with [Amplification] rolled on it: "Next, is Jacob Benesche here? Parents don't need to follow in."

This test site was set up at the intersection of the Prager Industrial Zone. A group of parents lined up with their children, and the testers called them one by one according to the list provided by the workshop owner.

Of course, in order to dispel the doubts of these workers' families, the soldiers pointed their guns at the workshop owners and management, forcing them to send their children into the test area first.

Other employees witnessed those exquisitely dressed "little princes" and "little princesses" crying and entering the hut with some pleasure, until those "second generation" came out in a daze without missing limbs. These people had some regrets and some relief, at least now they were no longer afraid.

The Royal Magic Academy of the Empire itself has "selected the best" in the public school stage, and the extremely talented teenagers who can show "abnormality" without the current induction test were sent to the imperial capital early. Many of those detected now are fish that have slipped through the net or have not been noticed by the Empire.

However, Rorschach accepts everyone, especially those who are over 14 years old and belong to the spellcasting population that can be used immediately. Some of them are still studying, and many have already participated in work to supplement their family income or are apprentices of a craft.

The latter two are easy to deal with. Just offer a higher salary and advance some money, and these young men will happily follow. Even if they are young girls, poor families will not care much about anything. It is just a matter of how much money they have.

They can take the train to Byrne for training and quickly become apprentices.

For those of other ages, Rorschach does not need to "volunteer". He can provide an opportunity, an opportunity that they never dared to think of before - let them freely choose to study in various magic towers.

Among the thirteen magic towers, all those in the empire can be opened to them, even those in Istani and Valois. And this is just a demonstration. There will also be personal towers of magic guild members like Rorschach's magic tower to accept some.

This is an unprecedented "enrollment expansion".

On the one hand, in terms of student selection, this is the first time that the guild has carried out a national-level census with the support of a legitimate power.

Prager is just a beginning. It inherits Byrne's experience, and Valan adds his own talent for governing people to make the movement go smoothly.

Next, other cities in Bomya will complete the census with the arrival of the new Byrne Legion, and will receive assistance from magic guilds in various places.

On the other hand, these magic towers can teach everyone, not because they suddenly have a kind heart, nor because Rorschach has controlled all the tower masters and chiefs overnight, but because all managers feel unprecedented shortage of people at this moment.

They finally realized that if they want to copy the model of Rorschach Mage Tower-Byrne Special District and want to emulate the influence of the Starry Tower on Valois, they must have sufficient spellcasters.

Anyway, they are all consumables. What does it have to do with the current mages whether they have strong talents, whether they have the hope to climb the ladder of magic in the future, or be apprentices for life?

Taking the astral exploration project as an example, the latitudes of the Starry Tower and the Rorschach Mage Tower are not ideal for launch, but they can lead the current project advancement, nothing more than having enough "screws".

Whether it is steel, iron, mithril alloy, or humanoid. To put it nicely, it is called material foundation and talent reserve.

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