Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 559: Speed ​​up, speed up again

Bain Lanster Space Center

From an abstract perspective, the structure here is very similar to a church.

The magnificent vault supports the complete and wide indoor space, and the polymer material covers it to isolate the heavy snow and cold wind. The high-hanging magic lamp replaces the sun, emitting a cold light that makes people unaware of day and night.

Countless parts are designed, manufactured and assembled here, and the sound of mechanical collisions echoes and reflects. When people step into it, they will be shocked by the developing giant beast, which still exposes the metallic "bones", "flesh" and "nerves".

This is a temple, a church without religion but with its substitute.

Rorschach and Andre walked through it.

Workers and masters kept greeting them, and the two nodded in response every time. Andre would speed up his pace every time he arrived at a section and bring the person in charge to Rorschach. Then he stopped for a while and listened to the report.

Not only Bain people work here, but also Valois, Istani, ordinary people, mages and apprentices.

However, all the above identities have been erased, and there are only technicians and engineers here.

The starship was now lying down. The two walked from the beginning to the end. The part where the engine should be was empty, revealing the fuel tank.

Today was the day for the engine test. They decided to increase the thrust and at least double the thrust based on the prototype.

When they arrived at the outdoor venue, the test bench was embedded in the valley. The upper and lower surfaces were poured with cement tables, and there were steel structures to strengthen the strength to prevent accidents.

Then, as expected, an accident happened.

After ignition, the blue flames sprayed violently, and the cooling water turned into a huge amount of steam. Under the surging power, not only the man-made buildings, but even the mountain was shaking.

A tooth-grinding sound rang out, and countless cracks appeared in the concrete of the test bench, and the steel frame structure was visibly deformed.

The apprentices of the Tower of Mysticism, the dwarf technicians, and the engineers from Valois all exclaimed: It's over!

Fortunately, the entire engine did not fly into the sky with the tank. A force field enveloped the entire power system. It first stagnated, and then the flames went out. The entire test bench seemed to be rewound, returning to the moment before ignition.

"Master." "Uncle Rorschach." "Chief Engineer." Different people have different names for him.

"What's going on?"

"The thrust seems to have exceeded expectations." The person in charge frantically wiped the sweat from his forehead: "The engine we designed now has a 34% thrust increase over the Alpha type carried by the No. 1 ship, but the system became unstable at the 39th second. The specific cause needs to be investigated."

"Will it affect the progress?" Rorschach was concerned about this.

"The next test run will be postponed for at least ten days." In fact, the person in charge was still optimistic.

Rorschach could not accept it: "Then start investigating the problem now."

He stopped the refilling of cooling water, but provided shields to the three spellcasters present, asking them to release freezing spells against the tail flames to control the temperature of the entire test bench and prevent steam from blocking everyone's sight.

It wasn't that Rorschach wanted to force the three people to have an "enlightenment", and one of them was his beloved apprentice Andre, but he had to do more important work:

Rorschach himself provided energy to the engine instead of Transmutation Dust. When he reached his hand to the surface of the engine, all the circuits lit up immediately, and the energy release was no less than that of Transmutation Dust, starting the entire unit and making it roar again.

The test bench was destroyed, restarted, restarted, and destroyed again.

After repeated experiments, the power group finally determined the problem.

For the test bench, due to the increase in thrust, the high temperature area also increased after the tail flame expanded. The steel frame structure, which was already on the verge of a limit, was also roasted by a higher temperature, and the rigidity rapidly decreased.

"No, it's not just the problem of the test bench. Every time, the column in the upper left corner cracked first, indicating that the thrust of the engine itself was also uneven." The engineer of Valois pointed out the problem of the engine itself.

The person in charge was sweating even more. Rorschach didn't blame them. He knew that any industrial "amplification" was not simply proportional expansion. He said patiently: "Then try again and adjust again."

However, the three spellcasters responsible for temperature control were almost at their limit. These three unlucky guys were under the high temperature test flow, and they had to release freezing magic to offset it. It was like a world of ice and fire. Even if they were protected by the great wizard, the consumption of casting spells itself was unbearable.

The two spellcasters belonging to the power group cast a hopeful look at Andre: You are familiar with the boss, tell him that we can't stand it!

Rorschach originally wanted to give them a buff and continue, but fortunately the designer of the engine came forward and asked to check the problem again from beginning to end, so he had to remove it from the nightmare test bench.

There was no computer-assisted finite element analysis these days. Even the tower spirit was loaded with data about magic, not simulation software. Therefore, even if there was an analysis machine to save calculation time, it still required designers and experts who used to study force field configuration and geometry to constantly consume brain cells.

Fortunately, there is a magician here, who can verify it with real objects more quickly and luxuriously.

The engine duct is not regular. If it is required to be formed in one piece, it is far beyond the current casting technology. Now in front of Rorschach is floating the pipeline from the pressurized chamber to the combustion chamber, and just one part is about the same size as him.

He began to cast a spell, and the metal began to flow and deform. The designer stared at the casting he had conceived in the hands of the magician in a one-time formation. He was speechless for a long time, and only cared about appreciating the cold light of the metal flow.

"Is this okay?" Rorschach reminded the other party that his work was done.

"Ah what?" The designer came back to his senses and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work. Now let's measure the tolerance."

After several fine-tunings, the sixth improved design of the day was completed.

"The error in your deformation is getting smaller and smaller. Maybe the next nozzle can be formed in one piece." The designer praised.

Rorschach's face was calm: "I'm getting more and more proficient." But in his mind, he was thinking about when he would compile a spell list and learn how to issue a "Magic Level 8 Fitter/Welder Certificate".

The modifications that originally took as short as ten days or as long as months were accelerated by Rorschach to one day. Others were also very tired. They all worked hard and worked hard, but finally produced results.

Now that the design of the new engine unit has been finalized, the single-machine power has been increased by another 20% on the original basis.

Rorschach was also very satisfied. He blinked his tired eyes. The above casting process required his full concentration. Shaping those special alloys was not only difficult, but also required great precision.

Since the engine was removed from the test bench for debugging, Andre has disappeared. Now (suspected to have finished fishing) he finally returned to the space center and brought incredible news.

"There are two special guests who want to see you. One of them is from the Dwarf Confederacy in the north, and the other is an emissary from the elves."

Andre scratched his face uneasily: "She is a beautiful big sister, and she said she knew you. I didn't tell Principal Caroline."

No, what do you mean by your last sentence?

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