Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 564 The far-sighted devil

In addition to the support in the civilian field, Luo Xia also wants to build many other facilities in Bomya to "transmit skills".

In the past, Bomya was not very receptive to the magic industrial technology represented by the collector. Their own manufacturing industry was at the level of filling the gap between "strong" and "weak" in the empire.

This is not simply considered as the middle stream, but it is stuck in the ecological niche. If it had not been strongly bombarded by the mysterious southern forces, its own development would have been unable to climb up and it would have been able to despise a circle of farming areas.

Take the production of firearms as an example. If Byrne had not sent three new die-casting machines and a full set of new drawings and new standards to violently raise the manufacturing level, the masters of the Prager Firearms Factory might have used the production line more than ten years ago to figure out a replica of the current imperial standard new gun with 80% of its strength.

To describe the overall situation of the country, what structural defects, location advantages, etc., can make some experts talk nonsense for a long time. Now let the experts who study the economy take a break first, anyway, it will be reborn in the near future.

In the western Bohemian city of Pilsen, the new troops stationed there stabilized the situation, and Byrnes could be seen patrolling the streets with guns everywhere.

Due to distance restrictions, the unmanned four-legged constructs did not appear here. After all, they were too far away from the command center in the special zone, and the delay was unbearable, and they would be disconnected.

However, the range of activities of the constructs will soon expand.

In the fortress near Pilsen, a tower made entirely of steel frames is being assembled. The main body of the tower was built within two days, after all, they were all steel prefabricated components pulled by the railway.

Now the workers are installing the antenna to be mounted on the tower. Once completed, this will be the new command center for the northeast of the Radiation Empire.

Now there is a group of Prager teenagers in training in the fortress. They are all over sixteen and have some magical talent. First, they need to learn to rub the handle and understand the instructions given by the commander.

Their teaching aids are miniature constructs, each of which is not big. They are put into the sandbox of cities, fields and mountains to engage in virtual battles.

Pavel, the nominal new ruler of Bomya, and "Five-Star Emperor" Varan inspected the construction of the fortress center surrounded by guards.

"I had some concerns before, but since Lord Rorschach has decided to fully support Bomya, it is only natural to make such a deployment." Varan said easily.

"Is it really okay for you to hand over such advanced weapons to us? And there are so many children whose hair has not grown up yet." Pavel felt that these activities were more like entertainment and not very reliable.

"They just need to be familiar with the operation and learn the discipline. The combat deployment will be commanded by our officers." Varan was not surprised by the scene that was almost like an e-sports competition.

Varan also smiled and said: "As for whether you are worried about the loyalty of these new operators"

He raised his hand, and the teenagers who were completely attracted by the "remote control toys" did not see it, but the instructors and technicians from the special zone all noticed the preparatory instructions issued by this gentleman.

Varan raised his hand and clenched his fist.

"Stop——" The instructor converted the hand signal into a command.

Some training members put down the joysticks and stood up immediately, while others were still immersed in the previous simulated battle, still rubbing the buttons and joysticks.

But it was in vain. All the small remote control models in training stopped and would not move at all.

Varan was quite satisfied with the result: "Very good, continue."

He turned to Pavel and asked: "Acting Archon, do you think we need to worry?"

Pavel did not answer. He felt that he was a controlled "remote control toy" and Varan was the operator. No, he might just be a handle, and the ambitious man named Rorschach was the big hand of manipulation.

The sadness of the acting archon was written on his face. Varan read it but did not react. He said to himself: "But we still have many shortcomings."

"Oh?" Pavel really wanted to know what the devils and the devil army, who could almost call the wind and rain, could lack.

"General!" Varan shook his head: "The old army of Bain also lacks good generals, and the new army is even more so. Although our weapons are very advanced, unfortunately, compared with the Empire and Valois, we are seriously lacking in excellent commanders."

"Indeed." After Varan said this, Pavel also felt that there was some truth.

"So how is your relationship with your sister repaired?"

Hmm. Are these two topics related? The devil's thinking is so jumpy?

Valan was very serious about this issue: "Do you know that Miss Libus Crocker is developing a relationship beyond friendship with the son of the Dalberg family?"

Pavel took time to understand what the other party was saying: "Ah? Ah!"

"And the son of that family, Richard, is a new general in the imperial army. And, most importantly, I accidentally learned through various channels that this young general was a close friend of our Lord Rorschach when he was a student."

Pavel felt that his brain was about to explode: "The Dalberg family, it seems that there is such a thing. Among the elders of the National Salvation Alliance, there is a son of the Dalberg family, but I don’t remember whether it was the eldest brother or the second brother."

"It’s not important. What’s important is that we are short of generals now, and this is a general who can be potentially won over. He is active on the front line and has a good record, and you locked up his girlfriend." Valan used a vulgar reference to his hometown.

He put his hands on the shoulders of the acting consul to put pressure: "So can you understand that your sister is related to Lord Rorschach’s friend and whether the alliance can win an important general of the empire."

"I understand!" Pavel said so, but how to repair the relationship with Libus? Just let the omnipotent Lord Rorschach tie up that Richard?

In fact, Rorschach has not thought about these twists and turns. The above are all "forward-looking deployments" made by Valan himself. This young man, a former nobleman of Valois, who was trained by the "strongest alchemist" and is already a die-hard fan of Rorschach, does not understand the allusion of "wearing a yellow robe", otherwise he will definitely be the first subordinate to find yellow cloth and embroider a five-clawed golden dragon.

Valan still has some knowledge, and Rorschach is really thinking about Richard.

"Although I promised him, I have no idea at all. Should I write to the Forest Tower again?" Rorschach stroked the wooden mask, very distressed.

Does the body created by magic have reproductive ability? This sounds very hentai and taboo, and it is really hard to talk about it, but for the sake of my good brother, it seems that I have to risk my reputation.

"Dear Master Alexander, I have a serious academic question to ask you. I have a friend (really), and his current living conditions are very special (3k words omitted)

"In addition, I got a special mask from the descendants of the Elf God. It is said to have certain special properties. I guess it may involve natural magic. Are you interested? I am willing to study and discuss together."

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