Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 565 First Visit

There is a new communication system and replies are very quick.

"If you are free, please come to the Forest Tower quickly. You can walk the teleportation array. - Humboldt."

Is it an emergency? Rorschach was startled. He brought something he might need, including the "monster figure" sealed by the last disaster and the mask given by Hill.

Although Rorschach has cooperated with these mages specializing in nature more than once, this is his first visit to the Forest Tower.

The rainbow light of the teleportation array spurted out, and it seemed that it took a lot of effort to teleport Rorschach, which surprised the guild staff for a moment.

Coming out of the nearest city station, the green-robed mages waiting in the guild hall immediately stood up to greet him.

"Sir, please get in the car."

The car that picked up Rorschach turned out to be a stingy car. The place where the Forest Tower is located is obviously a large countryside. They first took the planned urban route, and then passed through large fields covered with snow.

Rorschach recognized that the reception car was produced by his own factory, but it seemed to have been customized.

When the rural dirt roads were bad enough, with even worse snow and ice, the wizard responsible for picking up Rorschach parked his car and pulled a lever.

Immediately, the [Levitation Technique] circuit covering the entire surface of the car lit up, and the entire car rose up swayingly. Then press it again, and a nozzle will appear where the trunk was originally, and it will begin to provide new thrust.

Damn, it still feels like a push on the back. Rorschach felt that the speed was approaching 200 kilometers per hour. They flew across the wilderness like arrows from a string.

"Did you modify this yourself?"

"Master Humboldt tried it himself. He likes to tinker with vehicles." The atmosphere in the Forest Tower did not seem to be very strict. The spellcaster in charge of the reception casually talked about the Archmage:

"He used the car you gave him to waste and was too embarrassed to ask for it again, so he asked the chief to approve a sum of money to purchase cheaper Volkswagen models in bulk."

The steady Humboldt master also had this wild side. Rorschach remembered: "The appearance of these cars has not considered such high speeds, and the resistance may be a bit high. If aerodynamics are considered, it can be faster."

"Really? You should tell Master Humboldt yourself, we don't understand this either. But if it can be done faster, it will really come in handy."

"Is it useful? In what way?" Do you want to break through the sky? Should Hercules Corporation sponsor the development of an extreme sport?

"Sorry, Master Rorschach, let's talk about it in the tower." The mage actually said it, but he also had a legitimate reason: "This matter is confidential, and only Master Humboldt or the chief is qualified to tell you personally."

The Forest Tower is located at the junction of vast farmland and black forest, and both sides are their "research objects."

When the flying high-speed car crossed an invisible boundary, the towering tower revealed its true appearance to Rorschach.

Its base and main body are very thick, with diagonal bifurcations, supporting many observation towers.

All in all, its posture resembled a towering tree, and at the same time reminded Rorschach of a ranger's tower.

There is no eye-catching energy barrier in the invisible boundary, but it cannot be said to be completely invisible - within the scope of its shroud and cover, there is no snow at all, and all the pastoral forests seen are lush green.

The speed of the gas car slowed down. On the one hand, the fuel had bottomed out in the second form. On the other hand, there were mages and apprentices scattered around the ground at the foot of the tower.

When we got off the bus, the receptionist reminded us jokingly: "We have to be careful. We may not know which research object is planted on which piece of land. If you fall here, a certain senior may have to delay graduation for a few years."

Unfortunately, the joking atmosphere ended here. After Rorschach entered the tower, most of the passing spellcasters were walking in a hurry, with tired and serious expressions on their faces.

Rorschach thought that the cattle and horses had been squeezed too much, but when he saw Humboldt also had a similar serious face: "Welcome, Master Rorschach."

"Master Humboldt, this a clone?"

Humboldt's clone showed an embarrassed smile, maybe it was just the corners of his mouth that were bent horizontally: "Sorry, the reason for being so rude is because the main body is too busy. Sure enough, you still noticed it."

"It's okay, I don't mind. Is there any emergency for asking me to come here?"

"There are emergencies everywhere. Master Copper and I are visiting various parts of the empire, and my clone needs to guard the Forest Tower. In addition, the next thing is best discussed face to face, so I would like to ask you to come."

After Rorschach warned about the possibility of food being contaminated by the Mother Goddess, the Forest Tower responded immediately and started investigating.

After all, their number is limited, and the previous "low-level people" can only go point-to-point to limited areas.

The imperial army's temporary food requisition facilitated the preliminary investigation, which was equivalent to gathering samples from across the country. Forest Tower tested the Imperial Army's rations, and the results were shocking - almost half of the food was suspected to be contaminated.

The current pollution is still very light. If it weren't for the Rorschach report and the research on the contaminated samples of the Mother Goddess, in previous years, the wizards of the Forest Tower might not have been able to discover it.

Humboldt's face showed worry: "If it is man-made, no matter how bad the situation is, there is still hope of control. The problem is that since the last anomaly that covered the whole world, it is suspected that the power of the Mother Goddess has naturally emerged in some areas, and has continuously affected the local area. It affects all living things, including people and crops.

"What we are afraid of is the spread of this kind of regional pollution. It is mainly concentrated near the battlefield, the west coast of the empire and northern Valois." Once this terrible fact is announced, it will cause great panic.

Rorschach also felt that the situation was serious: "So we need to find a way to purify it? I can help."

"This is a one-sided measure that cannot solve the fundamental problem, but it is almost the only thing we can do at present. However, we want to prepare for the worst case scenario, which means we need to find a safe new source of food."

"For example?"

"Last month, a student from your Mage Tower published a paper that caught our attention. It is about the study of the Air Elemental Plane. The corresponding author is Mage Caroline, but she hopes that we can communicate with you."

Is this true? Rorschach has always been in a state of shepherding the apprentices he abducted. He really doesn't know how many articles his Mage Tower has sent to the guild.

"I didn't expect that the Air Elemental Plane has a complete ecosystem. Are you willing to help us make an attempt?

"There is no land there, but food can be produced. "Although it was a clone, Luo Xia saw that the middle-aged man in front of him still had bright eyes, as if he was optimistic about this ideal from the bottom of his heart.

Luo Xia really didn't expect the wizards of the Forest Tower to be so bold: "The organic matter and nutrient raw materials of the air element plane are very scarce."

"But the air element plane is large enough, and we are confident that crops only need sunlight, air and water to produce food. If we can develop a vehicle that moves at high speed in the clouds, we can build an extremely large botanical garden to avoid the infection of the Mother Goddess."

Hiss. It seems to be feasible. It seems that modifying the air car is not just Alexander's personal hobby.

"Even so, can it feed the people of the world? Is it too late to start now?"

Humboldt's eyes are firm: "It's better than doing nothing. "

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