Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 566: Revealing the truth behind the mask

Regarding the study of food cultivation in the atmosphere, Master Humboldt's main body will return to the Forest Tower for in-depth planning, and will go into exploration and investigation with Rorschach and others.

The master appointed the first team to enter the atmosphere. It takes time for the main body to return and the team to prepare, so now that the two of them are free, they can talk about the problem that Rorschach seeks help.

The first is whether pure magical creatures can give birth to offspring.

"This is a technical issue, but it also involves ethics." Humboldt looked at Rorschach with a sharp look: "No matter how much power we have, we should have awe for life."

"You misunderstood, I'm not a villain who is creating a cyborg army and ruling the world." Rorschach could only tell him about Richard's "tragic experience".

Humboldt's reaction was beyond Rorschach's expectation: "Well, since he has entered the realm of the Grand Master with the help of your [Axiom Creation] and Spell Cloud, you should remind him to consider another issue - the Grand Master's body has been transformed by the magic circuit to be different from that of an ordinary person, and his body is still reshaped by high-level spells, so his life span will most likely be very long.

"We don't have similar precedents, but if we speculate in extreme cases, it is very likely that when his partner enters his twilight years, this gentleman will still look like a young man. Although we don't have to face it now, we still need to consider whether we can accept such a future. "

Quack, it's the theory of life span!

As if thinking of something, Master Humboldt's eyes became a little dim, and a little gentle: "Of course, if the two can have offspring, it might be better. Even if one of them grows old first, it's good for them to have children, and maybe even grandchildren.

"When aging is inevitable, watching their own flesh and blood grow, people always feel a kind of comfort, and feel that their lives have been continued in a sense.

"Flowers bloom and fall, not meaningless repetition; repetition, not a cage-like reincarnation.

"In comparison, it is more dangerous to pursue immortality or resurrection. The necromancer master of the empire is a lesson for us."

Yeah, it feels like Master Humboldt has a story. Rorschach couldn't take the initiative to ask about the other party's privacy, so he still considered replying to his friend Richard: "So you are willing to help him?"

"The high-level spellcasters in the tower may not have the spare energy to study this topic again. However, before that, we can first consider the question of "whether it is". Can your spell restore the bloodline of that gentleman? You can ask him to cooperate with us to figure it out first."

Is this to ask Richard to come over? Rorschach shook his head: "I'm afraid that gentleman is now too busy. And what I can be sure of is that he can't be considered a strict person now, but more like a magical creature."

Humboldt thought of a second research path: "You can also study the process of your resurrection of him first.

"Gather a person's soul and reshape his body for resurrection! If you can reproduce such a feat, you will have the capital to provoke the god of death.

"If this operation can eventually become knowable and controllable, and his parents are still alive, we can even try to reshape the body and reload the soul again. But this time, we can restore his 'human' body."

The Forest Tower also has some forbidden techniques, and Humboldt estimated that he could do it.

In this way, the problem of cross-species reproduction is avoided, even if the two species are basically the same in appearance.

"There are too many coincidences and unique conditions to revive Richard. I am not sure, but I can make the [Axiom Creation] spell public to you and analyze the characteristics of its products first. At the same time, I can cooperate with you to study the process of the Tree of Law collecting souls and reloading bodies."

For Rorschach, this spell was already registered on the Tree of Law. He released it freely, and the most important thing was to use the special feature of the borderland that can store "prototypes", which is equivalent to being able to save model files and can be retrieved at any time.

For other spellcasters, it is a threshold as an eight-ring spell. If you want to complete the creation, you also need to have a detailed, in-depth and systematic understanding of the object of creation.

In summary, apart from Rorschach, only the high-level spellcasters of the Forest Tower have the possibility of completing this spell.

Having said that, a new spell of the eighth ring is also extremely valuable. If it were in ancient times, it would be enough for a school to keep a secret for hundreds of years at all costs.

Humboldt nodded in agreement. He and Kober liked to interact with Rorschach because of his style of doing things: this young man has always been generous, and even if he asked for help, he could always give them valuable items or knowledge in return, and in the end it could be said to be cooperation.

After finalizing a matter, although there is still a long way to go before the real solution, Rorschach is relieved after all. Next is the turn to analyze the elf mask.

Rorschach was reluctant to accept the elf's gift, especially because he was disgusted by the old Dengs.

That night, Hill persuaded Rorschach to accept it. In his mind, it was more like accepting a commission to find out the secret behind the mask.

Perhaps Rorschach could figure it out by himself and mobilize other spellcasters in the Mage Tower to use various means to tinker with it, but since there are experts, he doesn't want to waste his time, so it's better to consult first.

Just like identifying antiques, the technology school can use X-rays, carbon 14, destructive component analysis and other means of violent detection, but if it is given to an expert in cultural relics, he may be able to judge the authenticity based on experience and judge the age based on the shape of the artifact.

This should not be difficult for the Forest Tower. Rorschach himself has also dabbled in the totems of the elves, and has also seen the "actors" of the Istani - they can wear masks, perform almost ritual dances and performances, and then stimulate magical powers similar to "inviting gods to possess their bodies."

Rorschach told Humboldt his guess.

"The actor's mask?" The master quickly denied this guess: "As far as I know, the actor's mask is mostly made of metal, not wood."

He took it from Rorschach. The shape of the mask did not seem to be worn by people. It was almost round as a whole, not a shape that fits the human face, and there were only two small holes drilled for the eyes.

After observing the wood grain and sniffing it, Humboldt first judged the material: "Istani oak."

There were unrecognizable paintings on the front of the mask, all oxidized to the point where the original color could not be distinguished. Humboldt concentrated for a long time and always felt familiar.

Rorschach saw that the master's attention was on the pattern, and he couldn't help but say: "I have seen the pattern, there is no effective magic circuit, it seems to be purely decorative."

"I know!" Humboldt didn't take the layman's words to heart.

He grasped the familiarity and matched it with his existing knowledge. Humboldt summoned a long staff, whispered softly, and released a spell that Rorschach had never seen before.

The magic power seemed to be combining with the heterogeneous power, which was extracted from the Black Forest and was full of vitality.

A pale green shadow appeared, gradually solidifying, allowing Rorschach to distinguish the rough facial features.

"[Summon the Spirit of Nature], which is condensed from the vitality of the forest. It can also be attached to the tree to create a tree spirit that can move for a short time. It is a small spell inherited from the Druids. Most of the mages here know it, but its effect and power are very limited. I almost forgot it."

Humboldt said, pointing at the face of the summoned creature with one hand and holding up the mask with the other hand: "Is it very similar?"

"Not similar." Rorschach disagreed with Humboldt's statement: "It is clearly exactly the same."

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