Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 567 Evolution in different directions

Is this "me and my nature friends"? Originally, Rorschach thought the mask's simple shape was due to poor craftsmanship in ancient times, but he misunderstood the elf, and it looked like this!

Two eyes and one mouth are round, framed in a round face, with a kind of innocent beauty.

It seemed to have a certain degree of autonomy, and the two dots that could barely be regarded as eyes glanced at the oak mask crookedly.

"I have a guess about how to use the mask, which can be verified immediately." Humboldt released the original spell, and the energy body known as the "Spirit of Nature" suddenly dissipated. But before it was completely dissipated, the master began to rub it. And the dough.

He gestured with both hands in the air, and the simple wooden mask floated out of thin air, while he was still murmuring and chanting.

This time the casting process was longer. Although Rorschach did not understand the summoning spell, he could discern the operation of magic and heterogeneous energy, and could understand that Humboldt was constantly trying.

Gradually, light green light groups began to gather and adhere to the mask.

"It's done."

It's still a "spirit of nature", but this time its face is replaced by a mask.

"So this is a prop to assist in casting spells?" Rorschach was a little disappointed. He made an estimate and found that the energy density of the spirit of nature is very low. It doesn't look very smart. As Humboldt said, it is not that big. Useful spells.

Unexpectedly, Humboldt shook his head: "Not entirely. Master Rorschach, you may have misunderstood: the mask should come first, then the spell."

Natural magic is transformed by absorbing and refining the divine magic of the Druid system. It is reasonable to speculate that the technology of giving shape to the spirit of nature with the help of masks was first used by mages to directly condense and summon it. No longer relying on external things can be considered progress.

"I even suspect that the reason why they look exactly the same is that these spirits like the appearance of the mask, and it has been like this ever since." Humboldt put his hand on the surface of the light group, and he was actually able to decipher some of the feelings of the spirits: "They convey what they like. Emotionally, he should be very fond of the mask.”

Okay, I'm being shallow. It seems that at least the mask has a high historical value.

But he pulled something out of his memory: "Wait a minute, have we encountered this nature spirit before?"

Humboldt nodded repeatedly before Rorschach finished speaking: "You finally made the connection." When they were in the Black Forest, they had encountered a destroyed elf village, which contained monsters created by the symbiosis of trees and fungi.

What allows those monsters to move independently is the "spirit" condensed from the forest. It can be said that they are also natural spirits.

"The mages chose to simplify physical assistance and summon pure energy bodies, which have a short but convenient existence. The elves in the village we met chose the other extreme and were determined to give the spirits of nature a complete body. Although there are many differences , fundamentally there are great similarities.”

The existence of this mask is somewhere between the two. It is more like a skill that has been developed in different directions in the hands of mages and elven villages, reaching two extremes.

"The above is my speculation, but judging from the year of the object and our own history, the truth is probably the same. We can continue to delve into the details." Humboldt was very confident in his inference.

The general direction has been found, and the next process is nothing more than searching for corroborating materials in various classic records, piling up the number of references, and doing some comparative research to enrich the content.

For the Archmage, that's basically the end of it.

Rorschach was a little disappointed, but he couldn't force it. He identified from the beginning that there was no special manufacturing method for the mask itself. The current thinking was more like making use of the time while waiting for Humboldt's body.

Rorschach, who gave up digging further, asked casually: "So these spirits can also communicate?" After all, the master just said that the spirits of nature like masks.

"Yes, it will express emotions, similar to animals. After obtaining a complete body, it may have higher-level thinking. It can at least imitate and form a community, but it is not beyond the scope of ordinary animals, and there is no 'wisdom' or 'speech'. "

He demonstrated to Rorschach again, stretched out his hand and gently touched the surface of the light group: "Of course, the natural spirit now has no language ability. If the caster touches it, it will transmit emotions to you if it is willing."

Humboldt's face froze.

"What's wrong?" Does this mask have a paralyzing effect?

Humboldt's face turned blue and white, and he could still see doubts and joy. This was a rare occurrence for the calm Alexander.

"Deed." He uttered one word after a while, still using Yabo language.

Rorschach tilted his head in confusion, and Humboldt asked the young man to reach out and touch him.

Suddenly he felt that his mind was touched, and something was trying to invade. But it was very light, like knocking on the door.

Rorschach let go of his guard, and a thought and vague voice suddenly echoed in his mind. Just like what Master Humboldt said, it is the syllable "Qi" in Yabo language.

This was a slap in the face, Master. Rorschach smiled narrowly at Humboldt: "It seems that the things of the descendants of the gods are still special, even if they are wooden pieces."

"Don't underestimate wood. Besides, it's still oak - the sacred tree of the Istani elves." Humboldt gave Xiaomu the piece to forcibly salute himself.

After he received the information, he decided to try it to the end.

It turns out that this mask is like a contract, which can build a stronger connection between the caster and the natural spirits. The effect is

The mask's eyes lit up, and soon the light ball became brighter. Rorschach could feel it absorbing the magic power in the environment like a wizard casting a spell, but something might have gone wrong in the middle, and the magic power was not properly converted or consumed, but accumulated in the spirit body.

The result was that the light ball began to tremble violently, as if boiling inside.

Humboldt's face suddenly changed, and he quickly calmed down the abnormality. After a long time of calm, he tried again.

This time, the spirit of nature slowly raised its thick and round arms, and a stream of acid oozes out from its fingertips. It's a trick [Acid Splash].

"After signing the contract, I can control it to cast spells." Humboldt was surprised by the result: "At first, I chose a three-ring spell, but it was obvious that its small body was too weak, and the casting process almost took its life."

"Can the contractual relationship be transferred?"

". The contact after the contract is limited to this summoning." Humboldt said as he dispersed the light ball for the second time, and the mask immediately lost its power and fell into his hands.

"According to the experience of [Summoning Nature Spirits], spirits will dissipate and regenerate. I almost blew it up just now, it must be angry."

Humboldt, sensing the other party's emotions, decisively disbanded the summoning, which was to unilaterally terminate the contract: "So I can only try again after a while, when a new batch of spirits will condense."

Is this the elf version of "If you don't do it, there are plenty of people who will do it"? Rorschach regained interest in the mask: "I'll try it."

A project that had been shelved for a long time suddenly had hope.

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