Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 570 Even if you jump into the galaxy, you can’t wash away the

In the eyes of the group, no matter how quibbled Rorschach himself was, his ambition was finally exposed!

Humboldt suddenly realized that everything made sense. There was only one truth: this kid wanted to become a god.

Rorschach's actions suddenly had a motivation that was very consistent with another world, and Humboldt didn't have any objections to this.

Looking at the big sign, the majestic but somewhat grotesque hall, and the cheering and somewhat funny "believers", Humboldt could only sigh with emotion. They are young people who dare to think and do.

Even if he is an ambitious man who wants to become a god, he is taking the path of buying people's hearts, which is much better than some anti-social lunatic who kills people to preach. He is not a god-hater like Feuerbach, so he just opens his eyes. Close one eye.

Rorschach couldn't explain clearly to these people. It seemed that the misunderstanding was irresolvable.

"It's just that I was inspired by the water-making technique and used the power of faith to maintain the anchor point for summoning gas, so I left such a symbol to charge. Not to mention it looks like a holy symbol, hahaha." After struggling and laughing awkwardly, Rorschach said Looking at the expressions of a group of people saying "Stop talking, I understand what you mean".

"I have only made a small contribution to the indigenous people here. Caroline knows that. I have always opposed personality worship."

At this time, the Great Wise King arrived at the "Temple" after hearing the news.

The last time I saw him, he was so old that he had to be lifted by a young man to move his chair. Now I don't know if it's because of his nutrition, but he was in great spirits. As soon as he entered the hall, he shook off the servants who were shouting at him as if he had been given a shot of blood. , quickly knelt down in front of Luo Xia and shouted:

"The great, wise, handsome and supreme Lord Rorschach, this old slave has missed his welcome and deserves death."

The others glanced at Rorschach with raised brows: Let's see you continue to perform.

It’s been a long time since you’ve seen how your vocabulary has expanded so much. You’ve learned how to flatter me, right? Luo Xia really wanted to give the "old slave" a kick, but he held it back out of the virtue of respecting the elderly and loving the young.

"Old man, you are now the king of a country, how can you talk about this old slave? The ground is cold, get up quickly."

"Thank you sir"

No, no, no, you didn’t call me any other random names, it was me who thanked you, Lao Deng.

At the banquet, the wizards explained their intention to the little blue man, and the "Great Wise King" readily agreed. The leader of the Forest Tower's investigation team actually presented some gadgets, saying they were national gifts to your country. The Great Sage King was so excited that he burst into tears and was almost too angry to meet his ancestors. The other little blue people were also extremely excited. In short, it felt like their clan was on the big stage of the forest of nations in the universe.

Rorschach's evaluation of this was: This Alexander Humboldt is also an iron skewer.

The only thing that made the little blue man feel uneasy was that these distinguished guests seemed to have some quirks. They were very serious about every food served. They first smelled it, recorded it, then tasted it carefully, and finally collected a small sample. , and the bones of all the meat served were scrutinized by the mages for a long time.

"Please entertain them here, I'll go back first." Rorschach used [Messaging Technique] to whisper to Caroline.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"I got a key technology in the Tower of Forest. You will know what happened when I finish it. You can also go back to the main material world first and let the mages of the Tower of Forest inspect it on their own, and then reopen it to them after agreeing on a time. Portal."


Rorschach still felt that his artificial magical girl/boy plan was more important. After leaving the air elemental plane, he first entered the junction.

There is still no change here. The Tree of Law is still standing, and the light spots constantly flowing on it almost fill the nodes in the middle and lower layers, indicating that the number of users is increasing.

Even people who can cast spells on their own are now accustomed to using spell clouds, especially spells that are a little more difficult for them. You can first consume your daily quota and cast spells with the help of the Law Tree to familiarize yourself with how to cast difficult spells.

Of course, this is for motivated spellcasters, and it can be used as a learning aid. For unmotivated spellcasters, if I can do what Magic Cloud can do, what kind of assistance can it provide? That is restoring my original wisdom!

After confirming that the spell cloud was running correctly, Rorschach uploaded the copy of [Summoning the Spirit of Nature].

After the spell prototype is obtained, it is broken down into "summoning", "connection" and "natural essence condensation".

It’s natural to have a “summoning”, and the last two entries are quite interesting.

"Connection" is not only the connection between the caster and the summoned spirits, but also the connection between many spirits.

Before this entry came into effect, those beings between energy and life were discrete. Sometimes they gather spontaneously, but more often they are freely distributed in areas with a high density of organisms, especially plants, such as forests.

Only when the connected tiny units accumulate to a certain number will they change qualitatively. After reaching a certain threshold, the third entry will take effect.

The mechanism of "Condensation of Natural Spirits" is similar to "Condensation of Magic Power". It can be clearly seen from the branches of the Tree of Law that they are closely related and subordinate to the main branch of "Control of Magic Power".

However, in this spell, when the essences are gathered together, there will actually be a melting effect. They will finally be combined into an entity. Only after the process of quantitative change to qualitative change is completed, will it have the ability to execute simple instructions given by the summoner.

But you can't cast spells at this time.

There are all spirits at the junction, but this does not prevent Rorschach from referring to the operations of some predecessors - in the main material world, Andre set up an altar, activated the circuit pointing to Rorschach, and then placed the mask on it.

A flash of inspiration occurred, and the express delivery was delivered.

After arriving at the border, the mask underwent some changes. Its surface had a ray of luster, and it changed from the original patina to a living wood, with some small green roots extending and tangled on the back of the mask.

Now Rorschach began the first step of the magic modification attempt - he wanted to replace the spirit of nature, blend the magic power and the power of the tree of law together and "activate" it to create a pseudo-spirit.

Then he followed the order of the original spell, condensed a group of quasi-summoning creatures and put them close to the mask.

The roots on the back of the mask sensed something, and the roots stretched out, like dried goods that were soaked. The moment it touched the fake, the mask hesitated.

Just when Rorschach thought that his counterfeiting skills were not up to standard and he could not deceive the elf mask, the roots suddenly started and quickly immersed in the energy body. Rorschach quickly controlled the shaping and finally got a small pet appearance similar to that in the Forest Tower.

But at this time, its face is a mask. It looks naive on the face of the big nature spirit, but it looks a bit weird on the head of a rodent.

However, this does not prevent the experiment from continuing. Rorschach observed that the roots began to extend regularly, forming veins similar to the magic circuits of intelligent creatures.

Now it is between reality and illusion, and the veins are visible. If you return to the main material world, the veins and the magic circuits of creatures do not exist, unless the magic is very powerful, such as dragons and great wizards.

This is the premise for giving the nature spirit the ability to cast spells. Rorschach is very satisfied with the result.

On the forehead of the mask, another root extends, flying around, looking for the caster.

If it is in the material world, Rorschach will accept the contract without hesitation because he can't see the concrete root system anyway, but now he sees the thin tentacles trying to drill into the body with his own eyes, which is still a bit disgusting.

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