Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 571 How can love be as important as research?

Forget it, just think of it as contributing to research.

Of course, you still have to be cautious. Rorschach used the materials in the junction to pull up a stand-in. He established contact with the stand-in, and then asked the stand-in to complete the contract, which was equivalent to a safety bottle.

After receiving Rorschach's intention to sign the contract, the mask pointed its direction, and its roots directly penetrated into the stand-in, connecting with its magic circuit.

Suddenly, surging magic power surged in, forcibly turning the green color of the roots into blue light, and the fabricated energy body also fluctuated violently.

It is really fragile. The substitute is about 70% of his own level, and should be about the same as Master Humboldt. However, Rorschach does not have the power to control it. The moment the circuit and the roots are connected, the mask-energy body system is extremely unbalanced. The magic power in Rorschach's body was completely washed away.

After patiently waiting for it to stabilize, Rorschach tested its performance. The results were better than the original Nature Spirit and could hold three-ring magic.

After careful inspection, Rorschach also confirmed that the mask itself did not carry any divine power. It might have existed before, but Sylvanos was probably too cold. This is best and ensures safety.

Considering it was for non-spellcasters, Rorschach next tested the second item.

The "prototype" of the mask has been registered in the junction, and he molded it again. Now all the parts have been "produced", focusing on a level that is safe and controllable and can be invested in the Xinchuang market to make money.

He did it all over again, from casting the spell to pulling the substitute. This time the stand-in has not inherited Rorschach's magical ability at all, and is almost an insulator like Martin. He first manipulated the tree of law to extend the slender branches to wrap around the double, and then let the mask replica extend its roots to bridge it.

This time the golden light poured into the energy body, and it was transformed - the root-like magic circuit developed again, becoming more complex.

It was another round of stress testing, and almost all the spells included in the spell cloud were used by Rorschach. This time the upper limit is five-ring spells, but unfortunately there are tendencies and restrictions.

For example, the upper limit of the power of the evocation magic is not high, which is the level of a low-level mage; among other complex spells, the natural spell is very effective, and operations involving illusions, mapping, etc. will basically fail unless the frequency of spells sent from the cloud is included. There are sufficiently complete "descriptors".

The power of the spell is also limited by the ability of the energy body to gather magic power. Like a real spell caster, it can enrich the magic power of the environment and continuously absorb it to fill itself. The difference is that the concentration of it is not high, and because the magic power is removed from the spell, The consequences are more serious than for humans. After all, the basis of its existence is the magic itself, and when it is exhausted, it will only end in collapse and dissipation.

This result is unsatisfactory according to the Rorschach standard, because he knows very well that now in the border area, what is obtained is theoretical performance, just like the score of a mobile phone in a refrigerator. Consumers, um, can use this system. The users are called "recipients", and they will never reach the performance limit.

Optimistically speaking, at present, ordinary people can only experience the "happiness" of being a magic apprentice.

That's not bad either.

The structure of the mask is based on purely biological principles, oak wood modified by elven technology. It is impossible for Rorschach to ask those elves for oak wood. Even if he can give them a "ship ticket" in exchange, it is a key component. How can he let them choke?

What's great about it is that it can create simulated magic circuits, which can not only automatically adjust according to the shape and size of the energy body, but also connect the recipient and the spirit of nature to complete the conversion between two completely different systems.

When thinking about the characteristics Rorschach needs, first convert the two systems to fix them. Although the recipients will have individual differences, in fact, it is the Tree of Law that provides technical support for the "plug-in", that is, one-to-many.

"The prototype has been figured out, and I can reproduce it here. How can I still be choked by the elf? It doesn't exist!"

Pure virtual replicas are allowed in the borderland. What materials are needed to replace the special oak wood in the main material world? Rorschach thought for a moment and came up with a plan.

Martin returned to the forbidden biological laboratory again. It had been too long since he had been there, and he was even a little rusty when it came to completing the safety disinfection steps.

Master Rorschach is said to have remained in seclusion for some time, refusing many visitors. Principal Caroline is not at school most of the time. It seems that a team of green-robed Forest Tower wizards are visiting, but they can be seen sometimes and sometimes disappear, and they have not been seen in the fields.

Now that Rorschach has ended his autistic state, he didn't expect that the first person he was looking for was himself, which made Martin a little nervous.

The laboratory is still clean, and the experimental organisms have been removed. It is said that they were transferred to BASF for testing new drugs. Martin's knowledge was limited, and he had heard that new medicines were made from coal.

Even if it is coal that can be used to refine gold, it is more likely, or maybe he heard it wrong. He came to Rorschach with this thought in mind.

"Are you still wearing the pendant? You have taken good care of the symbiote inside." Rorschach praised.

Martin chuckled: "Even if there is no progress, it has developed feelings for so long. It is quite obedient and can recognize me now." From time to time, Hannah hoped that Martin would get rid of such "evil things", but he still couldn't bear to part with them. , I have been fed until now in a daze.

When it comes to lovers, the corners of Martin's mouth can't help but curl up, and he babbles endlessly. Rorschach could only interrupt him to check on the symbiote.

So Martin demonstrated in front of Rorschach how to feed it: open the pendant's container, extend his index finger and approach the microbial mass inside.

The mucus ball instantly hugged his index finger. Martin didn't feel any pain from his completely insensitive expression. After about half a minute, the small tentacles of the symbiote that were pulling on Martin's index finger automatically let go. When he raised his hand, Rorschach saw a small drop of blood. The wound was so small that it was almost invisible.

The symbiote didn't show much intelligence now, but compared with the violent behavior of the native species that was active in the water and bloodthirsty, it was already smart, dignified and calm.

"Not bad, really good." Rorschach praised twice and patted Martin's shoulder: "The promise I made to you can be fulfilled."

"Really? Thank you." Martin was a little happy, but not particularly surprised. Perhaps, this is the calmness of the current life.

Damn, can you react more strongly, even if you pretend? It makes my sense of accomplishment discounted after working hard for a long time.

Rorschach took out a cup of potion, put the processed transmutation dust into it, and obtained a water solution of pseudo-essence after following the same process of "fusion" and "activation" at the junction.

He separated a little of the symbiont cultivated by Martin and put it into it.

Originally, "Rorschach bacteria" lived in water. After confirming that the symbiont and alchemical potion had no rejection reaction, he added all of them into it. The symbiont with sufficient energy quickly increased in size.

At this time, Rorschach was still very calm. He pushed out a metal plate with an extremely complex circuit. There was a bowl-shaped groove in the middle of the formation, and a crystal ball was embedded in the middle of the circuit. The symbiont was thrown into the groove and slapped the wall frantically, while Martin placed both hands on the crystal ball according to Rorschach's request.

The engraved array was a weakened version of [Axiom Creation], which he named [Simulation Creation]: "Activate the scroll, and then imagine the image of a creature, as perfect as possible, not too big, and not too exaggerated. If this fails, your symbiont will die."

In fact, this step requires Martin to provide a "mapping" blueprint. If you can't cast a spell, you can always imagine it, right?

"Okay." Martin did it.

As the image in Martin's mind took shape, the mixture of the symbiont and the pseudo-spirit began to change. The magic circle was activated, completing the other steps on Martin's behalf.

In addition, the magic circle on the metal plate will induce some symbionts to differentiate into xylem, and even harder tissues than xylem to form bones. Its skull is equivalent to a mask, and countless roots that are invisible in the material world are extended to form a magic circuit.

Finally, the puppy-like creature now happily ran from the center of the magic circle to the front of the crystal ball, licking Martin's little hand and wagging its tail wildly.

"As long as you complete the last step of the contract, you can become a contracted person who can cast spells"

"So cute! I want to show it to Hannah, she will definitely like it!" Martin didn't hear what Rorschach said for a while, and blurted out the first thought in his mind.

Is it great to have a partner? You've had enough!

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