Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 572 Friendship and Bonds

Martin received a "spiritual pet". Martin wanted to show off to his girlfriend. Martin was anxious, and so was Rorschach.

"Don't leave, where are you going? It's not over yet." Rorschach used [Mage's Hand] to hold down Martin who wanted to escape: "We are here to test whether you can cast spells."

"Oh, right, right, sorry."

The puppy jumped briskly onto Martin's shoulders, revealing its canine teeth, the bad guy who restricted the owner's personal freedom.

Rorschach was furious and glared at the little beast. It was so frightened that it quickly got into Martin's arms and started fighting with its tail between its legs.

"Cowardly dog" Rorschach said. He first taught Martin the syllable "deed" in the Hebrew language.

After learning, Martin chanted silently in his heart. From Rorschach's perspective, there is indeed a thread connecting the pet to himself.

Martin was refreshed. He seemed to have gained a different feeling. His senses had been extended. Not only that, there was a warm current that slowly flowed through his body.

Is this what it feels like to be bathed in magic? Martin's eyes suddenly became moist.

Why is this kid almost crying? Rorschach tilted his head: "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"No, no."

"If you don't have any, just learn some magic and try it." Rorschach said, taking out several scrolls and throwing them in front of Martin, like a parent who buys a bunch of teaching aids for primary school students.

"Do I have to learn so many scrolls?" Martin was startled.

"Bart and Andre are the ones enjoying this treatment. You are the third one. What, why are you dissatisfied?"

Rorschach's tone was so unkind that Martin was so frightened that he said, "No, no, it's just that I have never been exposed to these things before. Suddenly there are so many and I'm afraid I can't digest them, Teacher Rorschach."

"Of course you can't digest it. I only mastered three spells when I graduated. If you learn them all in one go tonight, I'll find a piece of pea sausage and beat myself to death on the spot."

Although there are spell clouds to reduce the difficulty, Martin is a novice after all. He started from level zero. Surprisingly, after testing many scrolls, the first thing he learned was [Repair Technique].

He tore a small slit out of the paper, and then one person and one dog stared at the tear with all their strength, and the dog's eyes became cross-eyed.

Then the edge healed a little, maybe two millimeters? Or three millimeters? If you don't keep a close eye on it, you will definitely not be able to find any difference before and after casting the spell.

Rorschach also didn't expect Martin to be good at the transformation system.

When casting a spell, Martin's magical dog takes over the work of sensing, gathering, and manipulating magic for the "recipient." But the most important thing, how to manipulate and ask for help from the Tree of Law is all done by Martin, which requires his brain to keep functioning.

So like other mages, Martin also needs to continue to learn to cast spells, even if the spell casting process is simplified by the spell cloud.

When his energy was exhausted and his temples were pounding, the dog kept sticking out its tongue to breathe. In the end, the paper never returned to its original state.

"It's just a little bit close." Martin was very regretful: "And can you only learn [restoration]?" He felt that it was not cool at all, and even very boring.

Rorschach also lamented the loss of a fellow barbarian of the evocation system, and comforted him: "This is just a test to see if you can start learning magic, it's just the beginning.

"The apprentice will have his final exam soon. You can work as a transfer student in the tower starting from next semester. I will make an agreement with both the Magic Tower and the factory. From now on, you can take a long break with pay, and then go to the tower to follow a teacher. study"

"Thank you!" Martin finally knocked on the door of the new world and rekindled his hope.

"Why don't you give your magic pet a name?"

"Well, forget it, I want to ask Hannah for her opinion."

".Go ahead, go ahead."

Rorschach thoughtfully assigned him to Hannah's research group. The unknowing Hannah saw Martin for the first time in the magic tower and couldn't help but open her eyes: "Why are you here? Where did you pick up this puppy?" ?”

Hannah couldn't believe it when Martin explained it, until Martin demonstrated a lame [prosthetic] technique. The spell still cannot fully exert its effect, but Hannah has already sensed the magic wave - emitted by the puppy.

"Master Rorschach is incredible. Can a natural-born spellcaster also have a magic pet? It's super cute." Hannah teased the puppy with her slender fingertips, and at this time, Martin also received a little tickling touch.

"It should be possible, but it's very time-consuming, and I feel that the materials and alchemy tools used are valuable."

"This is not something we are considering." Hannah shook her head: "Let's go, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the laboratory. During this period, it is best to seize the time to read the manuals and textbooks. You should be able to take the first apprenticeship exam, just In the late period.

"The content of the first period is very simple. You are a college student. There is no need to sit in the same class with a group of children. If you pass the exam, you can be inserted into the second period at the beginning of the semester."

"Uh, only ten days?"

"Actually, it's less than ten days, but you only need to remember some theories and read thirty to forty pages every day. The rest of the math, drawing, etc. are difficult for others, and they are definitely not for you. question."

No, no, no, it’s a big problem. Martin recalled the time when he learned accounting from Hannah unexpectedly before his internship. At that time, Hannah was still very gentle: "Master Rorschach said, if you can't take the exam in time, you can just join the class next semester."

The gentle Hannah was gone. She grabbed Martin's wrist and said fiercely: "Where is your ambition? Master Rorschach must have said that not to put too much pressure on you, but you have to strive for your own success!"

"I will give you extra lessons starting tonight."

"Okay, okay." Martin trembled with the dog who still didn't have a name.

Rorschach was still in the laboratory, he had a headache. Martin was the first to try it, and it seems to be successful so far.

As the No. 1 recipient, he has special significance. On the one hand, even magic insulators can gain spellcasting ability through "plug-ins", which means that others can do it better;

On the other hand, he has been cultivating symbionts for a long time. This time it only proved the feasibility of Rorschach's idea, but it was still similar to elves' reliance on biotechnology, and the cost was high.

That's still far from Rorschach's ideal. What he wants is to upgrade a good brother with fifty dollars to a magic brother with seventy-five dollars. Even if it costs one hundred dollars, he will still be my Dong brother, no, Brother Luo's brother.

But if everyone is the same as Martin, who was made with five hundred dollars, then it doesn't mean that much.

Assuming Rorschach hadn't interfered with subsequent development, the technology would have been affordable only to wealthy people, one of Matthew's favorite episodes.

"We need to reduce costs, cultivation cycles, and get rid of dependence on living organisms." Rorschach set goals for the next stage.

But having said that, Martin's magic pet is quite interesting. Suppose a group of contract recipients sign a contract with this beast-shaped summon, and then use the summons to engage in a magic duel with each other.

Then, summoning training gyms were opened all over the world, and national competitions were held, allowing those teenagers to express their youth while shouting about friendship and bonding.

Well, not bad, at least it's much better than falling in love. Rorschach sat alone in the laboratory and nodded repeatedly.

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