Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 595: Slackness

This army that developed latently and then exploded was even more unprepared.

It's like waking up with a sore in your mouth or a sore on your face. They are often not noticed until they are out of control, with only pain and pus making the body aware of their presence.

Unfortunately, this legion is mobile, and the areas it passes through leave a lot of mutations that need to be cleaned up. Theoretically speaking, the pollution left behind does not even come directly from the Mother Goddess. It does not infect the plane space or the level of the law, but is just the spread of infectious agents that make people sick and mutate.

Even such secondary disasters have claimed many lives and are becoming more and more dangerous, requiring the alliance to dedicate troops to specifically purify them.

The Sky Knight, a chemically protected version with similar equipment to the one in space, flew over the village. Below were three structures in parallel. They had already used the transmutation dust as ammunition. Each machine had three engraved rods [Scorching Hot]. Ray] The columnar core of the circuit. At this time, each circuit is severely worn and is on the verge of being scrapped.

This partnered team uses the Aerial Knight as a wingman to find out the path and target for the construct in the air. The purification work is carried out by the construct. After completing the task, the team leader reports to his superior: "No. 3 infected area in the west. Cleaned up."

The idea of ​​cleaning up is the same as that of the salary collector, which is to burn it all white and clean, but the advantage of the construct is that no one will be infected in the process, and you can use the body of steel to fight hand-to-hand with monsters.

Tanya reminded after receiving the team's report

For Sky Knight, the new enemy is very difficult to deal with. These monsters generally have superb regenerative abilities. Ordinary projectiles entering the opponent's body will only embed themselves in their fibrous or carapaceous skin. Even if they penetrate the flesh, the broken tissues will be quickly reorganized.

The repair of the monster's flesh tissue is disordered. After the growth of tumor-like scars that double in thickness, a new layer of armor is formed. Before its stored flesh and blood and the blessings of the mother goddess are exhausted, any attack with a small weapon will only destroy them. The more you fight, the stronger your skin becomes.

Fortunately, monsters that can fly into the sky are often small scouts. Their wings are pitifully thin. What threatens the sky knights is high mobility and sudden group actions.

"The distribution of the services of this corrupt army is very irregular. Unexpected enemies may appear in any polluted area. When there are buildings and forests around, do you have to keep feeding? Call Team 4, please answer, please answer!"

Tanya also wanted to remind the other party not to slack off just because the cleaning work was completed, but she didn't expect that the other end of the communication device soon only had a beeping busy tone.

"Send two teams. No, I will go to area three myself."

The frontal battlefield against large troops is even more intense. There are cunning "ground flies" on the ground directing their messy creatures and structures to fight. When their number reaches a certain scale, ordinary flames can no longer burn them out. Because the Mother Goddess can twist these flames and transform the charred parts into pus as thick as tar, while maintaining biological activity.

Gradually, the first batch of constructs loaded with [Fireball] and [Hot Ray] were all engulfed. They were clung to and surrounded by monsters who were not afraid of death. Even if they were burnt to black, the black pus seemed to be alive. Entangled in its surfaces, corroding metal, destroying joints, circuits, and spell-shooting mechanisms.

The symbiotes in the "bio-hydraulic system" will also be captured by them, and then reconstructed into ugly but still effective hybrid monsters with broken skins and mechanical remains.

It wasn't until the second batch of constructs participating in the battle were all replaced with lightning spells that the battle line was stabilized.

Swarms of flying monsters are like swarms of locusts that cover the sky. They come in various forms, fluttering with filmy insect wings, or membranes, and dirty feathers. Although the realm of the Earth Mother does not include the sky, they are like sandstorms rolling up from the ground, with a tendency to swallow up the airship and its escort.

At this point, the sky knights have been dispersed into a small force that cleans the flank battlefield and cleans up the aftermath, because currently only spellcasters can handle such scenes.

Just when the "Corruption Legion" in the middle was on the verge of losing control, another day covered the night. Suddenly, the mutants and monsters in the legion were weakened. Their regeneration rate began to slow down, and they were unable to sing the blasphemous hymns of the Mother Goddess. , those tender, vital pieces of meat began to become shriveled and shriveled.

Another emergency meeting.

Rorschach didn't know why people in both worlds loved meetings so much. They held big meetings for small things and small meetings for big things. Maybe there are indeed many things, big and small.

Since the beginning of spring, the Corrupt Legion has seriously threatened the Alliance and the Empire. Fortunately, the "Long Day" has come again, once again suppressing the arrogance of the Mother Goddess at its highest point, allowing both the Alliance Legion and the Imperial Army to control the situation.

"Judging from observations in the past month, these countries or alliances are not enough to control the crisis." Feuerbach, who has been monitoring the battlefield, rubbed his brows and reported to the elders attending the meeting:

"The individual qualities of monsters vary in strength, largely depending on the degree of blessing given to them by the Mother Goddess. The most threatening ones are the 'ground flies', which are often transformed from senior monks of the original religious order and retain their intelligence. .

"Others, there are monsters with various functions. According to incomplete statistics, there are at least 67 species with different forms. Rather than a division of labor based on military significance, it is more like the result of evolution based on ecological niche.

"They destructively devour and expand, tend to concentrate their power internally, produce powerful individuals by devouring each other, and induce the power of the Mother Goddess to penetrate into the real world to strengthen them."

"It's like a few piglets fighting to suck an old sow."

"This is a meeting, serious!" Feuerbach stopped the unhelpful speech of a certain Tower of Stars chief, and continued: "The most serious problem is that neither the empire nor the alliance has a rapid response mechanism. The city uses magic guilds to and telegraph offices, which could issue early warnings of disasters as long as they did not erupt suddenly.

"But in the vast number of villages and towns, many of them are still stuck in the era of decades or even hundreds of years ago. Their connection with the city is slow, and they have no vigilance or resistance to the intrusions of the cult and the Mother Goddess. They often become corrupt legions. The birthplace or food was discovered too late.”

During this time, the Senate was consciously conducting cruel experiments - deliberately allowing the expansion of the Corrupt Legion, on the one hand, to test how many kinds of monsters it could spawn, what behavioral patterns and methods of diffusion it had, and on the other hand, to test the resistance of ordinary people.

Rorschach objected to this approach, but it was impossible for him to monitor the entire central part of the empire. While other senators were watching intentionally or unintentionally, and reinforcements were not being sent out, he should try his best to devote Byrne's military power to the battle and develop new weapons. .

And he himself focuses on the already large army, and when necessary, takes action to eliminate the possibility of large-scale sacrifices to the Mother Goddess and breaking the main plane.

This kind of behavior gave other mages the confidence to let the situation develop. Anyway, Rorschach was in charge.

"After spring comes, you should increase the intensity of reinforcements, be careful not to play with fire and burn yourself." Luo Xia was full of resentment in his words.

Feuerbach also agreed: "Yes, the mages in the Tower of Secrets and the Tower of Forest are now reaching their limits, and more support is needed to curb the spread of pollution in the central region of the empire."

However, the chief responses from other regions were no longer as active as in the Opfer incident. Some urged the construction of the ladder system to be strengthened quickly. The mages of Istani said that the pollution in the far north of the continent also deserves attention.

"Anyway, it is an unclaimed zone now. The empire is going to give up the land east of the central part. They are going to use the anti-magic device to block off the areas they still control. I think the guild can secretly support this plan to see if it works. "The chief of Istani Storm Tower said slowly. Looking at the movements of the avatar projected by the communication system, it seemed that he was drinking tea.

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