Mage? Spell Engineer!

Sorry, please take a day off

Something went wrong with the experiment. I have been busy until just now. I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the laboratory to deal with the follow-up.

I am too tired today and need to rest early. Sorry, I will make up for today's update on the weekend.

Thanks to "Joxya", "SilenceElivn", "Li, Li", "Book Friend 20210301106509231666", "Physics Specialized Mage", "kdjien", "Book Friend 20200909141326484", "luk27thmun", "windnight", "Surname Super Name Excellent", "Hen あPI", "Lack of Books", "There is a Bear in the World" and other book friends for their monthly ticket support!

Thanks to "A Green Hat 2333", "There is Always a Future Vacant Seat Waiting", "Tyrant Emperor", "fyb777", "Pig Man_db", "Little Fat Bee", "Moonlight Cat on the Street", "Gigi Monster", "East H", "gcdsfag", "Marquis ==", "Lack of Products" and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

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