Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 608 Righteousness

This script is wrong!

Kuber, Carnot and Feuerbach all thought so. Shouldn't it be you who asked me if I supported it, and I said yes, but couldn't give any reason?

Christian, the tower owner of the Tower of Storms, was the first to ask: "Replacement? What do you mean?"

"A replacement for the entire spellcasting system, from frequency specifications to a structure similar to the Tree of Truth."

As he spoke, the original dog's head turned into the projection of a golden tree. This is much clearer than the impact from the Kepler observatory.

And this is not a silhouette, but a dynamic projection that flows from time to time. You can see the links being activated and lighting up, and the nodes flashing like breathing.

"No wonder. No wonder, you can help us analyze the symbolic meaning of the nodes of the Tree of Truth." Poincaré suddenly thought of something, and used [Messaging Technique] to quietly ask Kano: "Have you known it for a long time?"

"Yes, many of the elders who have a better relationship with Rorschach know about it."

Immediately, other archmages began to quarrel, and those who made it clear had two extreme attitudes:

Some say that these are extraordinary times. If the Tree of Law mastered by Rorschach is really completely reliable, then all spells should be reconstructed according to new standards to ensure safety.

The other group strongly opposed it for a simple reason. In their opinion, the risk of handing over the lifeblood of magic to one person was greater than the contamination of the Mother Goddess.

"Maybe the situation you are considering is different from the actual situation." Rorschach had to end the argument because they made many wrong assumptions and spoke based on their respective wrong understandings.

"I got this tree by chance. It does not really exist, but is the embodiment of the system I created - the 'Spell Cloud' system, a collection of many magic prototypes and spellcasting traces.

"And these collections are naturally combined and presented in the form you see without my intervention. Perhaps we can use this analogy to guess the nature of the Tree of Truth.

"Secondly, its development to what it is today did not happen in an instant, but was gradually improved. Alchemy equipment and a large number of spellcasters in the alliance are already using it. It has been tested in all aspects of reliability and practicality.

"And in its current form, it has been separated from the mapping of the Tree of Truth and operates completely independently. As long as it is not locked by the Mother Goddess, I can't imagine how it can be infected."

Rorschach once again emphasized that it was not a complete replacement, but for safety reasons, starting from the alchemy equipment to promote a new standard and new alternatives.

“Our exploration of the Tree of Truth is to challenge the realm of God and decipher the unknown; while the gestation of the Tree of Law is to reshape and migrate our existing system.

"The two undertakings are completely opposite, but they can promote each other. The latter provides the former with a relatively simple and ideal model, while the former shows the future possibilities and more details of the new system."

I don’t know if this speech impressed the other chiefs and elders. At least they stopped arguing. Instead, they decided to think deeply and give relevant replies after reviewing the information submitted by Rorschach.

After the meeting, Kano communicated with Rorschach alone: ​​"You just exposed your trump card like this?"

“The development of the Tree of Law has reached a bottleneck, and the use of equipment and spellcasters within the alliance alone is not enough to stimulate its expansion.

"Now my observation of the Tree of Truth helps me understand it in turn. In addition, it needs to be recognized and used by other mages, so I need to confess something."

He planned to avoid such an existence as the Junction, and instead focused on disclosing the technical architecture of String Magic and Spell Cloud. In Rorschach's view, just like the open source operating system, he did not mind letting more people feel at ease and reassured by showing part of the source code. Accept it and contribute to development.

Anyway, he has absolute control over the "server".

"Mother Earth is about to resurrect. For the safety of the world, what does it mean to sacrifice the ego?" Rorschach said with great righteousness.

"You have to be careful, there will always be people who find something unusual and do some dirty tricks against you."

"If this is the case, I don't mind cleaning up the house, just like you did to Granol back then."

Kano's expression suddenly changed: "I didn't do it! Really!"

Rorschach was confused for a moment, and then quickly ignored it: "Forget it, that's not important."

In Valois, a few unexpected guests came to the Violet watch shop.

The clock shop is actually a secret alchemy workshop, where Rorschach purchased his first staff.

The owner of the shop, master alchemist Fulcanelli, personally entertained the visitors: "Are you guys magicians? What kind of strange things do you want to order?

"First of all, let's talk about it. My apprentice has gone out temporarily, and now I am a bad old man and can't do manual work at all."

He spread out his shriveled, slightly trembling palms and said, "I'm old and there's really nothing I can do about it."

"Old man, we are here to give you a notice." The young people came from the magic guild. They took out a stack of pamphlets. The old man's cloudy eyes could barely make out the words "string" and "safety standards".

"I'll get you some glasses."

He quickly read the previous chapters, his expression sometimes surprised and sometimes solemn, the slower he read, the slower he read, and finally he closed the page and said:

"The afterlife is formidable. It's really an amazing creation. Although I don't quite agree with some of the ideas in it, alchemy is an art, but that doesn't stop me from expressing my sincere appreciation for it."

After he finished speaking, he asked: "Who is the inventor of 'String Magic' and 'Spell Cloud'? How should I contact him? I want to communicate with him. I have a few questions that I can't get from the booklet just now. Answer"

"The inventor is Master Rorschach."

"This name sounds familiar." Although he had heard of it, in Fulcanelli's imagination, the one who could establish a school of thought should be an old scholar. It was unknown how long a person had studied to achieve such results, and after being recognized by the guild, he informed his peers.

So it was impossible to equate him with the young man in the past.

"We have complete theoretical books and technical manuals here, which can be given to you for free. It was the intention of that adult to make them public."

"Free of charge? My God!" The old man's concept was still stuck in the past, and he could not imagine how broad-minded "that adult" was.

He almost shed tears after taking the thick book: "I really want to meet that respectable researcher."

"There is one more thing." The staff of the guild took out the announcement issued by the Senate: "From now on, among the newly produced alchemical products with magic circuit structures, they must comply with the relevant requirements of the \u003cFirst Edition of String Magic Safety Standards\u003e;

"The Magic Guild and the Alchemy Association will seal, destroy and require the recall of any products on the market that do not meet the standards, and the Owl Arbitration Tribunal will hold the producers accountable.

"Within one year from now, all large instruments and equipment with magic circuit structures should be gradually replaced with new products that meet the standards. Otherwise, after the buffer period expires, any products produced by them will be prohibited from trading, and the Magic Guild and Alchemy Association will also seal and destroy them.

"For non-standard alchemical items, individuals and institutions are allowed to hold a small amount for the purpose of collection and research, but they are not allowed to participate in production and trading unless they are approved by the relevant departments as safe and reliable."

The guild staff spoke clearly, and because of this, it sounded particularly cold.

"Ah?" The alchemist suddenly felt that the book in his hand weighed a thousand pounds and almost fainted.

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