Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 609: Business is booming

The guild should not put too much pressure on the Alchemy Association. A careful study of this hastily issued safety standard revealed that there are actually many loopholes that can be exploited.

A small manual alchemy workshop like the Violle Watch Shop may be able to apply for a special license from the guild and remove some risky products from the shelves before operating normally.

Of course, this depends on whether the alchemist apprentice is willing to delve into the terms and strive to retain the set of skills taught by the master.

Otherwise, according to the many standards disclosed by Rorschach, which are actually technical manuals, he can completely start anew based on the new system. Regardless of the artistry, the functionality is definitely top notch.

The new standard is actually aimed at the field of large-scale industrial production. At least in this world, there is no advanced productivity that does not rely on magic.

Ninety percent of the alchemy equipment within the alliance meets the standard, and the rest must be old equipment that is about to be scrapped.

The biggest impact was on Istany and the southern countries. They suddenly discovered that Valois and the Alliance had actually issued laws to cooperate with the magic guild at the same time, using this as an excuse to block high-end industrial products from other countries from customs.

There’s no one size fits all, but the list is long.

In the face of trade barriers, countries are naturally gnashing their teeth, but they have no intention of using strong ships and cannons to free trade, because both countries have said that as long as the standards are met, transactions can be resumed.

So the question is, how can it be considered as meeting the standards?

Bosses, don’t worry, the answer has been selflessly announced by the mages. As long as the factory is willing to cooperate, the local wizard tower can provide technical support. It only requires negligible consultation, labor costs, and sky-high equipment upgrade costs.

Of course, the more resources a company invests, the more support the casters are willing to give, and the sooner the goods can be sold in the continent of Feralun.

And there are also unexpected surprises, such as the output accidentally doubling several times.

In short, there are many things that "even money can't buy" are open to you at the expense of temporary barriers. It depends on whether entrepreneurs have the tenacity and courage to endure it and board the ship of the new era.

This process was completed long ago in Valuauna and Byrne, and now spreads to other countries in the world through one and a half great powers (the Alliance, as the rebel force of the Empire, counts as half) and guilds.

Valuauna is another carnival. Some people have tasted the sweetness of forced scrapping and industrial upgrading. Although the average debt ratio of enterprises has increased several times, the artificial prosperity has been achieved.

All the above situations were turned into statements and summary reports, which Andre presented to Rorschach's desk.


"Why are you sighing?" Luo Xia didn't know what this guy had to worry about.

Andre (relying on spell cloud cheating) was successfully promoted to an intermediate mage, and his salary was increased by Rorschach, and he obtained "double certification" in the Tower of Stars and the Tower of Secrets; in addition to being forced to get married by his parents, he had money and no time to spend. , everything meets the standards of a winner in life.

"Our product sales have surged recently, especially to Valois. In particular, equipment manufacturing has increased by 41% year-on-year."

"That's a good thing." Luo Xia nodded, but his situation was small. It turned out that he was thinking about the entire industry.

"The output and sales of other industrial products have also increased, and various industries have a strong desire to expand. But I am very worried."

"Tell me about it."

“The current increase is due to the introduction of new laws and regulations by the two countries and the introduction of new standards by trade unions, which is the result of policy stimulus.

“When the equipment upgrades in Valois are completed, they will definitely regain the market. Our company has a tendency to expand blindly.

"Besides." Andre hesitated for a moment, then expressed his opinion directly:

"The standards you announced are too detailed, which is equivalent to exposing the alchemy technology we apply to production to the world. How long can we maintain our advantage?"

He has personally watched and participated in the rise of the special zone, and he knows where the advantage here comes from, but now this advantage seems to have been smoothed away by the founder himself.

"How long will it last? If you can keep innovating, you can keep it. If you can't, you can't." Luo Xia said indifferently:

“If I were a pure businessman, of course I hope that these advantages can be maintained forever; if I were the king of a country, of course I would want my own territory to be strong and others to remain weak forever.

"But you and I are still spellcasters. Isn't it satisfying enough to see that the system you created can be promoted around the world?"

"Of course, of course"

"Don't put too much emphasis on companies and how much you earn. When the world ends, won't all money and numbers be fictitious?

"Andre, you should think like this. With the release of advanced technology, the productivity of the whole society will increase, more starships can be built, defense facilities will be safer, and the hope of the entire civilization to survive when the Mother Goddess comes will also increase. Just bigger.

“It’s good to make more money now, but is it important? In contrast, if the several projects we are working on now were priced according to market rules, we would have gone bankrupt long ago, and no matter how much we make, we will never be able to make up for it;

"Does it matter if other places and other people make more money in the future? If you don't survive the end, you're totally screwed."

After changing Andre's mind of "whether Byrne Enterprises makes money or loses" to "whether civilization survives or perishes", this kid's pattern has been greatly improved, and he realized:

"Teacher, I am really not as good as you. From now on, when those researchers ask for funding from me, I will never stop them again!"

"Nonsense, otherwise, I would still accept you as my apprentice if we were not so far apart in age?" Rorschach used his magic to condense the [Mage's Foot] and kicked the mentally unstable Andre out of the workshop.

Finally, Rorschach remembered something and slapped his forehead: "Wait, we should be more careful in distributing research funds. Those brothers and sisters are the ones who spend as much as they are given!"

The workshop became quiet again.

Rorschach picked up the report again and flipped through it. Seeing that the development of things was the same as he expected, he was relieved.

This was half-hearted, allowing the Senate and the guild to exert their strength, and even exerted influence on the national representatives of Valois.

Various operations during this period would have endless troubles in the long run, especially the branch of the guild in Valois, whose disputes with the political and business circles have become a mess.

Those representatives who claimed to represent the people were all determined to oppose the guild's interference in the conference and defend the independence of "sacred affairs" such as justice, and they were all fully willing to cooperate with the guild, especially when it was profitable.

I wonder how long this unhealthy relationship can last.

But who cares about that?

A long cry broke the silence.

The first grain transport ship from the air elemental plane returned to the ground along the ladder. When it had entered the atmosphere and was about to enter the last ring, the portal was unexpectedly closed.

The heavy transport ship braked urgently in the sky, and its trajectory swept across the vast territory of the empire, including the land in the central part where pollution broke out again.

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