Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 57: Goodbye Dragon Spirit (Part 1)

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There was a hint of blush on Long Ling's face, and he pulled his hand out of Nian Bing's palms. He took a step back and whispered: "Nian Bing magician, there is a difference between men and women, please don't do this."

Nian froze for a moment, then Carlo asked sideways: "Is Linger also the magician involved in this operation?"

Carlo nodded and said, "Yeah, the Mister Technetium took the Dragon Magician and Fengyun Magician together to participate in this operation. You are all a union, and you also cooperate a lot in the operation."

Long Ling nodded politely to Carlo, and said, "Chairman, you can rest assured, we will do our best to help you. It's late, and I'm going to rest." After that, I didn't look at Bing anymore, and turned to Go inside the yard.

Carlo looked at Nian Bing with a smile, "Are there any misunderstandings between you and Miss Long Ling. Young man, don't wear away your sharpness because of too much emotional entanglement."

Nian Bing smiled and shook his head, but could not say anything. The expressions of the knights who had not yet entered the courtyard looked at him a little bit more.

"Another one, really a pervert." Zi Qingmeng hit Nian Bing and entered the courtyard.

Zi Qingjian sighed to Nian Bing, looked back at Feng Nu, and followed her sister.

Nian Bing smiled bitterly in my heart, who did I mess with? Why in my eyes I am like a villain who has just abandoned the chaos, wronged!

Everyone had entered the yard, and only Feng Nu and Nian Bing were left at the door. Feng Nu walked to Nian Bing and stopped, looking at him with a sigh of relief, "No need to explain anything, we are friends , I choose to believe you. "

With a joy in Nian Bing's heart, some people finally understood themselves, but soon his excitement subsided, because Feng Nu went on to emphasize: "We are just friends." She, who practiced Jiuli Liqi, exuded a body A layer of coldness.

The night is full, I feel the cold air, and I feel helpless in my heart. Take a step by step. Anyway, I haven't done anything bad, so why don't you care what other people think. Silence is gold, silence is gold!

In the early morning of the next day, Carlo announced a full day of rest, and launched a large purchase before departure in Tiandang City. Nian Bing simply wrote a purchase document about food. He did not leave his room all day. Enter the state of meditation.

The night came, and the knock on the door suddenly sounded, "Reading ice, it's time to eat dinner." Zi Qingjian's thick voice sounded outside the door.

Nian Bing took a deep breath and woke up from the state of meditation, feeling the magical power filled in her body. Yesterday things seemed to have become a thing of the past, neither Feng Nuo nor Long Ling, they could not affect their goals because of them. .

Opening the door, Zi Qingjian walked in energeticly, "Brother, you didn't eat lunch, what are you doing in the room alone? Let's go, let's go to dinner and it's ready. President Carlo will also tell Some details of the operation. "

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Brother Qingjian, you look good today!"

Zi Qingjian chuckled and said, "Well, everyone is happy and happy, today I asked the girl Feng for a lot of questions about martial arts, and I have a lot of gains. Girl Feng's talent in martial arts is indeed far from me Not enough. "

Nian Bing was inexplicably a little bit sad, but soon returned to normal, "Then congratulations, big brother, and more people who are stronger than themselves, have great benefits for their own improvement."

Zi Qingjian closed the door with his backhand and solemnly said: "Nian Bing, what was that girl's relationship with you yesterday?"

Nian frowned, and frowned slightly: "Brother, this is my private business, I don't want to say."

Ziqing Jiandao: "The girl looks very weak, as if a gust of wind can blow her down, and, I have seen her a few times today, but I have never seen her laugh. The cold feeling is full of sadness. Do n’t tell me this has nothing to do with you. Nian Bing, have you ever done anything sorry to others? "

"Enough." Nian Bing's eyes were cold and bright, and Zi Qingjian looked cold all over his body. "Brother Qingjian, I don't want to discuss this matter. I said, this is just my private matter. Please don't mix it up. Let's go to dinner. "After that, he walked around Ziqing Jian and opened the door.

Zi Qingjian stood there dull. He was the first to see Nian Bing get angry. At that moment, Nian Bing burst into an extremely powerful momentum. With the strength of his great swordsman, he was a little breathless. Comes like.

Dinner was held in the dining room of this restaurant. Before Carlo arrived, the entire hotel was already packed by his men. Except for the restaurant staff, they were all members of the Ice Moon Mercenary Corps.

Dinner is very rich, chicken, duck and fish are all available. Of course, these foods are nothing in the eyes of reading ice. When he came, the dishes were already full, Nian Bing looked around, and at a glance Li Li, Long Ling and the Feng Yun magician were sitting at a table on the top, beside Li Qi. There is an empty position, no need to ask, it is left to yourself. After all, he belongs to the Ice Moon Empire Magician Union. Without hesitation, he strode to the vacant seat and greeted Li Tik and the three men before sitting down.

Long Ling's expression is very plain, as Zi Qingjian said, she exudes a touch of sadness, and the coldness on her body is entirely due to sadness. Sigh, Ling'er! Am I really worth it?

Long Ling didn't seem to see Nian Bing. His eyes were still facing forward. Li Tak and Feng Yun both nodded to Nian Bing, but no one said anything. Clever as Nian Bing naturally understands where his cold encounter comes from, and does not care, sitting there while waiting for dinner while looking around.

Feng Nu and Zi Qingmeng were at a table not far from them. At this time, Zi Qing Jian had also come in and sat down next to Feng Nu. Nian Bing is very calm, not only his expression, but his heart is also calm, thinking about his situation in the process of magic cultivation in his mind, without any dissatisfaction because of the current embarrassing atmosphere.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let ’s get started. This is the last dinner before we set off. Tomorrow morning, we will enter the Tiandang Mountains. The horses and unnecessary things are left in this hotel. I have already After paying three months of money for this hotel, if we can successfully complete the mission, we will be able to return within three months. For this mission, our Ice Moon mercenary regiment can be said to have come out of the nest, and also obtained the Imperial Wizard With the strong support of the union, I have full confidence to complete this operation. However, I would like to remind everyone in advance that although our strength is strong, there are many dangers in the Tiandang Mountains that we do not know. And dragging everyone ’s hind legs, do n’t blame my men for being merciless. Everything will focus on the interests of the team. I wo n’t say much about the rest. Most of you are old men of this mercenary regiment. I believe you. ”Carlo ’s eyes Magnificent, looking at his men, his body exudes a strong momentum.

Nian Bing glanced at Carlo and found that he was sitting next to a middle-aged man in his forties. The man on the left had a cold face. The same mercenary leather armor was so coordinated on him. Although the years are not forgiving, he can still vaguely see his youthful appearance, but unfortunately, his handsome face was destroyed by a deep scar on his left face. On the right is a female. She is also the only person in the entire Ice Moon mercenary regiment who is not wearing formal mercenary clothes. The long, red dress is not coordinated on her bucket-like body, with short brown hair The messy, big cake-like face was covered with fat powder. Even so, it still couldn't hide the closely connected cannabis seeds on her face. When the huge body moved a little, there would be a layer of fat powder falling, looking at her I am afraid that anyone ’s appetite must be discounted.

Feeling Nian Bing's gaze, the middle-aged man said nothing, and the "bucket" opened his eyes and smiled to Nian Bing. The fat powder on his face suddenly showed several cracks, and his big yellow teeth were uneven. The Nian Bing almost spouted the tea just before the entrance. With a grin, he quickly turned his eyes to other places, and the cold hairs on his body were all erected.

I finally started to eat, and Nian Bing ate the dishes in front of him slowly. With his previous experience, he did n’t dare to mess around casually. At this time, Carlo walked to him and smiled: "Nian Bing Come with me, I will introduce to you the two deputy commanders of our mercenary regiment. "

There was a bitter smile in Nian Bing's heart. He didn't need to guess. He also knew who the deputy leader was. Under the leadership of Carlo, Nian Bing followed him to a table in Carlo. Carlo pointed to the middle-aged person that Nian Bing had seen before. Humane: "This is our deputy head of the Ice Moon mercenary regiment, Gatlin. He has superb martial skills and is much stronger than me."

Gatlin's gaze faced Nian Bing, and spit out two words, "Hello."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Hello, I am Ning Bing ~ ~ Go, go, go, Gatling, you go aside. Don't prevent me from introducing myself." The pungent aroma makes Nian Bing Almost fainted, Gatling was pushed aside by the "bucket", but there was no slight expression change on her face. "Bucket" smiled, her height was almost the same as that of the ice, but her body was enough to hold four ices. There is a stop there, like a wall, I am afraid that the weight will be above the Ziqing sword. "Nice ice brother, hello, my name is Huarui, and you can call me Ruirui. I am also the deputy head of the Bingyue mercenary regiment. We will be more close in the future!"

Nian Bing heard the word Ruirui, and there was a terrible cold in her heart. If the flowerstay looks like you, I am afraid there are no flowers on the mainland. "Hello, Miss Hua Rui, nice to meet you."

When listening to Nianbing calling herself Miss, Hua Rui burst into joy, "Hee hee, Nianbing little brother, you still have a vision, you know at a glance that people are still girls, I'm unmarried yet." Winks.

Nian Bing lowered his head, secretly said in his heart, the long ugliness is not your fault, come out scary, but it is your wrong.

Carlo naturally saw the uncomfortable reading of ice, and hurriedly said: "Okay, let's eat."

When returned to his seat, Nian Bing lost his appetite. At this moment, Li Tak next to him suddenly said: "Nian Bing, I heard President Carlo said you met on the halfway, what are the people doing in the years with you?"

Nian Bingdao: "They are all my friends and also martial artists."

Litium glanced at Feng Nu, and said, "Is that girl your girlfriend?"

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