Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 57: Goodbye Dragon Spirit (Part 2)

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Nian Bing's heart bursts into trouble for a while, why the less you don't want to have emotional entanglements, the more trouble you get? "No, she's just an ordinary friend of mine. You eat it, I have no appetite, and go first." After that, Li Jinduo said, and got up. When he left, Long Ling's eyes finally swept from him once.

Carlo saw Nian Bing leave and wanted to chase it out, but considering so many people in the dining room, he shook his head helplessly.

Back to the room, Nian Bing re-sits on chuang, closes his eyes and re-enters the state of meditation. Since he has left the Ice Moon Empire, he has no much scruples now. His hands share the sigh of the ice goddess and the roar of the flame god, and quickly gathers two magical elements of ice and fire in the air to gather himself.

The growth of magic power has no possibility of trickery. Only through continuous cultivation can you make your magic power larger, and then you can increase your strength. The stronger the magical power you possess, the more the magical power in the air will be infected when you use magic, which is why the magician differs from the first level in strength.

Through the study of magic and the guidance of the night magician since these days, Nian Bing has now changed its method of meditation. It no longer absorbs the magic power in the air through each part of the body as before, but completely through its own two. The Peerless Sword, which absorbs the magical elements in the air, is filtered and amplified by the stone of the goddess of ice and the stone of the **** of fire, and then transferred into the body through the palms of both hands. This has several advantages. First, through the filtration of two super gems, the instability of the magic element itself is well suppressed, and the magic element becomes more dense and pure when passing through the two gems. This saves the experience of Nian Bing who had to control the in-body magic power. Secondly, through the two-point absorption method, when the ice and fire vortex is injected into the body, it can better balance and accelerate the rotation speed of the vortex during the meditation process.

After using this method of meditation, Nian Bing clearly felt that his magical progress rate has increased a lot. One night's time is equivalent to the past four or five days of cultivation. He is convinced that as long as he persists, he will be able to enter the magic as soon as possible. The realm of a mentor, when his two magical powers are full, it is also time for him to seek a new breakthrough.

I don't know how long it has passed. Nian Bing in meditation suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the door, and the mental power hastily controlled to stop receiving the magic power of the outside world and wake up.

"Who is it!" It was already late at night, and the night fog was diffusing outside the window. Nian Bing stood up and pulled the curtains first before walking to the door.

"Open the door quickly, it's me." A beautiful and beautiful voice sounded outside the door, and Nian Bing's heart moved, and it turned out to be Feng Nu.

Opened the door and saw Feng Nuo standing pretty at the door, looking at herself with a smile.

"Why are you here so late?" Nian Bing said in surprise.

Feng Nu smiled and said: "Why don't you invite me in?"

Nian Bing smiled bitterly: "No need, so late, what are you doing in my room with a girl's house?"

Feng Nu snorted and said, "The rumors stop at the wise men, I am not afraid, what are you afraid of." Then, she pushed away Nian Bing and walked directly into his room.

Nian Bing closed the door helplessly, and saw Feng Feng walked to the table and put a small cloth bag on it, "Hurry up, you did n’t eat anything at night, are you angry? What did the old magician tell you?" ? "

Nian Bing looked at the dim sum piled in the opened cloth bag, and she couldn't help but feel warm for a while, and walked to Feng Nu with a few steps, and in agitated mood, reached out and hugged her, "Thank you, Feng Nu."

The figure flashed, and the phoenix girl's pretty face flushed aside, "Don't touch your hands, eat it."

Nian Bing embarrassedly shifted her outstretched hand to the table, picked up the snack and delivered it to the entrance. Feng Nu sat down on a chair next to her and looked at Nian Bing with interest.

Nian Bing was eating a snack while saying, "Feng Nu, don't you want to ask me what is the relationship between Linger and me?"

Feng Nu smiled and shook her head, said: "This is your own privacy. If you want to say it will naturally tell me, otherwise, I ask what is the use."

Nian Bing sighed and said, "Actually, it's okay to tell you, I know Linger is still after you ..." At the moment, he simply met how he met Dragon Spirit and how to join the Ice Moon Empire Magician Union. Said it again. When he finished speaking, the snacks brought by Feng Nu also entered his stomach.

"So, you are pretty. The Linger girl is pretty, why don't you think about it?" Feng Nu still smiled.

Nian Bing said angrily: "Then I am handsome too, do you want to think about it?"

Feng girl's pretty face blushed and said, "That's impossible. We are people from two worlds."

Nian Bing sighed and said, "I have rejected two girls. In fact, they are all very good. It is lucky for me to get one of them as a wife, but I can't! I want to take revenge! , And my enemies are so powerful, I still have to fulfill the wish of the master, my heart cannot be settled so quickly, so, I can only choose to refuse. I do not want to involve them. Before the revenge, feelings towards me It ’s extravagant. "

Feng Nu nodded and said, "I understand, maybe you are right, because I am like you, and I don't have the qualification to talk about emotions, but girls are the most sensitive to emotions, since you can't have results with others. , Do n’t try to provoke people to avoid more misunderstandings. Did you know that when you concentrate on cooking, it is the most attractive. "

Nian Bing said with a smile: "Did I attract you?"

Feng Nu said angrily: "Attracting you, I haven't settled the accounts with you yet, you pay my clothes."

Nian Bing's eyes turned, "Okay, I'll pay you, but I don't have any money. It's so good. I'll pay you a lifetime of food to compensate you, how?"

Girl Feng snorted and said, "Then you are my servant. Just remind you not to flick the girls, you are here again."

Nian Bing said with a smile: "That's because I know you won't be fooled! It's late, you should go back to rest early. Otherwise, I'm really going to be a hooligan, oh beauty, my concentration is not that strong of."

Feng Nian pouted provocatively, "Aren't you afraid that if you beat me, you're looking for teeth? Don't forget, your strength is not strong enough for me."

The light flashed in Nian Bing's eyes and said, "Don't forget, I am a magician. Although I am not as good as you in overall strength, if you give me a chance, I have 70% certainty that I can ban it. Live you. "

Feng Nu was flustered and said, "I want to try it." Nian Bing's self-confidence made her a little more curious. After all, grudge is one of the best ways to break the magic. She knows that the magic power of Nian Bing is not yet Compared with his Jiuli fighting spirit, he was so sure that Feng Nu was puzzled. She did not have a deep understanding of magic, but her desire for strength was never under the ice.

Nian Bing smiled weirdly and said, "Do you really want to try? If I restrain you, I can't guarantee that I won't do anything deviant."

Feng female confidently said: "I don't believe it, or we bet."

Nian Bing's boldness increased, "Okay, what do you say bet, I accept."

Feng Nu thought for a while and said, "I will give you a chance to release magic and never interrupt your spells. If your magic can restrain me, then what happened last night will be cancelled. Otherwise, you will To promise me three conditions. "

Nian Bing said with a smile: "Your abacus is good, but in this case you are too cheap. If I succeed in restraining you, you have to give me the kiss I owed to me last time. If I lose, I promise you. Three conditions. "

Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing in surprise, "Are you really sure? Really gamble?"

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "Even if you agree to the three conditions, it's nothing. Why, you regret it?"

Feng Nu flashed in her eyes, and said, "Okay, I bet with you, where are we?"

Nian Bing pointed to the ground and said, "Just in my room. Let me cast a spell, right. Then you sit down, I start to prepare, you can rest assured that I will definitely remind you before I start the magic."

Feng Nu nodded her head and sat down beside her, but her eyes locked on Nian Bing, waiting for his action.

Nian Bing thought about it, chanted a spell, and imposed a blizzard on himself. With his amazing magical control, he controlled the blizzard to a very small range, floating up out of thin air, facing the ground. With both hands, Chenlu and Zhengyang knives appeared in both hands. Under the influence of magic power, the whole room was filled with red and blue lights. Without any hesitation, Nian Bing's hands moved at the same time, and the two knives each turned into a light and shadow, and they swept to the ground.

"Magic array? Will you also construct a magic array?" Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing in surprise, and she could not help but feel a little bit less sure.

Nian Bing did not answer, his spirit was completely focused on the double knives in his hands. In the flash of the knife, two equilateral triangles, one blue and one red, appeared on the ground. They intertwined into a magic six-pointed star. The red and blue colors intermingled, exuding a huge magical breath. Nian Bing didn't stop his movements, he drew two circles outside the six-pointed star, and then quickly carved various complex symbols in the circle and the six-pointed star. Although his movements were fast, he didn't have a single flaw, a complicated magic array Each time a symbol is added, the breath of the entire magic circle becomes stronger. The strange thing is that although the magical breath is strong, it is only limited to the magic circle. Although the phoenix outside can see that the magic circle is extraordinary, but it can't feel its real power. Her heart is tight, she Quietly mobilized his Jiuli fighting spirit to keep the state at its best.

The time is much longer than expected, sweat dripping from Nian Bing's forehead, but soon will be swallowed by the red breath in the magic circle, Nian Bing's face has become a little pale, two peerless blade The light emitted is not as strong as it was at the beginning. Obviously, a lot of his magic power was consumed in the process of constructing this magic array.

Suddenly, Nian Bing murmured a few spells, his eyes were brilliant, and the original mana that had weakened a lot of mana suddenly skyrocketed, the two knives flickered several times in succession, the magic array on the ground haloed up, the next moment, all Everything suddenly disappeared, the magic circle on the ground completely lost its luster, and only the traces drawn by the blade could be seen.

Nian Bing breathed heavily, put away his double knives, and sat on the side of the bed. Although he seemed extremely tired, he seemed extremely excited, and his eyes shone brightly, as if he had completed the Jiulong Dingding than that day. The carving is much more exciting. "It really works, it's great, it's really wonderful."

Feng Nu said doubtfully: "Nian Bing, what's wrong with you? Didn't you want to ban me? What magic array did you draw?"

Nian Bing smiled and said, "You will know if you don't try it. I will use this magic circle. You only have to walk to the center of the magic circle. If you are safe, I will lose."

Feng Nu stood up doubtfully, took a deep breath, her body was suddenly covered with a light red light, her eyes moved, trying to see something from Nian Bing's expression, but Nian Bing just laughed, and had no special expression. .

Phoenix's figure fluttered forward. Although she was curious about this magic circle, she didn't believe that it could trap her, but she still didn't care about it, and raised her fighting spirit to 80%, and then fell on the magic circle.

Suddenly, a huge force of suction came from the ground, and the phoenix girl was startled, and quickly urged her qi to rush towards her feet to break away from the magic array, but she did not urge the magic power. Moving, I was surprised to find that my fighting spirit swarmed out like finding a huge catharsis, and ran down my feet.

The magic array on the ground shines brightly, mainly in red, and immediately wraps up the body of the phoenix girl. The unusually large suction force constantly erodes her body, and the grudge is frighteningly fast under the effect of the strange suction force Disappeared.

The phoenix girl was a little apprehensive. Although she was a courageous artist, she couldn't help but feel fear. After all, Jiuliqi was born from a hard time. With the full support of the elders, she achieved today's achievements. If you continue to do so now, the grudge will disappear completely, then, has n’t your practice for years been in vain? Thinking of this, Feng Nu ’s body shook a little, and she desperately wanted to raise her fighting spirit to the level of holy fighting spirit to get rid of this weird magic circle. Quickly absorbed by the magic circle, the red and blue lights are like a bottomless abyss, constantly swallowing.

"Nian Bing, what did you do, let me go, my grievances are going to ..." The sense of weakness came from the massive disappearance of the grievances, and Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing with a pleading expression. It won't hurt her, but what is happening now is beyond her imagination.

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "So, do you admit defeat?"

Phoenix opened her mouth and just wanted to say something. The last bit of grudge in her body was also exhausted, and her whole body was soft, and she suddenly fell on the magic circle.

Nian Bing smiled and walked inside the magic circle. The magic circle that could not contend with the phoenix woman who was close to the Wusheng Realm did not hurt him at all. He hugged the phoenix woman and put her on his shoulder. , "Now you should know that magic is a very strange ability, although my magic is not as powerful as your martial arts, but under certain special circumstances, I have the possibility to restrain you. This magic circle It is a special magic circle handed down from the ancients. I originally wanted to try it. I did n’t expect it, but it really succeeded. "

Tears rolled down the face of the phoenix ~ ~ She was a bit dull and said: "I, my grudge, my grudge."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Silly girl, I will give you a grudge. But well, before that I have to get back the bet I won. Otherwise, I can't compete with you when you recover. "As he said, he hugged Feng Nu's flexible body and lowered his head towards her.

As soon as Feng Ning heard that Ning Bing said that her anger could be restored, she was overjoyed, and her spirit had not yet recovered, but her masculine breath kept approaching her. At this time, she was weak and could not move her fingers, let alone Resisted, the pretty face suddenly blushed, subconsciously closed his eyes, waiting for the upcoming lips.

For a long time, although the masculine breath was still strong, it did not come with the kiss she imagined. She opened her eyes strangely, but was surprised to find that Nian Bing was in front of him. His face was only three inches away from him and he could breathe.

Nian Bing seemed to be shaking her head in distress. "Forget it, if you didn't let me kiss, how can I force you?" As he said, he muttered a few spells, and the magic burst began to occur suddenly. After the change, the rich red light rushed towards Feng Nu's body as if there were hundreds of rivers. Feng Fei only felt a shock all over her body, and her familiar grudge was returning from every corner of her body. The feeling of power gradually became stronger. The excited body is a little trembling, and the feeling of recovery is so wonderful ~ ~ Welcome book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~

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