Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 67: Dawn through the world (Part 1)

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Nian Bing moved in his heart and said, "You mean, based on the same source of ice and fire, mimicking the magic of other departments, isn't it?"

Galamandis smiled and said: "Theoretically it is completely established. As for whether it can be truly successful, it depends on what level your ice fire homology magic can be cultivated. This is not urgent, you slowly cultivate Well, the same source of ice and fire is not so easy to control, and even I do n’t quite understand the principle of this kind of magic, but I will give you a suggestion, you should study it in more detail, for example, although a magic element is small, but Although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, if you can study a magic element thoroughly, then you can see a lot of things from this single magic element. All magic elements have something in common, even if they are diametrically opposed. Ice and fire, light and darkness are no exceptions. What do ice and fire have in common? As long as you understand this, everything in the future will be easier to achieve. The two opposites can be transformed under certain circumstances. This is even the first lesson I gave you, I also know that these are more esoteric, I am afraid it is difficult for you, a magic beginner, to understand, but you do not need to be discouraged, slow Come on. Of course, you do n’t have to thank me, even if you have learned magic mimicry, and you want to catch up with my level is still too far away, I teach you these are not good intentions, master more magic, also I can make more cauliflowers to satisfy me. We just use each other. "

Although Nian Bing did not have much affection for Galamandis, he still highly recognized his knowledge of magic. He said that Galamandis said everything in his mind, although he was still unable Completely understand, but he understands that this is the most useful thing for his future cultivation. "Who will thank you, you also said, we just use each other. Anyway, you look at me is not good, kill me at most, with your ability, to deal with small people like me must be a second kill. However, the mainland can use I'm afraid there aren't many magical cooks yet. "

"Stinky boy, you dare to threaten the great Galamandis, do you really want to die?" Galamandis sat up violently, his eyes full of fire, and looked at Nian Bing with an angry face.

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "OK, don't pretend. You have lived for tens of thousands of years. If you really get angry because of these few words, you are not a great Galamandis."

Galamandis froze for a moment, then turned to smile and said, "Boy, are you a pat on my dragon fart? However, it sounds quite comfortable. So, I can't use you in vain, you said earlier It also makes sense, if you can find other magic knives of similar quality, you will have a lot of improvement in your magic and cooking. Well, I do n’t use you in vain, let me borrow your stuff first. " With that, he glanced back into his pile of treasures with his backhand, and a golden light fell in his palm between his wrists. It was a knife, a knife that seemed ordinary, and ordinary The knives used by knights are no different. The blade is wide, the back of the blade is thick, and the blade is about four feet long. The blade has a slap width. The thickest part of the blade is close to an inch. It is not ordinary because of its golden luster, but there is no decoration on this handle. Everything is so natural, there is no texture at all, the handle is glorious, and it is not as light as the proud sword. Fingerprint Grip Knife who distributed the soft golden light Zhebing was supposed to be the weapon of swords was emitting a soft breath.

Galamandis reached out and flicked on the knife, and the blade suddenly gave a pleasant whisper. The golden light on the blade swayed, showing signs of breaking through the sky. It seemed that it was so soft because of the suppression of Galamandis. of. After glancing at Nian Bing, Galamandis said, "What do you think of this knife?"

Nian Bing nodded and praised: "It is indeed a good knife, a knight-specific war knife. If I guess well, the weight of this knife is definitely extraordinary. The most valuable thing is the light magic it comes with. Breath, generally weapons like swords are difficult to become light magic items, because the light element is the purest and most sacred of magic, and it is incompatible with the murderous weapon on the weapon. This knife can be recognized by the light magic element and become A light magic knife, if I guess right, it was originally not a weapon of murder, but a sacrificial knife for the light sacrifice. "

Karamandis laughed, "It's good to say that with these insights, it is already very good for you such a weak human being. Unfortunately, unfortunately, you did not say anything at all. Although this knife has a huge Surrounded by the light element, it is filled with a sacred atmosphere, but it is a murderous sword, not a sacrificial knife. Under this knife, thousands of people are killed. However, it is It is still a holy knife instead of a magic knife. The reason why it can be added with the sacred breath of the light element is not attached by the light magician, but the holy sword senses the sky, and the light element is automatically assembled. This knife is One of the most precious pieces in all of my collections. It has several words to describe it. The most common one is the dawn of dawn. It was the dawn of all the poor and persecuted tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, all suffering will end. The name of this holy sword is also called Dawn. It has appeared in your human world for a total of seventy-three years. The nightmare of the wicked is all Under the sword, there are thousands of wicked people killed, even the murderous devil may not kill it as much. This sword not only cuts humans, but also other races, even our dragons. There was once a mutant three-headed dragon that died under this knife. However, although this sword of death killed countless lives, it killed all evil people, and the evil people cursed it, but there were many Thousands of civilians and oppressed races praise it. When the Dawning Sword kills other creatures, it only needs a flash of the sword, and the blade never contacts the enemy. The irresistible white light is the enemy's nightmare. Later, when dawn dawned on the continent for sixty years, this white light changed into gold. That is not what your human beings called the grudge, but the body of the sword was spontaneously baptized by the light element and became a bright light. Sacred knife. No one, including me, knows what material this knife is made of, but, after thousands of years, it has no trace of corrosion, and the sacred light element has always guarded it and guarded this handle. Pervasive Knife. "

Nian Bing sighed softly, saying: "Thousands of years ago have no record in the history of the mainland. However, listening to what you said, and then looking at this knife, I was able to imagine the heroic posture of the senior. He was born for justice. At this point, I will never be able to compare. My pursuit is only the pinnacle of revenge and cooking. Galamandis, can you tell me more about his story? I am curious about this predecessor who has devoted everything to justice for seventy-three years on the continent. Can a person really do that justice? Has he never done a dark thing? I am really hard I believe that with his own strength, he can affect the entire continent. "

Galamandis snorted and said, "Fool, when did I say that he is a person? He has done no evil things, as can be seen from this knife. It can be directly recognized by the light element. Prove everything? Can you let the light element recognize your things? Only a saint who is open-minded, bright in heart, and dedicates everything to help others. I rarely have admired humans, but they are not I do n’t admire this person. On this Yangon continent, humans have once produced several warriors who have reached the realm of the gods. They have been powerful enough to approach the power of those gods. However, only those who have really gone to God Realm The master of this dawn. He is also the only holy teacher in the entire continent as far as I know. It is the holy teacher worshiped by all the races at that time. It is also the longest unification among the few reunifications on the Yangon mainland. Most loved by the people. At that time, Yangon mainland was completely a free and democratic huge country, and human cohesion was unprecedentedly high. It ’s a pity, it ’s a pity. ”Speaking of which, the human-shaped Galamandis eyes Even showing a sad look, gently shook his head, blurred gaze nabing dawn knife.

Nian Bing moved in his heart and said, "What a pity? Did something happen later? Didn't you say that the saint has gone to God Realm, what a pity for such a perfect ending?"

Karamandis stroked the blade of the dawn, saying: "Although the Holy Master is admirable, he has no good descendants. His descendants are not as good as the next generation, and the perfect great mountain is so ruined. Finally It was almost a kind of genocide. It forced the Holy Master to return to the Sunshine Continent at the risk of being punished by God Realm. He moved the God Clan at the cost of his endless life before completely sealing the enemy. The seal was in seven silent The bottle of the Odashi seal is handed over to our seven dragon kings to restore peace to the mainland. Although the prosperity and prosperity are no longer there, at least mankind has no crisis of genocide. His dauntless spirit of self-sacrifice is me The most admirable. Unexpectedly, after a lapse of 10,000 years, someone finally came to conspiracy to seal the bottle of Moodus. "

Nian Bing's body was slightly trembling, and said: "The bottle of the Moodus seal is so important, then you should get it back as soon as possible!"

"Looking? Of course I ’m looking for it. But it ’s useless to be in a hurry. That dirty guy did n’t know where to go with the teleport reel that day. Even if I ’m looking for it, I wo n’t be able to find it in a while. Besides, the seven seals It ’s almost impossible to get the bottle completely, so I ’m not in a hurry. After we leave here, while eating your human food, look for it slowly. ”

Nian Bing looked at Galamandis with a wry smile and said, "Your idea is really strange. It is definitely the fault of those gods to choose you to save this bottle of seals. Can you tell me what the seals are inside these bottles?" What kind of enemy was it that almost destroyed the entire human race? The dynasty built by the Holy Master is so powerful, is there an alien invasion? "

Galamandis snorted and said, "I said, you still know little about these things. Too much knowledge will only make you lifeless. I have no obligation to protect you. However, What I can tell you is that it is only humans who can destroy humans. It has nothing to do with any aliens. Just like the biggest obstacle to samurai cultivation is your own demons. You humans do n’t fight, and no one can help you. Okay. Now, this Dawning Knife will belong to you in the future, it is your fourth kitchen knife. The pure light element above Dawning is used for cooking, and the taste must be very good. Hehe. "

"What? Are you going to give me the light to cook?" Although Nian Bing is eager to get a light kitchen knife, but the origin of the light is so magical, and it is the only thing left by the saint in the world. The use of kitchen knives is a bit ... Of course, this is not the main reason. This dawn is longer than the Phoenix Girl's Lijian, and it is wide and thick. How can such a large knife be used as a kitchen knife? Whether he can take the action is probably a problem, so he was so puzzled by Ngaramandis.

Galamandis gently waved the dawn in his hand and said, "The origin of the dawn is strong, and it also needs to be in the hands of the saints. It is the true dawn. Instead of staying in my baby heap, I might as well get you A kitchen knife is used. It is not a bad thing to be a kitchen knife, no problem. However, the weight of this knife is not light, you want to master it ~ ~ You have to work harder. Take your bright one The gem is for me. The saber has existed for more than ten thousand years, and it is time to upgrade it. After all, without the master ’s control, it has lost its soul. "

Dawning knife plus Sheng Yaoshi, this is too powerful. Nian Bing stared at Karamandis with wide eyes.

Galamandis said impatiently: "Hurry up, if you want to leave here earlier, hurry up and give me that stone. I know what you are worried about, in fact, don't you know it yourself, you already have Are the gems on the three-handed swords left by the "God" in the human world? Without your bright gems added to the swords, how can dawn compare with yours? Just add gems if You will have the ability to mimic in the future, and the Dawning Sword will become a top magic wand, like the three magic knives you already have, a magic wand of the light system. Boy, you can cook for me, the benefits are some , As long as you satisfy my stomach, everything else is easy to discuss. Maybe, you have worked hard for 180 years, and you want to become another holy teacher ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book friends to read, The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are available at ~ ~ Click to see the picture link: \\ u003cahref = / showbook.asp? Bl_id = 173050target = _blank \\ u003e "Qin Di" "Qin Di" "Qin Di" "Qin Di" "Qin Di" \\ u003c / a \\ u003e \\ u003cbr \\ u003e

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