Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 67: Dawn through the world (Part 2)

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Nian Bing smiled bitterly: "You coax me less, I don't want to be a holy teacher, I don't have such a good mind, nor such a big pursuit. Can I not cook for you? I don't want to die yet." , He took the holy stone from the ring of space and handed it over. After taking the holy stone, Galamandis showed a fascinating light, looked at the sky above, and said, "Don't forget, boy, I am a great Galamandis, great. Is there anything you do n’t know about Karamandis? You are a chef, and your mood will have a great influence on cooking. I have n’t eaten your human food before. Comparable, do you think I will waste so much thought on you? Playing with the great Karamandis will not be good for you. "

Nian Bing was shocked in his heart, and just wanted to say something, but felt a shock all over his body. The body was wrapped in a hot air stream and sent to the edge of the cave. At the next moment, Galamandis held the knife in one hand and pinched Sheng Yao in one hand. Stone, began to whisper. The weird tone continued to drift outwards like a low hum, but the insignificant sound caused the whole cave to tremble slightly, and the hands of Galamadis became a ruby ​​color in the singing of the spell. The crystal clear hands continuously inject the red air flow into the Shengyao stone and the handle of the dawn light.

At the beginning, with the smelting furnace left by Huatian, Feng Nu spent a lot of fighting energy to fuse Zhengyang sword with the stone of the flame god, and everything in front of him was indeed so easy for Galamandis, when it shone with gold When the radiant dawn holy sword and holy stone become the same color as his hand, the knife and gemstone are naturally combined, and the slender steel stiff handle is embedded in holy stone, there seems to be no uncoordinated place, as if It should be there by itself.

While chanting ice and sighing at the strength of Galamandis, Galamandis suddenly screamed and threw the dawn knife out of his hand. The blade turned into a red light and came to Nianbing in a blink of an eye. He reacted, and the magic scrolls on his body one after another brought brilliant colors. A total of four body protection scrolls burst at almost the same time, but none of their bursts blocked the ruby ​​light, which was the power of penetration. , Penetration that the additional magic of the scroll can't resist.

Even the position has not changed due to the resistance of the magic scroll. The strong burning sensation spread all over the body, the blade passed directly through the chest, and Nian Bing clearly heard the sound of his sternum broken. The smell of burnt flesh was so bad. At the same time, his vitality was also rapidly lost. Although the right chest was inserted, the dawn knife was too heavy. Under the efforts of Galamandis, the body that reads ice was like a straw. He took it and nailed it to the wall with the knife.

Suddenly suffered such a heavy hit, but Nianbing didn't feel the pain. Due to the burning of the blade, the wound instantly solidified, and even the blood did not flow out. There was a daze in his mind. Why did he kill me? Am I dead like this? Everything ended in this way, just when there was hope to leave here, but took away his own life.

The red light flashed, and Galamandis appeared in front of Nian Bing. He smiled strangely, chanting the mantra in his mouth constantly, and he already held the handle of the holy stone inlaid in one hand, the sound of the peaceful magic spell was like The water wave generally wrapped the body of Nian Bing. He suddenly felt a shock and warmth in his body. A warm air flow came from the dawn sword that was constantly taking away his vitality. It just turned from paralysis to a severe pain wound. Under the action of this warm airflow, it became comfortable, the pain disappeared quickly, and the light flickered, the vitality stopped losing, and recovered one by one.

Galamandis suddenly snorted, and the Dawning Sword instantly pulled out from the chest of Nian Bing, and under the golden light, no blood spewed out. His face suddenly became dignified, with his left palm and right knife, in the constant weird mantra chant, respectively emitting gold and blue light, light and water two elements at the same time to appease the trauma of the ice, light and water are healing Each of them has its own characteristics. At this time, it is fused together, which fully shows its powerful healing ability. The wound on Nian Bing is magically healed, leaving no trace, even the operation of the blood and the magic vortex in the body. Nothing was affected at all. When the magic departed from his body, and he slowly fell to the ground, he couldn't help but feel a sense of rebirth, from life to death, and then from death to life, this feeling greatly stimulated the nerve of ice-reading.

Struggling to get up from the ground, moving his body, read ice and exasperatedly said: "Galamandis, are you crazy? Although my life is under your control, if you play me like this Son, it's better to kill me. "He didn't try to fight with Galamandis desperately, because he knew it was all in vain, and looked at Galamandis coldly, his eyes full of chills.

Galamandis snorted and said, "What fun do you have, do I play with you? Stupid, do you think anyone can use this Dawning Sword? Just now I forced you The gemstone was merged with it, but it was strongly repulsed by the dawn knife itself. Fortunately, this gemstone is the purest light element **** stone, and it truly merged successfully. However, after the fusion, it needs some soul breath to baptize, the original owner of the dawn. It ’s a person, and I am a dragon. Of course you have to use your blood. You kid will actually use a magic scroll to trigger, and almost broke my big event. Fortunately, I have enough power. Now, your blood has been dawned. Admittedly, this knife will be yours in the future. As for whether it can still radiate the glory of ancient times, it is up to you. "

Looking at the dawn knife that Karamandis handed to himself, Nian Bing took the handle with doubt, and Galamandis let go, and Nian Bing only felt that his body was sinking, because his mind was still long before the sword. In the process, the whole person planted forward with the knife. With a puff, the blade of dawn was inserted into the ground, which stabilized his figure.

Galamandis said: "Boy, you want Shuguang to be your kitchen knife. It ’s never an easy task. Enjoy yourself slowly. You can rest assured that you wo n’t have any sequelae. There are two kinds of magic: Jie Guangming and water. Unless your head bursts, you ca n’t die if you want to die. "Looking at Nian Bing evilly, he had already thought about ways to cure Ning Bing.

Nian Bing looked at the long knife in front of him. Although he said that he was not focused just now, he exercised his sword skills for many years. His arms were more powerful than ordinary people. He did n’t hold the Dawn knife. Obviously, Dawn ’s weight Heavier than it looks, holding the knife handle with both hands, pulling out Dawn with all his strength, barely crossing in front of him, Nian Bing was surprised to find that Dawn may weigh as much as a hundred pounds. Even with his hands, he could n’t wave this heavy saber, and he could n’t help but smile bitterly: “Great Karamandis, if you want to hurt me, just say that you do n’t need to go around in circles like this. Waste, it ’s useless at all. ”The golden sword light is completely restrained, but it does n’t look as shiny as before, but Nian Bing vaguely feels that this holy knife seems to have been separated from the metallic feeling, as if it were made of light. Like the composition, the pure feeling and the huge sacred breath calmed his previously frightened mind, and the Tianhua card on his chest exuded more peace of harmony, and it interspersed with the Dawn of the Dawn, feeling the top. Comfortable outside. The warmth brought by the light swept away the negative emotions in his heart, everything went to nature, and Nian Bing's eyes were much calmer.

Galamandis said angrily: "If you say this treasure knife is waste, you really don't know the goods. I tell you that this knife weighs 128 pounds, which is heavier than the general weight of 64 pounds. The sword is twice as heavy and belongs to a heavy weapon. After you have your gem, the light element of this knife is very rich. If you encounter any dark creature or take away the seal of Moodus that day Enemies like jerks in bottles have this body of the Dawning Sword, and the negative atmosphere of darkness will not be able to harm your body. Such a good thing is priceless, you do n’t want it yet. "

Nian Bing said with a bitter smile: "I also know that it is a good thing, but, don't forget, I am a magician, but not a warrior, even a warrior, I might be able to use this one hundred and twenty-eight kilogram heavy knife. There are not many people. "Can this thing be comfortable on your own? Although he was very reluctant to give him holy stone, he knew that this knife did not have much effect on himself.

Galamandis smiled and said, "I'm doing it for you! Your human magicians often put cultivation magic and spiritual power at the forefront, but you don't know that you have entered a misunderstanding, Anything has its limits, as is the human body. Pure training of magical power and spiritual power will reduce the physical exercise of the magician to a minimum, like you are better, as a chef, you will also be active The body of ordinary magicians is much weaker than you. Because they simply do not understand that the body is the source of everything. When the magic power and spiritual power are strong to a certain degree, it is a great load on itself. This kind of load will restrict your magic development. For a simple example, the magician in your human magician will never easily use the magic of the banned level, that is, the eleventh-level magic. They obviously have that kind of strength. Why do n’t you dare to use it casually? If you ask, they will definitely tell you, because they are afraid of nonsense such as magic backlash, it is all shit. The magic you use is self Exchanging magical elements between heaven and earth, there is no backlash in ordinary magic except for the sacrificial magic in dark magic that sacrifices something for everyone. The magicians said that the backlash is just between the banned spell and the world. The elements of magic resonate only. "

"Resonance with magical elements?" Nian Bing looked at Karamandis in surprise. Since knowing this great Karamandis, Nian Bing found that he was constantly in contact with new magic fields.

Galamandis smiled and said, "Yes, it is the resonance with magic. At that time, the magic element will have a strong resonance. After all, it is eleventh-order magic. The resonance has reached a certain level, and the magic The mentors are old magicians who have been practicing for many years. How can they resonate with their broken bodies? Undoubtedly, they are self-defeating, so they dare not use them. Think about it in reverse, if your body is strong, When using magic, the harm of resonance will be much smaller for you, and it can even be said that there is no harm. In that way, not only can you use more advanced magic, but also make it easier for the cultivation of magic power to break through the bottleneck. Do n’t you really want to learn some more magical knowledge from me? What I teach you today is my experience. So, as long as you hold this dawn knife to exercise your body more, then your magical future will be impossible. Limited. You can make a magic scroll, it seems that you still have a future. "

Nian Bing thought about it carefully. Although he felt that the words of Galamandis were very reasonable, his flashing eyes always made him feel uneasy. He looked at the dawn knife in his hand ~ ~ It is indeed a bit reluctant to return to Karamandis. After all, it is a magic knife enough to be side by side with Chenlu, Zhengyang, and Aotian! At the moment, he nodded and said, "Since this knife is already mine, then I will change its name. I don't want to be a saint. This heavy knife is named after my gem. Holy Yao Dao. To commemorate that senior, I will call it the dawn that runs through the world. "

Galamandis nodded behind his hands with satisfaction, and said, "The dawn of heaven and earth-Saint Yao Dao, yes, a good name. Just like you said. Well, we should start. Read the ice, I will help you exercise well, I will help you keep your ring first, you carry the Saint Yao knife out of the mountains, I think, after the Tiandang Mountains, your body will reach a new one Realm. You have cooked for me for a few days, rest assured, I will provide you with food along the way. Go up. "The figure flashed, and I did n’t wait for Nian Bing to understand, the ring of space in his hand. It has disappeared. Immediately afterwards, Nian Bing only felt that his body was flying like a cloud in the sky, and he rushed toward the cave with the Saint Yao knife ~ ~ Welcome the readers to read, the latest and most The fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Click on the link to view the picture: \\ u003cahref = http / showbook.asp? Bl_id = 173050: // target = _blank \\ u003e "Qindi" "Qindi" 》 《The Qin Emperor》 \\ u003c / a \\ u003e \\ u003cbr \\ u003e

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