Fade Chen and his group were also ready to leave immediately.

But at this moment, a group of people took the initiative to walk towards them. Taking a closer look, the person who came was none other than the members of the Xing family.

This made Chen Fei slightly surprised, and squinted slightly at the other party.

Xing Hongqi and Xing Rui also looked slightly down, looking at the group of people brought by Xing Yuanshan.

In the end, it was Zhu Yunkong who smiled and said, "Old Xing, do you have anything to do?"

Xing Yuanshan nodded and said: "Patriarch Zhu, congratulations to your Zhu family for achieving such a good result in this ring battle. I want to talk to Mr. Chen about something now. I don't know if it's convenient for you to avoid it."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yunkong's expression changed, and he almost immediately thought of the Xing family's intentions.

Although he didn't want to, but after all, he was facing the Xing family, so he could only smile, "I happen to have something to do at home, so let's go first."

While talking, Zhu Yunkong greeted his daughter Zhu Ling and prepared to leave.

But before the two could leave, Fade called out to them, "Patriarch Zhu, Ling'er. You don't have to leave."

The two stopped and looked at Fade Chen and Xing Yuanshan, "But, this—"

Seeing this, Xing Yuanshan frowned slightly, looked at Fade Chen, and said, "Mr. Chen, I have something important to discuss with Mr. Chen, so—"

"Since I agreed to help the Zhu family to fight, I will be the guest of the Zhu family. If you have anything to say, just say it, otherwise, please go back." Fade Chen said directly and coldly.

Xing Yuanshan was stunned for a moment, his face darkened, and said: "In that case, I'll just say it straight. My Xing family apologizes to you, Mr. Chen, for what happened before."

"In order to express our apologies, our Xing family specially prepared a dinner, and we would like to invite Mr. Chen to my Xing family for dinner. My Xing family will sincerely express my apology, and of course, there is considerable sincerity."

Everyone is not a fool, although it is not obvious. But the meaning is very clear.

Xing Yuanshan is clearly trying to poach someone. Because Fade Chen's victory in the group arena was beyond everyone's expectations, and it also made the Xing family see Fade Chen's potential. Therefore, they now regret driving Fade Chen and the others away. Therefore, he wanted to make amends, so he took the opportunity of the apology dinner to win over Fade Chen to help the Xing family.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yunkong's expression sank. Even though he understood the other party's intentions, he was powerless and could do nothing at all.

After all, their Zhu family could not compete with the Xing family in any aspect. If the Xing family offered enough generous conditions to attract Fade Chen, it would be perfectly normal.

At this time, Fade Chen was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about this matter.

Seeing this, Xing Honglong had a smug expression on his face, and said: "Mr. Chen, the conditions offered by our Xing family are definitely enough. As long as you promise to help our Xing family, at that time, whether it is practicing exercises or herbal medicines, our Xing family Every home can provide."

After hearing this, Fade Chen glanced at everyone in the Xing family, and then said: "Your Xing family wants to win me over. Are you worthy?"

"Uh—" The Xing family looked stunned, apparently they didn't expect such a response from Fade Chen.

Immediately, Xing Honglong's expression sank, anger was written all over his face, and he was about to burst out.

But before he could do it, he was stopped by Xing Yuanshan. Xing Yuanshan looked at Fade Chen with a sullen face, with a serious expression, and said: "Mr. Chen, our Xing family did not do well in some areas before. But we want to cooperate with you, Mr. Chen, absolutely sincerely. About You should be able to see this from Hongqi and Ruier."

While speaking, he winked at Xing Hongqi and Xing Rui, obviously asking them to help persuade Fade Chen.

But the two were silent, and they didn't buy the old man's account at all.

Chen Fei also said unceremoniously: "If it wasn't for Xing Hongqi and Xing Rui's face, Xing Jian would have been abolished by me a long time ago. Now, before I get angry, leave!"

Xing Yuanshan didn't expect that he would come forward in person. Chen Fei didn't give himself any face at all, and chased people away in public like this.

For a moment, the old man's face darkened, his breath surged, and he almost couldn't help but want to attack Fade Chen.

And Xing Honglong couldn't hold back his anger for a long time. At this moment, he was ignited by Chen Fei's words, and said to Chen Fei unceremoniously: "Your surname is Chen, don't be complacent. You think you are so good at winning the championship! Let me tell you, today The competition is just a piece of cake, the real big dish will start tomorrow. At that time, it will be the time when the real masters will appear on the stage."

"Also, our Xing family likes you to win you over, it's for your face. You think you are someone!"

"Let me tell you, you injured Lin Xiang and offended the Lin family. Apart from our Xing family who was willing to win you over for the sake of saving face, is there any other family willing to take you in?"

"Don't think that if you have some achievements, it's just some sweet pastry. In our hidden family, you are not worth mentioning."

A series of words from Xing Honglong shot out like bullets, as if he wanted to demote Fade Chen to nothing.

After hearing this, Fade Chen's complexion sank, and he didn't mean to refute his words at all. Then he greeted the others, and was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing this, Xing Honglong was even more proud, and continued: "I have nothing to say. Let me tell you, our Xing family will give you a chance at last. If you come here obediently now, we can take you in regardless of the past. Otherwise, no one would take you in, you—"

But before Xing Honglong finished speaking, a group of people came over. One of them shouted enthusiastically: "Fade Chen, wait a minute."

Hearing the call, Fade Chen stopped and turned to look. Immediately, he realized that the person calling him was Zhou Hao who had fought against him before, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "Zhou Hao, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Hao smiled, then pointed to a middle-aged man beside him, and introduced: "Chen Fei, this is my father, the current head of our Zhou family, Zhou Zhiqiu. My father would like to invite you to our Zhou family as a guest. "

Zhou Zhiqiu immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, our Zhou family sincerely invites you to be our Zhou family's guest secretary. We can provide generous rewards."

Upon hearing this, Fade Chen understood that the Zhou family was also here to pull people. It seems that he just defeated Lin Xiang to win the championship, which still has a lot of gold.

"Patriarch Zhou, I hurt Lin Xiang and offended the Lin family. Your Zhou family, do you really want me to be a guest?" When he said this, Fade Chen deliberately looked towards the Xing family.

Immediately, Xing Honglong's expression sank, and his face was very ugly. After all, he just said that no one dared to invite Fade Chen, and he asked Fade Chen to take the initiative to join him. As a result, in the blink of an eye, the Zhou family came to invite Fade Chen. This is a slap in the face of Xing Honglong and the Xing family.

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