But he has nothing to say, because the Zhou family is a first-class hidden family, an existence on the same level as the Lin family. It is much stronger than the Xing family, which is a third-rate hidden family.

Zhou Zhiqiu heard the words, glanced at the Xing family, and then said to Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen is joking. In the ring competition, casualties are inevitable. As a family of the hidden family, the Lin family has long understood this rule and should know how to deal with it." .”

"Of course, even if it's not the case. My Zhou family is in the family of the Yinmen, and I'm not afraid of anyone. As long as Mr. Chen can be the guest of my Zhou family, I, Zhou Zhiqiu, can guarantee that no matter who it is, Mr. Chen will not be able to touch you." .”

Zhou Zhiqiu's words were loud and firm, which can be said to have shown his sincerity. Of course, from another angle, he slapped the Xing family in the face again.

Chen Fei smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then said: "Thank you, Patriarch Zhou, for your kindness, but I have already agreed to be the guest of the Zhu family. People must keep their word, so I can only apologize."

Zhou Zhiqiu seemed to have expected this outcome, and smiled and said, "Mr. Chen is a man of integrity, which is admirable. I am deeply sorry that we cannot cooperate this time. Of course, the door of my Zhou family will always be open to you, Mr. Chen."

"Thank you Patriarch Zhou for your kindness!" Fade Chen cupped his hands in thanks.

"Farewell!" Zhou Zhiqiu said goodbye immediately.

Immediately, Fade Chen glanced at the Xing family and turned to leave.

Immediately, only the sluggish members of the Xing family were left on the scene, as well as those who were pointing and whispering with their mouths covered.

After a while, the Xing family came back to their senses, turned and left with an extremely ugly expression.

After returning to Zhu's house, Zhu Yunkong was very happy and set up a table at home to entertain Fade Chen.

On the wine table, Zhu Yunkong was so excited that he kept pouring glasses of wine into his mouth, and in the end, he drank a little dazedly.

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help stopping Zhu Yunkong who wanted to continue drinking, and said: "Patriarch Zhu, don't continue drinking. Tomorrow is a big day for the election of the new president, you have to prepare well."

Zhu Yunkong waved his hands and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Mr. Chen, you are joking. The chairman election is for members of several big families. It is impossible for a small family like ours to succeed, so we will go It's just for fun. So, it doesn't matter if I get drunk or not."

Xing Hongqi on the side couldn't help but nodded at this time, expressing his agreement. After all, the election of the president can be said to be a trick between a few first-class hidden doors, and has little to do with them, the lower hidden doors.

Even if there are occasional accidents, the minimum requirement for the president is to be from a second-rate hidden family, and the Xing family is not up to the mark.

That being the case, Fade Chen didn't continue to persuade him, let Zhu Yunkong drink to his heart's content, and finally got really drunk.


The next day, the Yinmen family became lively again, and everyone gathered at the ring square again.

Compared with yesterday's bustle, today's central square is decorated more vigorously and majesticly. There is a majestic atmosphere everywhere.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the event officially began, first with a brief introduction by the host. Then, under the attention of everyone, a white-haired old man stepped onto the stage and spoke loudly.

While listening to the old man's words and Xing Rui's introduction, Fade Chen had a general understanding of the situation.

This old man is called Wang Ning, and he is the previous president of the Elders Association of the Yinmen Family. This time, he is going to step down and re-elect the next president of the Presbyterian Church.

Chairman Wang's speech was not long and ended soon. The general meaning is nothing more than those, such as how well I did my previous work, now it's almost time, and I'm about to retire. Hope for a fair election, the Yinmen family will continue to move forward under the leadership of the next president.

After a burst of applause, everyone sent Chairman Wang off the stage. Immediately, everyone's eyes lit up, and the atmosphere in the field gradually became warmer. Because everyone knows that the real highlight is coming.

Immediately afterwards, the host came to the stage to introduce the rules and regulations of the election in detail, and finally officially announced that the election of the new president had officially started.

In fact, this election rule is very simple to sum up. That is, everyone from the Yinmen family is eligible to sign up for the election. The restrictions were even looser than yesterday's younger generation's arena battle.

Of course, you can sign up, but whether you can be selected is another matter. After all, everyone knows that to become the president of the Presbyterian Church, a huge background and strong strength are almost indispensable.

Therefore, people from the small sect have absolutely no intention of signing up for the election. They all know that this is not the stage prepared for them. It can even be said that this stage is completely prepared for the first-rate hidden doors and several powerful second-rate hidden doors among them.

Sure enough, the first-rate hidden sects and powerful second-rate hidden sects like the Jiang family took the stage. Needless to say, their background and family background are clear to everyone. The next thing to compete is naturally their respective martial arts strengths. To some extent, this election is also a continuation of yesterday's ring battle.

But after all the candidates stood up, the host confirmed the list of candidates, then looked at the crowd, and finally confirmed: "Is there anyone who wants to sign up? This is the last chance. Last time, please come up if you sign up!" "

Below, no one moves. After all, those who have ideas have already gone to the stage, and the rest of the people who have not appeared on the stage know that they have no chance, so they don't want to be ashamed.

However, there is something special about today's venue.

That was Chen Fei, who won the championship in the ring battle yesterday, and the Zhu family he represented.

In the past, the people and families who won the ring battle the day before would almost certainly run for president the next day.

Yesterday's Fade Chen was even more powerful. He defeated Lin Xiang who was in the early stage of the heavenly level. His strength is probably at least in the early stage of the heavenly level. With such strength, even compared to some first- and second-rate hidden sect elders on the field, he is not much weaker.

Therefore, Zhu's family and Fade Chen didn't respond, which caused everyone to talk about it.

Of course Zhu Yunkong didn't have the strength to run for the election, but Fade Chen didn't have the will. After all, his purpose of coming to the Yinmen family is not for this.

Therefore, even though the host and many audiences were looking at him, Fade Chen still had no intention of going on stage.

Just when the host was about to announce the end of registration with a look of regret on his face.

Among the members of the Jiang family who had signed up at this time, Jiang Ninghan sneered and mocked unabashedly: "Aren't some people very arrogant yesterday? Why did they become shrinking turtles today?"

Of course, Fade knew that he was talking about himself, so he couldn't help but look at Jiang Ninghan.

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