Seeing this, George quickly waved his hands and said, "I, I'm just an employee. I didn't preside over this matter. I'm just in charge of drug testing. I really don't know about other things."

"Really?" Fade Chen's voice changed, "Then who is the real leader behind this hospital, you should know!"

"This, this—" Dr. George hesitated for a moment, but seeing Fade Chen's cold eyes, he didn't dare to hide it, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical Company."

"What, it's Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals!" the little reporter Betaxi exclaimed.

Obviously, she is very aware of the reputation and status of a behemoth like Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals in the United States.

At this moment, Fade Chen squinted his eyes and changed his expression after hearing the words.

In his mind, he thought of Jianghuhai Pharmaceuticals, which was controlled by Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals in Xiangjiang, and imposed an embargo on China, which led to the shortage of Alstom oral liquid.

"It's them again!" Fade Chen said in a cold voice with cold eyes.

On the side, Betaci had already turned on the camera and began to take pictures of George. At the same time, he began to ask about the nursing home, human drug trials, Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals, and other related content.

"This kind of thing must be exposed." Betaxi looked very serious.

On the contrary, George's complexion sank, and he said, "Think about it, it's Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals. It's not something you, a small reporter, can fight against. I don't want to say how effective you are by exposing this kind of thing, but you will definitely be bald-headed." Eagle Pharma's revenge."

Hearing this, Betasi's complexion sank, and he hesitated for a few seconds, but then his eyes were firm, and he said: "No matter how powerful Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical is, they have done such inhuman things, and I will expose them. This is My ethics as a journalist."

"But—" George wanted to say something else.

But Betasi became more and more determined, and said, "It's nothing, I'm not afraid!"

George was stunned for a moment, then looked at Fade Chen and Quin Lin, and said in a deep voice: "Sir, I know you are not an ordinary person with such skills. But this is the country of America, the territory of Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals. Once the situation here If the news spreads, Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals will definitely send someone to deal with it, and by then, it may be difficult for you to escape."

"So, the best way to deal with it is for you to leave the United States immediately. This is the safest way." George said.

"Now, are you thinking about me then?" Fade Chen sneered.

George shook his head, and then said: "Sir, I'm not talking sweet words, I'm telling the truth. Of course, this is also to find a way out for myself. You leave now, it's good for you and me."

"Otherwise, when the people from Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals arrive, our results will not look good."

George's words sounded quite sincere.

Even Betaci changed color slightly at this moment, and then looked at Fade Chen with a worried face, worried that Fade Chen would be persuaded by George and leave directly. In that case, she alone would not be able to get George to speak at all.

Just when Betasi was worried, Fade Chen smiled, looked at George, and said, "You can speak well. But, unfortunately, these words of yours are useless to me."

"Tell me everything you know!" Fade Chen pointed to the camera in Betasi's hand, signaling for George to cooperate.

George's complexion changed, as if he didn't expect Fade Chen to make such a decision, he hurriedly said, "You can think clearly, that's Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical—"

Fade Chen sneered, with a look of arrogance on his face, "It's just a bald eagle medicine, I haven't taken it seriously yet."

"You—" George didn't know how to describe the arrogant young man in front of him.

Chen Fei's eyes sank, he looked over sternly, and said coldly: "Answer the question obediently. Otherwise, I don't mind letting you have a taste of being subjected to human experiments."

While speaking, Fade Chen's palms surged with vigor and murderous intent.

When George saw this, he shrank immediately and didn't dare to hide anything. Facing Betasi's camera, he told everything he knew in detail.

After filming, Fade and the others began to think about how to deal with the patients in the nursing home.

Drug experiments, of course, must be stopped. But what to do next is a bit tricky.

After all, there are too many people, and after long-term drug experiments, many people have various side effects and are very weak. Fade Chen had no way to take all these people away.

After thinking about it for a while, Betasi finally proposed to call the police and let the US officials handle it.

Although I am worried that the government may cover up the sanatorium, at present, this is the most appropriate way.

Moreover, if the matter is exposed at the same time, and the Los Angeles officials want to cover it up, they must also consider the influence of public opinion.

So, Betasi called and informed the police about the incident.

Fade Chen didn't want to bother with the US police, so after Betaxi called the police, he took Lin Qiuhan, Zuo Xuan and Lin Qiuyuan to leave.

But just when Fade Chen was about to leave, a voice in Chinese sounded, "Sir, please wait a moment."

"Uh——" Fade Chen turned his head and looked over, and then saw a middle-aged man in his forties, leaning on the wall, staggering out.

Behind the middle-aged man, there were four or five young men and women in their twenties.

"Is there something wrong?" Fade Chen looked at the man.

Hearing the voice, the expression on the man's face became even more excited, "You are indeed from China, sir. Please, take us away together."

"This—" Fade Chen frowned slightly, with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face.

The middle-aged man quickly said: "Sir, we are also Chinese. We were tricked to come here. We don't have legal passports and documents. If we are discovered by the US police, we will be deported."

"Going back to China is not a bad choice." Fade Chen said in a deep voice.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "It's not that we don't want to go back to China. It's just that our companions are constantly being cheated. If we don't expose the liars, I'm worried that more Chinese people will be victimized."

"This—" Fade Chen hesitated a little, then nodded and said, "Come with me!"

The man was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly greeted the young people behind him, and quickly came to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen looked at the man's weak condition, pinched his wrist, injected him with a breath of real energy, boosted his spirit, and then walked out of the nursing home together.

When he walked to the door, Fade Chen suddenly thought of something, threw a piece of paper to Betaxi, and said: "If you have trouble with the exposure, you can call this number and ask him for help. Let's say it's Huaxia Fade Chen's phone number for you."

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