Betasi hurriedly caught the piece of paper, and then looked at it. The content on it was a string of numbers, which seemed to be a mobile phone number.

She read a few words silently, wrote down the number firmly, and watched Fade Chen and his group leave the nursing home.

After returning to the hotel, Fade Chen directly rented a first-floor building and settled down the staff.

Then, Fade Chen gave Lin Qiuyuan a detailed examination. Lin Qiuyuan's current physical condition is very bad. He was already weak, but because of the side effects of the experimental drug, many internal organs were damaged in his body. His tone was hanging.

If Fade Chen and the others came a few days later, Lin Qiuyuan might have died.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiuhan's eyes couldn't help being a little cold, and he gritted his silver teeth and said, "Then Li Yuehua is so cruel. Qiuyuan is her own son, and she actually sold him to be used for drug experiments."

Fade Chen shook his head and said: "Thirty years ago, she was able to abandon her husband and son for a green card. Now it is not impossible for her to sell her son."

"This kind of person must be punished!" Lin Qiuhan, who was always gentle, clenched his fists and said at this moment.

Fade Chen nodded, and said in a deep voice: "My wife, don't worry, none of those people can escape."

Afterwards, Fade Chen operated "White Dew Turns Frost" and gave Lin Qiuyuan a good treatment.

If he had encountered Lin Qiuyuan's situation before, Fade Chen might really be helpless. But fortunately this time he refined and absorbed the rushes of Bailu, acquired the unique skill of "Bailu as Frost", and improved his medical skills a bit, thereby saving Lin Qiuyuan's life.

After treating Lin Qiuyuan, Fade Chen came to the room of those Chinese people.

The middle-aged man in the lead is called Su Yu, and the young people behind him are also from his hometown. They all came from the countryside of Guanghai City, and they worked as masons at home.

As a result, a month ago, a fellow from a nearby city returned from the United States. He brags everywhere that he has made a lot of money in the United States, and invites his fellow countrymen to go to the United States to make money.

At that time, Su Yu believed the words of the fellow, and brought a few young people to the country of America.

They came here to make a lot of money, but they didn't expect that after arriving in the United States, the fellow didn't even intend to find a job for them. Arrange them to lay the floor in the basement for a week.

Su Yu was anxious, but he was in a foreign country with no language at all and no legal documents yet. He had no other choice but to wait for the arrangement of his fellow villagers.

Finally, after another week, the fellow said he had found a job. In a hospital in the suburbs of Los Angeles, they were asked to go to work for repairs.

Su Yu and the others had almost spent all their money. Now that they heard that there was a job and they could make money, they were naturally very excited, so they followed the fellow villagers to the hospital without any doubt.

As a result, after entering the hospital, they drank saliva, and they were all stunned. When they woke up, they were already lying on the hospital bed and became test subjects.

Then, until Fade Chen appeared.

Fortunately, they didn't stay for too long, otherwise, if they continued for half a month, the side effects would increase, and they might not be able to bear it.

After listening, Fade Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said coldly: "What's the name of that fellow of yours? Where does he live?"

"The fellow is called Su Wei, and he lives in Chinatown in Los Angeles." Su Yu said.

"Chinatown, Los Angeles!" Fade Chen repeated the address.

Su Yu thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, Su Wei met many people in Chinatown, and even met the local gangsters. Don't be impulsive—"

"The local gangsters, I haven't paid much attention to them yet." Fade Chen snorted coldly, then looked at Su Yu and said, "Have a good rest. Tomorrow, we will go find Su Wei."


After a day's rest, in the early morning of the next day, Fade Chen took out his phone and checked the news as soon as he woke up.

Sure enough, Betasi exposed the violation of human drug trials in the sanatorium. The matter fermented rapidly, causing an uproar in the United States.

Of course, Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical issued a statement immediately, denying that this incident had anything to do with its own company. At the same time, negative news about Betasi began to appear rapidly on the Internet.

Some netizens began to question Betasi's character, suspecting that she had other plans.

In the midst of various online debates, Mr. Douglas, a famous star in the United States and the founder of Paradise Kitchen, forwarded Betasi's investigation information on the Internet, and expressed his support for Betasi in his real name.

With Douglas' caliber of star support, things escalated even further. There was a bustling scene in the United States.

Afterwards, Fade Chen brought Su Yu and his party to Chinatown in Los Angeles.

As soon as he entered the street, Fade Chen heard familiar Chinese in his ears, and the air was filled with a familiar smell. For a while, Fade Chen felt a little dazed, as if he had returned to China.

But Su Yu's and the others' faces were not very good-looking, but their faces became tense, and there was even a look of fear in their expressions.

When Fade Chen saw this, he swept his gaze, and soon found someone in the street looking towards him, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Fade Chen said, "With me here, nothing will happen."

Then, he continued to walk forward and came to a three-story building at the end of the road. Fade Chen looked at Su Yu and asked, "Then Su Wei, live here?"

Su Yu nodded and said, "It's right here. We were locked in the basement here before."

After getting an affirmative answer, Fade Chen stepped forward and was about to kick the door open.

But at this moment, there was a creaking sound, and the door of the building opened from the inside.

A middle-aged man with a swollen face and a big gold chain came out with a group of people.

Seeing this man, the expressions of Su Yu and the young people behind him changed immediately.

The big gold chain on the opposite side looked surprised, looked at Su Yu, and said with a smile: "Old Yu, you are back. I miss you so much, let's go in and drink."

With that said, the big gold chain was about to wrap its arms around Su Yu's shoulders.

Su Yu took a step back, avoiding the arm of the big gold chain, and then gritted his teeth and said harshly: "Su Wei, you tricked us into the country of America. You also sold us to people for experiments, you are so cruel."

"Old Yu, I can't understand what you're talking about!" Su Wei, the big gold chain, looked innocent, "I'm introducing you to a job! Is the job at the hospital not good? Or did some accident happen? ?”

"Su Wei, the news has been reported, and you are still pretending to be stupid." Su Yu took out his mobile phone, clicked on the news, and held it in front of Su Wei angrily.

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