He had heard of Fade Chen's name a lot, but today was the first time he saw Fade Chen with his own eyes.

Seeing this young man for the first time, Jasper's first impression was ordinary.

The young man in front of him seemed too ordinary, he didn't look like a peerless master at all, let alone someone who could sweep away the Illuminati.

At this moment, Jasper even felt an urge to grab this guy directly by himself.

However, he was an experienced four-star general after all, so he resisted the urge.

He snorted heavily, looked at Fade Chen, and said in a deep voice, "I want to ask you, are you Fade Chen going to fight our Mi Army?"

"You are a Chinese, but you broke into our country, attacked our American organization, and killed our American citizens."

"Your behavior has seriously violated the laws of the United States. I ask you now to arrest you immediately!"

Fade Chen squinted his eyes, looked at Jasper, and said coldly, "You've spent so much time, and you're here to talk nonsense to me?"

Jasper didn't expect Fade Chen to have such a negotiating attitude at all, he couldn't help but frowned, and then said: "Fade Chen, I'm formally negotiating with you as a four-star general in the United States."

Fade Chen said coldly: "What I just said is also a formal negotiation."

"Hand over Mr. Liang now, and I can pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Jasper was furious. He never expected that Fade Chen would dare to talk to himself in such a situation, "Are you threatening me?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, and said bluntly: "If you want, you can understand it this way."

"You, you—" Jasper lost his temper for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.

After all, in his expectation.

When Fade Chen arrived, he first negotiated with him. If the negotiation was successful, he would directly arrest Fade Chen and receive the reward. If the negotiation fails, if you use force to take down or kill Fade Chen, you can also receive a reward.

But now, Fade Chen pretended not to negotiate at all, and threatened to do it when he came up.

This was beyond Jasper's expectation, and made him feel ashamed, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

Jasper's subordinates were also a little at a loss at the moment. They came up and said in a low voice, "General, what should we do now? Are we going to attack?"

Hearing the question, Jasper glared at his subordinate, scolding his mother in his heart.

He didn't expect Fade Chen to be this kind of virtue at all, and he didn't know what to do at the moment.

However, he naturally couldn't show his confusion to his subordinates, so after a little pondering, he said, "Don't use force for now, let's talk about it later."


The subordinate nodded and gave the order.

Jasper took two steps forward, organizing his words, thinking about how to negotiate a few more words with Fade Chen.

But he didn't think of what to say, but Fade Chen took the initiative to speak.

"My patience is limited!"

When Jasper heard this, the scolding words almost rushed out of his mouth.

How come things are completely different from what I expected. It was supposed to be the one who threatened the other party to negotiate and asked the other party to make concessions. Why is the situation completely reversed now? Instead, that guy is forcing them to make a decision.

For a moment, Jasper felt a little ridiculous. The expressions of the subordinates around him also obviously changed.

Jasper knew that Fade Chen could no longer be allowed to be so strong. Otherwise, I will completely lose my initiative in negotiating, and my face will also be ruined.

Having made up his mind, Jasper's expression darkened, he glared at Fade Chen, and said sharply, "Your behavior in our country has seriously violated the law."

"Now, in accordance with the laws of my country, I formally arrest you."

After finishing speaking, Jasper waved his hand and ordered in a cold voice, "Catch the prisoner. In serious cases, he can be killed on the spot."

In an instant, thousands of heavily armed American soldiers moved.

The ships in the sea, the tanks and artillery on the shore, as well as the armed helicopters in the air, all roared into action, aiming at Fade Chen.


A member of the Marine Corps was lurking beside the beach, only a hundred meters away from Fade Chen.

At Jasper's command, he pulled the trigger and fired the first shot.

In an instant, the battle began.

"Bang bang, bang bang bang!"

Countless bullets, like dense raindrops, poured towards Fade Chen from three directions.

In the distance, with the sound of rumbling, shells shot into the sky. Pulled out a long tail in the air, and bombarded Fade Chen.


At the moment when the battle started, the phone rang in the US government building.

"What's going on, there's a battle in the southeast of Newtown?"

"How did the two ships appear in that position?"

"Quickly check, who gave the order, and what battle is going on?"

Soon, the relevant high-level personnel gathered in the office, and the corresponding information was quickly conveyed to their desks.

A group of people looked at the data and the satellite video that had just been transmitted, their faces turned ashen.

"Jasper is so courageous. He didn't pass the review and order of the Congress. He privately commanded the army and launched an attack. Is this a rebellion?" Some members of the negotiating faction questioned.

"Member Hobbs, you are too serious. As a four-star general, General Jasper has the authority to command the army and perform special missions." There were also military personnel from the main combat faction who immediately spoke for Jasper.

"Special mission? What special mission, why didn't it report to Congress?" Members continued to question.

"Member, this is a secret operation aimed at the special threat of No. 9. In order to keep it secret, naturally it cannot be disclosed at will." The main combat faction immediately explained.

"Special Threat No. 9—Chinese warrior Fade Chen!" The congressman thought of something, and said with a serious face, "The resolution on how to deal with Fade Chen has not been resolved at the last meeting. General Jasper used military force privately. It is a serious act of ultra vires, and the war must be ceased immediately to prevent worse effects."

"What is a worse influence, let a Chinese warrior show off his power in our country and kill the people. Could it be that there is a worse influence than this?"

"That's a private fight between warriors, don't confuse it!"

"Then let me ask you, are those dead fighters citizens of the United States?"

"Warriors fight privately, and the government has never participated."

"Why not participate?"


The conference room was in chaos, with constant quarrels. The negotiating faction and the main combat faction, neither can convince the other, they can only quarrel.

Someone pointed to the big screen and said, "The war has begun."

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to the screen.

Many members of the negotiating faction's complexion sank.

Because they know that once a war starts, it is almost impossible to stop halfway.

Therefore, the battle between Jasper and Fade Chen can only be stopped after the winner is decided.

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