In the end, no matter which side wins, it will not be a good thing for the negotiating MPs.

If Jasper was victorious, their previous proposal for peace negotiations would naturally be a sign of weakness.

If Fade Chen wins, their suggestions can certainly be regarded as brilliant ideas. However, Fade Chen's enmity has deepened, and the subsequent negotiations may be even more difficult.

Compared with the frowning faces of the negotiating faction, the main combat faction's faces are full of excitement at the moment, and almost all of them have extremely confident smiles on the corners of their mouths.

In their view, Jasper, as the most experienced four-star general in the active-duty rice army, had unparalleled experience.

Moreover, the military force dispatched this time is also elite enough.

If this power is invested in some countries in the Middle East, it will be enough for them to fight a battle.

Now, all are mobilized to deal with a warrior. In their view, it is more than enough to kill a chicken with a bull's knife.


But at this moment on the battlefield, Jasper's heart skipped a beat, but he wasn't as optimistic as those main fighters in the conference room.

Although he had already made mental preparations and realized Fade Chen's strength.

However, the moment Fade Chen took action, he was still shocked by the terrifying personal strength.

The dense raindrops of bullets were all blocked by a khaki air mask around Fade Chen's body, and they couldn't attack Fade Chen at all.

And the artillery shells that dragged their long tails in the air, rumbling towards them, hadn't exploded on the ground yet.

Fade Chen shot out a few crimson glows in the air, which exploded in the air, and exploded into many expensive fireworks.

It can be said that the first round of attacks by one's own side failed.

Then, Fade Chen's counterattack made Jasper's heart tremble, angry and shocked.

After resisting the first round of attacks, Fade Chen, who was covered in khaki-yellow light all over his body, aroused several streamers of light from his hands, his feet surged with real energy, and his speed increased sharply.

The whole person is like a god of war descending from the sky, directly facing the dense firearms attack, rushing towards the Mi army.

"Bang, boom, ah!"

Explosions, screams, and booms, along with Chen Fei's impact, kept ringing out.

Rows of soldiers, before they could see Fade Chen's face clearly, were hit by streamers of light and fell to the ground, life or death unknown.

However, in just a few minutes, hundreds of soldiers have lost their combat effectiveness and fell to the ground, life and death unknown.

Although the remaining soldiers were still fighting hard, their bullets had no effect on Fade Chen.

"General, no, ordinary attacks are ineffective against him."

"General, we can't go on like this."

"General, you must make a decision."

While covering Jasper to evacuate to a safe place, the subordinate hurriedly said.

Jasper's face was livid and serious, and after a few seconds of pause, he finally made up his mind, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Send the Sea Soul special commando team."


At this moment, in the meeting room, the slightly delayed scene of the live battle was just transmitted to the big screen in the meeting room.

A high-ranking person who was present was dumbfounded for a moment when he saw the battle scene on the screen, and each of them was stunned and stunned.

"This, is this true?"

"Is that human being?"

"Then Fade Chen's strength is so terrifying!"

"It's over, it's over. It's wrong for one to defeat the other. Jasper is about to lose."

"I just said, for this kind of top fighters, you can't fight, you can only talk. You insist on fighting, and now it has caused bad consequences!" Councilor Hobbs glared fiercely at the members of the main combat faction opposite.

The proud and confident members of the main combat faction who were smiling just now, all of them turned pale and had very ugly expressions.

They also didn't expect that Fade Chen's strength was so terrifying that he completely crushed an army.

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more critical, soldiers continue to fall.

Councilor Hobbs on the opposite side was still urging, "A decision must be made immediately to let Jasper stop fighting, stop immediately, and maybe some of it can be recovered."

The members of the main battle faction gritted their teeth, not wanting to make this decision, but feeling the pressure doubled.

And at this moment, suddenly, a group of troops in navy blue military uniforms appeared on the screen.

Immediately, the members of the main combat faction became excited, and some even stood up directly.

"Sea Soul Special Commando, they are dispatched."

"I didn't expect General Jasper to mobilize all the sea soul troops."

"Sea Soul will win for sure."

"The Sea Soul Special Commando Team is an elite martial arts special force that has been trained by selecting outstanding soldiers from the army. They have the tyrannical personal strength of warriors and the discipline of the troops. They can be said to be the best. warriors and fighters."

"Not only that, but the captain of the Sea Soul Special Commando Team is Colonel Hansen. It goes without saying what kind of strength he is."

The members of the main combat faction looked excitedly at the members of the negotiating faction, and quickly explained aloud.

Members of the negotiating faction frowned.

"I know the sea soul army is powerful, but that is Fade Chen, not an ordinary warrior."

"Colonel Hansen, what is your strength? Then Fade Chen defeated even Sariel. The number of martial arts probably exceeds 30,000."

"Hansen may not be able to beat Fade Chen!"


The members of the main combat faction heard the words and immediately spoke out.

"What do you know, Colonel Hansen's strength is beyond your imagination."

"It is said that Colonel Hansen once learned martial arts under President Michael, and he was highly regarded at that time. If Colonel Hansen hadn't taken the initiative to leave the Illuminati later, the current vice president might not be Na Sariel, but Han Mori."

"Colonel Hansen's martial intent exceeded 25,000 points ten years ago. 30,000 points are not difficult."

"Besides, there are other members of the Sea Soul Troop, those are not common hands."


At the scene, Jasper couldn't help but panic when he saw Fade Chen, who kept knocking up the players and getting closer and closer to him.

"Quick, stop him!" The subordinate quickly ordered, and at the same time led Jasper back continuously.

"Want to escape!"

Seeing this, Fade Chen snorted coldly, and with a few bangs, he knocked the soldiers who rushed up to stop him into the air, then kicked his feet hard on the beach a few times, and rushed towards Jasper quickly.

"He's coming!" Jasper heard the whistling wind behind him, turned his head to look, and suddenly paled in shock.

The subordinates around him rushed up to stop Fade Chen.

"General, you go first, we stop him!"

However, before these subordinates at the early stage of the heavenly level got close to Fade Chen, Fade Chen himself inspired a few bursts of incomparably cold ice, gushing out, instantly delaying their movements.

Then, Fade directly passed through them and chased after Jasper.

Seeing Fade Chen getting closer, Jasper was terrified and terrified.

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